Judge William Alsup has laughed off suggestions that he’s currently presiding over the “global warming” equivalent of the Scopes Monkey Trial. But like it or not this is essentially what is being played out right now in a U.S. federal court in San Francisco. The climate alarmists have finally got their day in court against those pesky free-thinking intelligent people they call “climate deniers.” Big mistake. The overconfident alarmists appear to have bitten off more than they can chew. They imagined that they’d fool the world into thinking that this was a case about ordinary, wronged citizens – specifically the … Continue reading

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Nearly 4,000 years ago in the mid 18th century BC, the King of Babylon passed away, leaving the throne to his 18-year old son Hammurabi. Hammurabi was smart enough to know that his kingship would be incredibly short if he didn’t do something quickly to assert his power. So as his first order of business, Hammurabi made a bold proclamation that won him incredible support from his people: he forgave ALL citizens’ debt that was owed to the government… including high-ranking government officials. This proved to be enormously popular. Ancient Babylon had a highly advanced system of credit, and the … Continue reading

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So, it looks like we now have another actor getting involved in Syria by putting boots on the ground. On March 29, French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to send troops to Manbij in support of the US-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The goal is to block Turkish advances into the region, and this move will be coordinated with the US military. According to the president, the troops will be sent “very quickly.” This announcement was made during a time of Turkish threats to drive the Kurds out of Syria’s northern regions. On March 29, President Macron conducted talks with a delegation consisting of Kurdish, Arab, and … Continue reading

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John Bolton’s appointment as national security adviser to President Donald Trump is the latest blow to hopes for a less confrontational U.S.-Russia relationship that would include new talks on arms control. Mutual trust is now hanging by a very thin thread. One wag suggested to me that the Bolton appointment should not really come as a surprise, since it fits the recent Washington pattern — if White House chaos can be considered a pattern. For Kremlin leaders, though, White House zig-zags are no laughing matter. Let’s try to put ourselves in their shoes and imagine how the unfolding of recent events may … Continue reading

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A new docuseries has popped up on Netflix and it’s all the rave right now. It chronicles the story of Osho’s commune that was built in Oregon back in the 80’s and all of the wonder, spirituality and…  shocking things that went on there. This article isn’t a hit piece, it’s not a piece casting judgement, it’s simply one where we’re going to observe a few basic points that I have been drawing attention to for many years. I feel they are more relevant today than ever before. I’m also going to share what I believe is the MOST IMPORTANT take away … Continue reading

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Russia’s Embassy in London has sent a list of 14 questions to the UK Foreign Ministry, demanding that it reveals details of the investigation into the nerve-agent poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter. The questions, provided in full below, include a demand to clarify whether samples of the nerve agent А-234 (also known as “Novichok”) have ever been developed in the UK. The embassy’s statement calls the incident that started the recent diplomatic row a “fabricated case against Russia.” 1. Why has Russia been denied the right of consular access to the two Russian citizens, who came to … Continue reading

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Renowned global investor Marc Faber predicts that more money will be made in Indian stock markets in the next 10 years that equities in the United States. In an interview to ET Now, Dr Doom on Monday said that Indian markets are still attractive as compared to peers. Further, the veteran investor said that he will not sell stocks on the back of the PNB scandal. While the ongoing turmoil has affected the Indian stock markets as well, Marc Faber says that the market correction is not very serious as yet. Amid fears of a global trade war, especially after … Continue reading

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The Cambridge Analytica scandal put Facebook through the wringer in recent weeks, losing the company $100 billion in stock value and prompting a global debate on internet privacy. The social media giant was forced to apologize and overhaul its privacy and data sharing practices, but it still remains in the media spotlight and in the crosshairs of the Federal Trade Commission, which says it may be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars worth of fines. But amid all the furor, one monolithic entity has continued to harvest data from billions of people worldwide. The data gathered includes a precise log of … Continue reading

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The Skripal saga and Ecuador’s move to cut Julian Assange’s internet is part of a wider crackdown on freedom of speech and states like Russia which have stood up to the West. It risks evolving into a real war, John Pilger told RT. “This is about a war on freedom of speech; this man is being denied the most basic right – freedom of speech. It’s part of a wider war. The wider war is against known enemies, and Russia is one of them, China is another,” investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger said. Earlier this week, the Ecuadorian Embassy … Continue reading

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The editorial standards at The Atlantic, as I demonstrated a little while back in my essay for New English Review on contributing editor Ian Bogost, are certainly exceptional. On the first day of spring (I leave it to the psychics of Women Studies to divine the significance), Ibram X. Kendi gave us more evidence of the magazine’s commitment to misandry and black resentment. What’s the Difference between a Frat and a Gang?, Kendri asks. Why, is it that the former dates skinny bourgeois white women and the latter fat white trash? Ah no, says the writer, a kind of poetical Ta-Genius Coates, his essay … Continue reading

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You Have the Right to Remain Innocent – James Duane The Law of Self Defense – Andrew Branca The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations You Won’t Hear From Al Gore–And Others – Joe Bastardi  Dallas ’63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House (Forbidden Bookshelf) – Peter Dale Scott Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends – Peter Schweizer The Free Society – Laurence M. Vance 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos – Jordan B. Peterson Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years – David Talbot The War Prayer – Mark Twain America’s Great Depression – Murray N. Rothbard Recarving … Continue reading

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Time and time again, we’re told that there’s absolutely no reason to have an AR-15 except to take a human life. They’re “weapons of war,” they’re tools designed to kill and nothing else, some say. However, an Illinois man is alive today because of an AR-15 in the hands of a private citizen. Dave Thomas was getting ready for work Monday afternoon when he heard women screaming in his apartment building in Oswego. Thomas, a gun instructor, peeked out the door and saw blood in the hallway. He went to his bedroom, where a handgun and an AR-15 assault-style rifle were … Continue reading

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Every day at 2pm on a dusty road through the mountains of Oregon, hundreds of young people dressed head to toe in various ‘sunrise’ hues of red and orange would gather to wait solemnly for a car to go past. It was always a Rolls-Royce, although a different one each day, and it would glide slowly past as they bowed and threw roses on the bonnet. Inside, wearing robes, a tea cosy-style woolly hat, flowing grey beard and beatific smile, was the object of their devotion, the guru and mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Once he had passed by, the crowds … Continue reading

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With that their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, but He vanished from their sight. LittlemoreTracts classic, 4/30/17 — The great English writer G. K. Chesterton was asked once by a reporter what he would do if the Risen Christ were now standing right behind him. The questioner knew of Chesterton’s firm belief in the bodily resurrection of Christ, but he was not prepared for the answer he got from Mr. Chesterton, who simply replied “but He is.” Unfortunately, not many Christians today have this clear insight and deep faith when it comes to the Resurrection of Christ. For too … Continue reading

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