Originally published by AmmoLand.com. Buckeye, AZ – Are you a terrorist? A potential terrorist? A suspected terrorist? A suspected potential terrorist? Or potentially a suspected terrorist? As Jeff Foxworthy might say: If you believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or the rule of law … you might be a terrorist.  Prohibiting people listed on the government’s secret terrorist watchlist and its secret subsidiary, the federal no-fly list, from buying guns is again on the table. President Obama expressed the argument simply the other night when he said, “If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous, by definition, to … Continue reading

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Click to enlarge The United States has entered a lot of treaties over the years, especially after the complicated network put in place after World War II. The Myth of Entangling Alliances by Michael Beckley sought to figure out a hard number for just how many countries the United States has agreed to defend in war. Thanks to NATO, ANZUS, OAS, and bilateral agreements, the U.S. has promised 67 countries protection. Here’s a look at the list included in Beckley’s paper: As you can see, our pact with New Zealand has ended, but we still have a lot of other countries to worry about. … Continue reading

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Some people use volumising shampoo, others slather on conditioner for a silky look. Now, increasing numbers of people are opting to follow another haircare regime altogether – completely avoiding shampoo. Advocates of the ‘no poo’ movement, as it is called, forgo conventional soapy detergents. Instead, they wash their hair with only with water, or use natural ingredients such as vinegar, raw eggs, porridge and chalk on their locks. Others, such as Kim Kardashian, Shailene Woodley, Adele, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jessica Simpson say they delay washing their hair for days, weeks and even months on end – but do use shampoo … Continue reading

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As everyone knows, Peter Schiff is a regular guest on many of the major business news networks. Sometimes he just airs his opinions, and sometimes he gets into shouting matches with the host or other guests (SEE: Peter Schiff gets into shouting match with trader on CNBC). Since just before the economic collapse a few years ago, he appeared on CNBC and warned about the pending doom that would inflict mass destruction on the United States economy. After his predictions came true, he became a hot commodity in the media. Everyone wanted him on their show. Essentially, Peter Schiff equaled … Continue reading

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Come January, the number on the scales has crept up and most of us are looking to slim down. According to nutritionist Rob Hobson, most of us are jeopardising our dieting efforts by making simple mistakes. Some of us give up fat and/or carbs, but this means we often feel unsatisfied and overeat later, he says, writing for Healthista. Or we eat bagfuls of nuts and seeds, when just a handful is recommended – causing our calorie count to soar. Others if us set unrealistic goals instead of making small, achievable changes – meaning we quit within the week. Below, Mr … Continue reading

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A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the West but found around the world, in which a person makes a promise on New Year’s Eve to make certain changes or self-improvements in the year ahead.  It is believed that the Babylonians were the first to make New Year’s resolutions around 4,000 years ago, and people all over the world have been breaking them ever since! The ancient Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year, which began in mid-March, that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts.  March was a logical … Continue reading

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If you had to take a guess at the 10 least-used letters of the English alphabet, chances are you wouldn’t rank B down among the Zs, Qs, Xs, and Js. And on the one hand, you’d be quite right—nearly 5% of all the words in a dictionary are listed under the second letter of the alphabet. But when B isn’t the first letter of a word, it’s actually quite rare: take an average page of written English text, and you can expect it to account for less than 1.5% of it, making B the seventh least-used English letter overall. So … Continue reading

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Texas Gov Greg Abbott criticized President Barack Obama’s plan to move ahead with possible executive actions on guns in a tweet in which he told the Commander-in-Chief to ‘come & take’ the state’s guns. Obama said in his weekly radio address that he is looking for ways to keep guns out of the hands of ‘a dangerous few’ without depending on Congress to pass a law on the fraught subject of gun control. He plans to meet his attorney general, Loretta Lynch, on Monday to see what executive actions might be possible. Steps to strengthen background checks could come this … Continue reading

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Daemon – Daniel Suarez Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Officer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected – Jason Hanson Queen of Chaos: The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton – Diana Johnstone 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America: And Four Who Tried to Save Her – Brion McClanahan Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From?: And What Ever Happened to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? Part One – Thomas Mullen 100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation – Clint Emerson A Disquisition on Government – John … Continue reading

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Guns are a big part of American culture, and the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights guarantees the freedom to own firearms. Guns are also a big part of Hollywood and the movie industry. The entertainment industry has produced some great pro-Second Amendment films despite the fact that Hollywood is overwhelmingly liberal. Here are the 10 movies that every freedom loving and gun owning American has to watch. Red Dawn: This might honestly be the most pro-gun film ever made. What is more American than a bunch of high school kids raiding one of their father’s gun stores to … Continue reading

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If you call the cops on someone whose behavior is worrying you, just know that your call may lead to the cops killing or seriously injuring that person. Sitharath Sam learned this lesson Sunday after she called the police on her boyfriend of ten years. Sam is reported at KNXV-TV to have called the cops when her boyfriend Sean Mould, who had been heavily drinking, refused to leave her home. Sam also says Mould neither physically abused her nor threatened her. Tempe, Arizona police arrived at her home and shot Mould, who they say walked toward a cop while holding … Continue reading

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Like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, psychopaths can be intelligent and charming, while hiding a lack of empathy. So given their ability to manipulate others, how easy it is for you to spot one? Self-professed psychopath Jacob Wells has revealed how he behaves in different situations and has listed questions that may help others identify whether they have any psychopathic traits – as well as recognise them in others. These include superficial charm, a grandiose notion of self-worth, the need for stimulation and impulsiveness, pathological lying, the ability to manipulate others and a lack of remorse and empathy. Of course, … Continue reading

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The 50 Cent maths question A high school maths exam question about a 50 Cent piece coin sparked a debate after students complained it was too difficult. “A 50 cent coin has 12 sides of equal length. Two 50 cent coins are balanced next to each other on a table so they meet along one edge.” The degree of the angle between the coins is: 12 30 36 60 72 Find out the answer here. The crocodile maths questions The pass mark on a Scottish Higher Maths exam had to be lowered over concerns some of the questions were too … Continue reading

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1. I Will Never Vaccinate My Child
 Bill Sardi explains the plain and awful facts. . 2. Who Really Won World War II? Eric Margolis has the un-PC answer. . 3. The Real Reason for Flag Hysteria To distract us from the schemes and crimes of the regime, says Tom DiLorenzo. . 4. Christians Can Opt Out of ObamaCare This outrages lefties. Tough, says Gary North.  . 5. Every Mass Shooting Has One Thing in Common And it’s not the weapons, says Dan Roberts. . 6. Civil Unrest Ahead Are you ready? Article by Ron Paul. . 7. More Dangerous Than Measles Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD, … Continue reading

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