As you have undoubtedly seen in the news, there is a fresh outbreak of the disease Ebola in Africa and in the past, there have been fears that the deadly virus is mutating. One of the main differences with this particular outbreak is that the WHO (World Health Organization) and experts from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta have agreed that the virus has reached urban areas. This makes the already highly transmissible Ebola potentially more deadly and may escape the country via air travel and train. Vital Resources You Need to Stay Ahead of This Deadly Virus The … Continue reading

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A young man who bought a pickup truck in Houston is now warning buyers to follow the advice of the National Insurance Crime Bureau before closing a deal on a used vehicle. Flooded Pickup Scam Kenton Basinger shelled out $14,000 for a 2012 Chevy Silverado that normally would sell for about $18,000, but the good deal he thought he was getting quickly turned into a nightmare when he realized he had purchased a pickup that had been flooded. The NICB was contacted by the investigative reporter at KPRC-TV in Houston after the victim went to them for help. NICB determined the pickup … Continue reading

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If you fancy yourself a spelling whizz, then take this quiz to put your knowledge to the test.  Players are challenged to identify the correct spelling of nine common words in a series of multiple choice questions. They are likely to give you pause for thought as the incorrect spellings often have just a letter or two out of place.  Indeed its creator, Playbuzz user Terry Stein, claims its so difficult that ‘no one’ will be able to score full marks.  Ready to prove him wrong? Scroll down to take the quiz – and check your answers at the bottom…   Read the … Continue reading

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Editor’s Note: This is an updated and revised edition for 2018. There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to designing and outdoor kitchen area. Since a lot of people have different needs, budgets, climates, space, etc, I am going to approach this article by offering up some suggestions for outdoor kitchen components that can be bought one at a time to fit into tight budgets and some that can be set up for a season and taken down if needed. At the same time, any of these components could be used in an outdoor kitchen that has … Continue reading

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The United States is isolating itself from countries around the world, and making countries unite in a time of economic repression from Washington, prominent investor Jim Rogers says. “America is pushing China and Russia together, America’s pushing China and Iran together, pushing China, Iran, Russia all together, and that’s pushing America out of some very major countries in the world,” Rogers told Sputnik news agency after the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). An American investor now living in Singapore, Rogers says that because of US politics, American businessmen are getting much fewer opportunities to invest. “There are plenty of opportunities in … Continue reading

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A seventh-grade science teacher and football coach tackled and disarmed a school shooter last week in Noblesville, Indiana — about 28 miles north of Indianapolis. The Noblesville Police Department said 29-year-old Jason Seaman received minor injuries after swatting two handguns away from a student who opened fire in his classroom shortly after 9 a.m. Thursday, striking a 13-year-old girl. Identities of the victim and shooter have been withheld by police at this time. An anonymous student described his teacher as a “hero” in an interview with local media, insisting his brave actions saved many lives. “He took about four to five, maybe six … Continue reading

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Two men dining at a restaurant in Oklahoma City shot and killed an armed attacker last week, ending what police called “a very tragic situation.” Oklahoma City Police Chief Bo Matthews said Juan Carlos Nazario, 35, and Bryan Whittle, 39, shot and killed 28-year-old Alexander C. Tilghman soon after he opened fire from the parking lot of Louie’s restaurant, striking a woman and two young girls eating dinner inside Thursday evening. “You can say they’re heroes, which is a good thing to say … but I think they stopped a very tragic situation from going any further,” Matthews told reporters during a … Continue reading

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“The statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.” – Mark Twain The recent chemical gas attack in Syria has once again lit a fire under the global population, a split is being created. Every single year, the divide as to what’s really … Continue reading

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Like the declarations that “Elvis Presley Is Alive,” the claims that Adolf Hitler didn’t die in Berlin have continued since the announcement of his apparent death. There are many reasons for this beyond just random sightings and suspicious claims. For example, most of us have heard and dismissed the claims of body doubles and mismatched skull fragments. Also, Hitler’s dead body has never been found. However, an intriguing argument can be made that Hitler may have faked his death and escaped from the ruins of Berlin with the help of his closest Nazi officers. So, where might he have gone? 10 Patagonia … Continue reading

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How To Be Your Own Bodyguard: Because the Will to Survive is Instinctive but the Ability is Learned – Nick Hughes Basics of Resistance: The Practical Freedomista, Book I – Claire Wolfe I’m from the Government and I’m Here to Kill You: The True Human Cost of Official Negligence – David T. Hardy A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East – David Fromkin How to Be Invisible: Protect Your Home, Your Children, Your Assets, and Your Life– J. J. Luna We Already Know How to Cure Cancer – Bill Sardi 12 Rules for Life: An … Continue reading

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SPECULATION around Hillary Clinton’s health has resurfaced after she was again seen wearing a huge coat amid rumours she’s hiding a back brace. The former US presidential candidate attended a memorial service dressed in the blue jacket, which she teamed with a US flag-patterned scarf. Hillary has been spotted several times in recent weeks wearing oversized garments – ever since eagle-eyed social media users noticed a protrusion on her back. During her Memorial Day appearance in Chappaqua, New York yesterday, Hillary marched alongside husband Bill Clinton and Governor Andrew Cuomo in 20C heat. The 70-year-old tweeted a photo of herself … Continue reading

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A large study has found that people who regularly eat a small quantity of nuts could have a lower risk of developing irregular heartbeat, a major cause of stroke. The research showed that eating nuts at least three times a week was associated with an 18% reduced risk of atrial fibrillation, a heart condition often felt as an irregular heartbeat. Nearly 1.3 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, and abut 500,000 more have the condition but are not diagnosed, according to the British Heart Foundation. Study looked at heart health of 60,000 Swedes over 17 … Continue reading

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Chores are never going to make you jump for joy. But there are ways you can make everyday cleaning and maintenance less of a pain—you just need to find the right hacks. From simple household items that double as top-notch cleaning supplies to the easiest way you’ll ever get wrinkles out of a shirt, here are eight life hacks to make household chores easier. 1. ICE CUBES IN THE DRYER GET OUT WRINKLES. Ditch the iron or handheld steamer and just grab some ice if you want to get wrinkles out of a shirt or slacks. Put two or three … Continue reading

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You are not where you think you are, reading this: not at home, nor on your yacht, nor hiding from the law in some overripe equatorial dump. Unfurling the crisp pages of Takimag over your morning schnapps, you are somewhere quite different: deep in the finest gossamer of the Intellectual Dark Web. Such a fiendish-sounding thing seems to have sprung from the pages of a Marvel comic—not the pages of The New York Times. Clicking through, I was disappointed to find the reality is somewhat more prosaic than the name implies—just writers and YouTubers, plying their trade, having the same conversations online that they … Continue reading

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