Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt Freng, Principal of Jesus College Oxford, Chairman and Co-founder of the Open Data Institute (ODI), spoke prolifically on the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) at the final Lost Lecture last month. With a title like his you’d expect someone incredibly positive about the subject (and he is) but during the lecture it became more and more apparent that we have been (and continue to be) lied to. The truth is we’re nowhere near as close to full artificial intelligence as the media, Hollywood or indeed academics lead us to believe. However, we continue to see videos … Continue reading

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The risk of winter allergies can be lowered by preventing the allergens that cause asthma and rhinitis. Although the springtime is more commonly known to produce allergens, the winter can also generate allergens. During the wintertime we spend many more hours indoors, which can produce allergens. Common winter allergens are dust and mold, and even fragrances can set off an allergic reaction. But sometimes to improve winter allergens it’s important to manage other conditions, such as asthma, which can make them much worse. 5 common winter allergen risks There are five common winter allergen risks to look out for: dust, … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Readers, this installment is going to focus on the wonders of Ginseng as a natural food supplement that can serve you in a plethora of extraordinary capacities.  To make it a part of your diet is to give yourself an arsenal of weapons usable against a variety of ailments.  We’re going to give you the basics on its physical properties and manifold uses.  As with all things, prior to using Ginseng consult with your family physician.  He or she will determine if its use is contraindicated for you according to any prescription medications or any condition he or she … Continue reading

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You leave your elbows off the dinner table and understand the importance of a nice, firm handshake. Congrats! You’re a generally well-mannered person. But do you know which hand you should wave with? Or which seat to offer your boss in the back of a town car? There are tons of little-known etiquette rules that most people break every single day. Etiquette expert Joy Weaver, author of How to Be Socially Savvy in All Situations, lets us in on the 10 most common blunders—and provides a crash course on being proper. 1. YOU’RE COUGHING INTO YOUR RIGHT HAND. Covering your mouth … Continue reading

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New Rankings Shine a Light on “Policing for Profit” and Expose the Worst Offenders Waunakee, WI – November 23, 2015: When it comes to embracing transparency, no government enterprise fails more miserably than traffic enforcement. Police departments and municipalities resist disclosing the number of tickets they issue for fear of branding their communities as speed traps. And local courts routinely reduce speeding charges to non-moving violations to avoid sharing ticket revenue with the state. Left unchecked, so-called “Policing for Profit” can have disastrous consequences, as it did in Ferguson, Missouri, last year. Since it’s nearly impossible to find out how … Continue reading

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Whether you poke gingerly at a keyboard with two fingers or your hands are a blur when touch typing fluidly, everyone has a unique style. Now you can see how your typing speed and style compares to others by taking this online typing test. It records the number of characters and words correctly typed in one minute and gives you a percentage score to compare your speed with the average. The typing test (screenshot shown above) only takes a minute and can be used to learn to touch-type You can take the test in the module above, or by visiting … Continue reading

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Turkey made a bad mistake when it shot down the Russian aircraft which had strayed into its airspace for 17 seconds. The operation, conceived to teach Russia not to interfere with the Third Syrian War – designed to create a colonial state in Northern Syria to which the Turkish Kurds would be transferred – had the opposite effect. Moscow has reinforced its anti-aircraft capacities in Syria, and has isolated Turkey. Ankara has now lost the benefit of the secret oral agreement it had concluded with Hafez el-Assad. And London, Paris and Tel-Aviv no longer know how to implement their plan. … Continue reading

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People like Wyatt Earp and Wild Bill Hickok are synonymous with the Wild West. But, if you think about it, neither of them did anything particularly unique for that era. They both became frontier legends after they took part in shoot-outs—Earp after the gunfight at the OK Corral and Hickok after his duel with David Tutt. But they were far from the only people in the Old West to win a gunfight. 10 Owens-Blevins Shoot-Out – Perry Owens Between 1882 and 1892, the Tonto Basin in Arizona was the stage for a bloody feud known as the Pleasant Valley War. … Continue reading

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After months of speculation, the Chinese yuan is now officially part of the International Monetary Fund’s benchmark currency basket, elevating it to reserve currency status. Chinese monetary policy has focused on gaining entry into this elite club for the last year or so. With its membership safely secure, it raises an interesting question. What’s next? The IMF announced the yuan’s inclusion in the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket Monday. The New York Times called it a “milestone decision,” underscoring the significance of the move in terms China’s growing power on the world economic stage: The move will help pave the … Continue reading

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Wine enthusiasts can be passionate and hard to please when it comes to their ever-so-sophisticated imbibing. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to match their tastes. Here are a few gifts sure to impress even the most critical connoisseurs. 1. BICYCLE WINE RACK; $34 This leather bike bottle holder will come in handy for the wine lover who’s often cruising around from one dinner party to the next or on their way to a picnic in the park. Handmade in Montreal with antique brass fasteners and olive oil-treated vegetable-tanned leather, the adjustable accessory hangs from the bike frame with ease. Your always-on-the-go wine lover … Continue reading

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CBS’ Face the Nation is the most-watched Sunday morning news television show in the U.S., attracting roughly 3 million viewers each week. On this Sunday morning, the show is focused on foreign policy, as it interviews Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham on the issues of ISIS and refugees. As it always does, the program has assembled a panel of “experts” to discuss those matters; one of them, Jeffrey Goldberg, proudly announced its composition this morning: In addition to host John Dickerson and Goldberg himself, the rest of the panel is composed of former Bush 43 speechwriter and current Washington Post columnist Michael … Continue reading

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A stroke is defined as the sudden death of brain cells caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain. It is estimated that there are between 40,000 and 50,000 stokes in Canada every year. Sadly, 16,000 of those unfortunate individuals are not lucky enough to survive the stroke; making stroke-related deaths far more numerous than heart attack and atherosclerosis related deaths combined! The Stroke and Cardiovascular Health Connection Most of us are aware that our overall cardiovascular health plays an important role in determining our heart attack risk, but did you know it also contributes greatly to your stroke risk? … Continue reading

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You asked for it AoM readers. And at last we have delivered. Ever since we started putting out our gift guides for men way back in 2008, you all have been requesting that we offer a similar guide, but with gift suggestions for ladies. “I don’t have much trouble knowing what I’d like for Christmas,” you told us, “but I have a really hard time knowing what to get for the women in my life.” We hear you. It can indeed be difficult to come up with unique and classic gifts that will really delight and warm the hearts of the lovely ladies … Continue reading

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The bloody terrorist attacks in Paris had their genesis not only in the poor Muslim suburbs of France and Belgium, and on the battlefields of Syria, but also in NATO’s operation to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. The Libyan strongman gave the West fair warning at the time that his ouster would give an enormous boost to radical jihadists. Because no one in power listened, thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Mali and now France. Among the many extremist groups running wild in Libya today is the Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh). Headquartered in the … Continue reading

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1. The Truth About Paris Eric Margolis on what’s happened, and will happen. . 2. How Bad Are American Universities? Worse than you can imagine. Article by Fred Reed. . 3. Want To Be Politically Correct? Don’t read these. . 4. Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property Lew Rockwell on the libertarian view.  . 5. There’s No Such Thing as ISIS The real threat comes from feds and friends, says Tyler Durden. . 6. White Supremacy at Mizzou Gavin McInnes on the hilarious truth. . 7. Is the US Deliberately Starting WWIII? Patrick J. Buchanan on the alarming facts. . 8. Mistress of Deception Hillary’s even … Continue reading

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