Given the US’s long history of wiping out huge numbers of people in the service of physical and hegemonic expansion, it may be unsurprising that the nation planned ‘a wholesale slaughter of much of the planet’s population’ during the Cold War, as newly declassified documents reveal. Jason Ditz summarizes that the US goal was to first ‘prevent Soviet retaliation as much as possible’ then ‘eliminate the ability of the Soviets to fight,’ and finally expand ‘to places whose lone value was that a lot of people lived there. …all-told there were some 1,200 cities to be targeted with nuclear strikes … Continue reading

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Facebook has sensationally banned a story about a ‘refugee’ raping a Swedish woman in line with the company’s new policy to censor anti-migrant posts deemed to be “xenophobic”. The Infowars story, which explained how a north African migrant who participated in the gang rape of a woman in Stockholm got off without charge, was posted on Facebook yesterday but disappeared from the website within hours. A query of the URL on Facebook’s ‘Debugger’ website reveals that, “this link is blocked.” Any attempt to post the link on Facebook results in failure. Apparently, Facebook feels it is more important to control … Continue reading

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Is the Saudi monarchy coming apart at the seams? Scholars and journalists have long predicted the kingdom’s demise, but this time the forecasts may finally prove correct. The reason is an unprecedented avalanche of problems pouring down on Saudi Arabia since 79-year-old Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud assumed the throne last January. A hardliner in contrast to his vaguely reformist predecessor Abdullah, Salman lost no time in letting the world know that a new sheriff was in town. He upped the number of public executions, which, at 151, are now running at nearly double last year’s rate. After meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he … Continue reading

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Every year around the world, hundreds of millions of children wait anxiously for Santa Claus to arrive and bring presents and good cheer. But what if Santa never came? What if this year the reindeer all fall ill, perhaps due to Crazy Reindeer disease (the analog to Mad Cow) and Santa is forced to cancel Christmas? The result would be devastating. Fortunately, for any children reading, official word from the North Pole is that Santa’s sleigh has some new upgrades this year that allow it to run on good old fashioned jet fuel if the reindeer fail. And with the … Continue reading

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It’s Christmas Eve, which means it’s totally legitimate to get excited. One of the top activities over the holiday season is eating so much food that you can’t move meaning the only thing left to do is lie on a sofa, breathing heavily, binge watching a multitude of festive films. From Home Alone to The Holiday, everyone has their favourite Christmas flick, but can we guess your age according to your faves? Take our quiz and find out. Oh and yes, Die Hard does count as a Christmas film. Take the Quiz

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The Colossus of Rhodes dominated the ancient port until it was destroyed by an earthquake more than 2,000 years ago. Now architects plan to build a new monument, albeit one five times larger than the original. The new Colossus will straddle the two outer piers of the harbour. Facing the Aegean, it will clutch a huge beacon in its raised right hand which will be visible not only to passing ships, but as far as the Turkish coast, 35 miles away. Its beacon will not only act as a lighthouse, but also contain a viewing platform. Ships will sail between … Continue reading

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Former New York Times reporter Chris Hedges has previously noted that oppressive regimes fall when their soldiers stop obeying orders and start following the will of the people. Hedges gave an example from the U.S.  In 2010, Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg and 131 veterans were arrested for holding an anti-war protest in front of the White House. Everyone was arrested, their wrists tied with plastic restraints, and hauled off to jail.  So – on the surface – it looked like the police unquestioningly cracked down on the protest. But Hedges says (in a speech broadcast on public radio station last week) … Continue reading

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One reason why Official Washington continues to insist that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “must go” is that he supposedly “gassed his own people” with sarin on Aug. 21, 2013, but the truth of that allegation has never been established and is in growing doubt, U.S. intelligence veterans point out. [Updated on Dec. 23 with new signers.] MEMORANDUM FOR: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, and Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Sarin Attack at Ghouta on Aug. 21, 2013 In a Memorandum of Oct. 1, 2013, we asked each of you to make public the intelligence … Continue reading

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The best strategy the United States could pursue in Syria might well involve pulling the plug on the whole operation, although walking out of there “would give every neocon a heart attack,” former Republican congressman Ron Paul asserted in the latest Liberty Report. Paul’s argument is simple: Syria “is so messy, [the US strategy] isn’t working. Why don’t we wise up? Why don’t we leave before it gets much worse? Let somebody else get bogged down. Besides, it’s costly and we are not getting any benefits from this,” Paul observed. The American politician, who ran for president three times, blamed Barack Obama for what … Continue reading

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When it comes to alcohol, there are some choices that are better for you than others. Alcohol is very high in calories and has no nutritional value, many say the exception to this being good quality red wine. Red wine contains resveratrol, a flavonoid that studies have shown, can raise levels of good cholesterol, support heart function and even has some immune supporting properties. Here, nutritionist Charlotte Watts, tells Healthista, her top tips on how to drink smart for your health, this Christmas. RED WINE – THE DEEPER THE BETTER Quality is key: spend more and buy less to become a … Continue reading

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No fancy equipment, no cost, no waiting to see the GP – welcome to the quickest and easiest health check-ups yet. These simple tests, which you can do in the comfort of your own home, are surprisingly revealing about the state of your health. Best of all, they each take only a minute or so to do… WINDOW TEST TO CHECK YOUR SIGHT Do this:  Look at a door frame or large window frame from across a room, first with your right eye only (put your palm over your left eye for 30 seconds), then your left eye only. What … Continue reading

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Summer 1978: Over a year after its debut, Star Wars wasn’t through smashing box office records. Ushered back into theaters for a return engagement that July, it made $10 million in just three days. George Lucas had welded mythological structure, pioneering special effects, and a spectacular production design to create a cinematic phenomenon that redefined how studios selected and marketed big-budget spectacles. Movies would never be the same again. Neither would television. That same month, filming began on The Star Wars Holiday Special, a 97-minute musical-variety show that featured Bea Arthur serenading a giant rat and Chewbacca’s father, Itchy, being … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Guys and Gals, we just finished a series on how to escape from Bill Ayers’ Summer Reeducation Camp (or Gulag 17, depending on the situation).  Now we will cover one of the most important elements of all: How to stay out of the “Happy” Camp.  Best thing of all: do not go in.  Easier said than done, however, there are some things you can do beforehand that will increase your chances of staying out of the Gulag. These things are not complicated, however, they will require both willpower and action.  They will not be things that happen on their … Continue reading

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Could you pass Harvard’s entrance exam from 1869? Could the special snowflakes who have been told they are great for showing up do it? I think you know the answer. You better know Greek, Latin, Math (no calculator for you!) and much more. We are pretty sure that the hacks who have tenure in the oppression studies departments can’t pass this exam. Anyway, this 8 page PDF exam proves: the Department of Education hasn’t made education better. Look how high education standards were before federal government involvement in education. One way to cut down on graft in higher education is … Continue reading

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