Few things are quite as satisfying as a Hot Toddy on a cold day. But if you ask each of your friends how to make one, chances are you’ll get some version of a recipe that includes a combination of lemon, honey, ginger, tea, or cinnamon sticks. Over time, the Toddy has become more of a genre of drink than a specific recipe, so your friends wouldn’t be wrong. But if you go by the first printed Hot Toddy recipe, they wouldn’t be right, either. Printed in the 1862 edition of Jerry Thomas’ Bartender’s Guide, it calls for a vaguely unappetizing … Continue reading

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The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting. The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead with the trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself … Continue reading

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Heather Poole has worked for a major carrier for more than 15 years and is the author of Cruising Attitude: Tales of Crashpads, Crew Drama, and Crazy Passengers at 35,000 Feet. We begged Poole to reveal 10 workplace secrets. (In return, we promised to buy her something nice from SkyMall.) 1. IF THE PLANE DOOR IS OPEN, WE’RE NOT GETTING PAID. You know all that preflight time where we’re cramming bags into overhead bins? None of that shows up in our paychecks. Flight attendants get paid for “flight hours only.” Translation: The clock doesn’t start until the craft pushes away from … Continue reading

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One would think that the so-called “Global War on Terror”, which has been given fresh impetus by the Paris attacks, must be going swimmingly. What else could explain the great enthusiasm with which it is pursued? It may be recalled that it started in earnest after the WTC attack – also a declaration of war, as it was put at the time. As is often the case when Islamist fundamentalists strike, the actual attackers immolated themselves on occasion of the attack itself, making it impossible to exact retribution. Except by proxy, that is. This was playing right into the hands … Continue reading

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Many folks new to firearm ownership are concerned and confused about what kind, which brand, and what caliber of handgun to purchase for self-defense. To the new firearm owner or shopper it can be confusing and with men it is worse than with women. Why you ask?  Because guys don’t want to be seen by other guys (salesmen in a gun department) as not knowing about guns; it’s an ego/macho thing. So guys don’t ask many questions. Well man up and stop it! Everyone who owns a gun was once a first time gun owner. Yes, many if not most learned … Continue reading

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Immense global debt and too much easy money will generate an international bear market soon, warns Jim Rogers, investment guru and bestselling author of “Hot Commodities.” Speaking in an interview with Barron’s magazine this week, Rogers stated that he doesn’t see too many investment opportunities and that mounting debt and central bank’s obsession with easy money will create a weak environment. Rogers did say, however, that stock indexes worldwide may seen temporary gains because central banks are hitting the panic button and keeping short-term interest rates artificially low. Unfortunately, for everyone else, it will end badly, says Rogers. “The next … Continue reading

The post Ground Zero for Money Printing and Debt appeared first on LewRockwell.

A mysterious Roman basilica built for the worship of an esoteric pagan cult and now lying hidden more than 40ft below street level has opened to the public for the first time. The basilica, the only one of its kind in the world, was excavated from solid tufa volcanic rock on the outskirts of the imperial capital in the first century AD. Lavishly decorated with stucco reliefs of gods, goddesses, panthers, winged cherubs and pygmies, it was discovered by accident in 1917 during the construction of a railway line from Rome to Cassino, a town to the south. An underground … Continue reading

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Just a couple of decades ago, the people of ancient civilizations were viewed as simple, primitive people.  However, numerous discoveries since then have revealed a number of surprising facts about ancient cultures, namely that many of them possessed advanced knowledge of metallurgy, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and more. With this knowledge they forged steel stronger than anything else seen until the Industrial Revolution, created a recipe for concrete so durable that their buildings would endure for millennia longer than the constructions of today, cut stones and assembled walls so precisely that attempts at modern-day replications have failed. Scientists are still scratching … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. Ft Collins, CO – Guns and Commercial (Domestic) Air Travel, Report: Recently, I flew out of MDW (Chicago, Midway) on South West Airlines. I had with me two, checked bags. In one of my pieces of checked luggage, there were two pistols. In the other was my RA/XCR (300Blk, the same one I used to kill a Red Stag in OH in October) Rifle ammunition was in four 30-round Magpul magazines. I also had some in two factory boxes. Pistol ammunition was in five pistol magazines, plus one factory box. SW folks were very nice, as they almost … Continue reading

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I have written previously about the interest rate, which is falling under the planning of the Federal Reserve. The flip side of falling interest rates is the rising price of bonds. Bonds are in an endless, ferocious bull market. Why do I call it ferocious? Perhaps voracious is a better word, as it is gobbling up capital like the Cookie Monster jamming tollhouses into his maw. There are several mechanisms by which this occurs, let’s look at one here. Artificially low interest makes it necessary to seek other ways to make money. Deprived of a decent yield, people are encouraged … Continue reading

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A micronation is a piece of land, either geographical or hypothetical, which claims to be a sovereign state—but isn’t. By the most bare-bones definition, this means all you have to do to create one is declare that you’ve done so. If you want to get fancy about it, you can also design your own passport, currency, regalia, and/or other accoutrements of statehood. Badgering the United Nations for recognition is optional, but by definition, micronations aren’t formally recognized by other countries or international bodies. Some micronations are serious attempts driven by political ideology, while others are more like practical jokes. By … Continue reading

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May I read you a few lines from Tolstoy’s War and Peace? When Boris entered the room, Prince Andrey was listening to an old general, wearing his decorations, who was reporting something to Prince Andrey, with an expression of soldierly servility on his purple face. “Alright. Please wait!” he said to the general, speaking in Russian with the French accent which he used when he spoke with contempt. The moment he noticed Boris he stopped listening to the general who trotted imploringly after him and begged to be heard, while Prince Andrey turned to Boris with a cheerful smile and … Continue reading

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All words had to start somewhere. Through the careful work of historical linguists and lexicographers, we can usually trace a word, if not to its ultimate origin, at least pretty far back in time. We know that the word water, for example, goes back to an old Germanic source by comparing it with words from other Germanic languages: Dutch water, German Wasser, Old Icelandic vatr. We know the word fruit came to English from French because we first have evidence of its use during the period when the French Normans ruled England. Sometimes, after much searching and analyzing, no satisfying … Continue reading

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When I Love Lucy premiered in 1951, no one could have predicted that it would become one of television’s most beloved and enduring programs of all time. But a combination of innovative filming techniques, the dogged perfectionism of star Lucille Ball, top-notch writing, the “can do” attitude of the production staff, and the business savvy of Desi Arnaz, I Love Lucy topped the Nielsen ratings for four out of its six seasons and picked up a handful of Emmys along the way. And even though the show’s main stars couldn’t stay married to one another (Lucy and Desi divorced in … Continue reading

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LAST MONTH, I met Edward Snowden in a hotel in central Moscow, just blocks away from Red Square. It was the first time we’d met in person; he first emailed me nearly two years earlier, and we eventually created an encrypted channel to journalists Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald, to whom Snowden would disclose overreaching mass surveillance by the National Security Agency and its British equivalent, GCHQ. This time around, Snowden’s anonymity was gone; the world knew who he was, much of what he’d leaked, and that he’d been living in exile in Moscow, where he’s been stranded ever since the State Department canceled his passport while he was … Continue reading

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