Having water on hand is just one part of being prepared. Knowing how to safely store, treat, filter and purify water can keep you alive. To know how much water to have on hand and how to store it, read Water Storage 101. This article reviews how to make sure water is safe to drink. You can get very, very sick from drinking contaminated water and in a survival situation, sickness can quickly become life or death scenario. You need water, but more importantly, you need safe drinking water. If you have water stored, you may be certain it is safe to … Continue reading

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Eygyptologists believe they may have found the final resting place of the lost Queen Nefertiti, the supposed stepmother of boy-king Tutankhaumun. Experts believe they have discovered Nefertiti’s grave hiding behind a wall in Tutankhamun’s tomb. It is thought the Queen died in the 14th century B.C. and is thought to be Tutankhamun’s stepmother, and confirmation of her final resting place would be the most remarkable Egyptian archaeological find this century. New evidence from the radar imaging taken so far is to be sent to a team in Japan for analysis. The results are expected to be announced in a month. … Continue reading

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Welcome to summer movie hell—another blockbuster season filled with costly digital effects that disappoint more often than they surprise. During a University of Southern California film symposium in June, two directors guilty of creating this trend, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, predicted the imminent collapse of their mega-budget film industry. In its place, they suggested a future of immersive technologies, where theaters would offer thrills you couldn’t get via Netflix. In fact, Hollywood tried this more than 50 years ago, when filmmakers like William Castle pushed the boundaries of the movie-going experience to make it more interactive. Equal parts technical innovation and … Continue reading

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As the debate over the forthcoming EU referendum gears up, it would be wise perhaps to remember how Britain was led into membership in the first place. It seems to me that most people have little idea why one of the victors of the Second World War should have become almost desperate to join this “club”. That’s a shame, because answering that question is key to understanding why the EU has gone so wrong. Most students seem to think that Britain was in dire economic straits, and that the European Economic Community – as it was then called – provided … Continue reading

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Countries rise, and countries fall. Nobody assumes that the world map of the future will look like our modern map. Succession and unification movements exist all over the world, providing various possibilities for future countries. 10 Divided Belgium When most people think of countries splitting up, they probably do not think of Belgium. However, Belgium is already divided between cultures, with French-speaking people in the southern Wallonia region and Flemish-speaking people in the northern Flanders region. In 1993, the Belgian government gave increased autonomy to the Flemish people. As their region became more autonomous, some Flemish politicians began to advocate … Continue reading

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Are you the kind of person who likes the Home Shopping Network but thinks it could be massively improved with a lot less jewelry and a lot more firearms and concealed weapons apparel for women? If so, next year will be a banner year for you because GunTV, a new, 24-hour live-shopping channel dedicated to the sale of guns and gun-related gear, is scheduled for a January 2016 launch. The station will be run by The Social Responsibility Network (which appears to run nothing else). Louisiana-based Sports South, a 174-year-old distributor of guns and ammunition, is a partner in the channel. … Continue reading

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Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Officer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected – Jason Hanson Prepper’s Survival Hacks: 50 DIY Projects for Lifesaving Gear, Gadgets and Kits – Jim Cobb The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government – David Talbot America Invades: How We’ve Invaded or been Militarily Involved with almost Every Country on Earth – Christopher Kelly and Stuart Laycock The Clintons’ War on Women – Roger Stone and Robert Morrow Prepper’s Natural Medicine: Life-Saving Herbs, Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for When There is No Doctor – Cat Ellis … Continue reading

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The ‘Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon,’ more commonly known as the Knights Templar, or the Templars, was one of the most renowned military orders during the Middle Ages. The source of their fame came not only from their prowess on the battlefield, but also from the wealth they amassed during the Crusades. These riches eventually led to their downfall, and became the so-called ‘Treasure of the Templars’ in the popular imagination. What exactly is the ’Treasure of the Templars’? The Finances of the Templars The Templars were not only great warriors, but formidable financiers as well. … Continue reading

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The V-3 ‘supergun’ was meant to win the war for Germany. In 1943, for the first time since World War II began, Hitler was on the back foot. Allied bombs were devastating German cities and the Fuhrer was rattled. His proposed V-3 cannon would be the biggest gun the world had seen. The impressive weapon, however, was never test-fired and plagued with technical difficulties. The workings of the German supergun also remain something of a mystery, because so much of it was destroyed and so few photographs and documents have survived. The V-3 was built in a truly enormous bunker … Continue reading

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As this is Thanksgiving week, I thought I’d take a break from Muslim terrorists and social justice warriors and all the other negative stuff to give thanks for something positive that happened in 2015. In two separate but similar criminal cases that were resolved this year, a precedent was established that will possibly, hopefully, influence prosecutors in the years to come: Elderly white guys are not legally mandated to play by the “Chuck Norris rule” if they believe their lives are at risk. What’s the Chuck Norris rule? As anyone who’s ever seen his family-friendly brand of martial-arts ass-kicking knows, … Continue reading

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In the battle to create a reusable rocket, Jeff Bezos has just dealt Elon Musk’s SpaceX a significant and unexpected blow. Blue Origin, the Amazon founder’s private space firm, has successfully flown its New Shepard ship to space, before landing it at a launch site in Texas. Elon Musk has so far tried, and failed, to land his Falcon rocket on a specially-built barge, with his craft tipping over or crashing on impact. Three billionaires – Musk, Bezos and Richard Branson – have entered the space arena in recent years and the race is on to create reusable rockets that could be … Continue reading

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The period from the 8th century until the 13th century AD is commonly referred to as the Islamic Golden Age. During this era, the Islamic world produced numerous scholars who contributed greatly to various branches of human knowledge, including philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy. Islamic intellectuals during this age made many important contributions to the history of medicine, including ‘Ali ibn al-‘Abbas al-Majusi (Latinized as Haly Abbas), Muhammad ibn Zakariyā Rāzī (Latinized as Rhazes or Rasis), and Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf ibn al-‘Abbās az-Zahrāwī (popularly known as Al-Zahrawi, and Latinized as Abulcasis). The Life of Al-Zahrawi Al-Zahrawi was born in 936 AD … Continue reading

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Despite the ever-looming threat of online commerce, analog retail stores still have plenty of fight left in them: Consumers are expected to spend more than $630 billion in seasonal purchases this year, and there promises to be no shortage of semi-controlled chaos (and profits) when stores open for Black Friday. If you’ve ever wondered how you managed to spend twice as much as you planned, you may want to consider the shrewd retail employees you’re up against. Here’s what we discovered talking to the men and women who ring you up. 1. THEY HAVE JEDI MIND TRICKS. Retail employees—particularly when … Continue reading

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Do you dread the holiday battle of the bulge? Right now, you’re probably trying to avoid your kids’ stash of Halloween candy, but in a few short weeks you’ll be trying to figure out how to indulge in your favorite Thanksgiving foods without the button on your pants flying across the room. You might have heard that the average American gains 5-10 pounds over the holiday season (Thanksgiving through New Year’s), but the average weight gain is only 1 pound. Though, if you’re already overweight, you’re more likely to gain that 5-10 pounds. That’s comforting, but some of us can’t … Continue reading

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We were talking on the air last Saturday about all the loose rubber you see on the road these days.  I suggested much of the problem is underinflated tires.  As many of you head out on the highway for the holidays, taking a few minutes to verify you have the proper tire pressure can save you a breakdown and possibly your life. Back in 2000, I was Chairman of the Ford National Dealer Council at the time when Explorers were rolling over. I was in hundreds of hours of meetings on the subject and did over 150 TV and media … Continue reading

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