Researchers in Germany say marijuana may treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) better than the popular drug Adderall. Scientists studied 30 patients with ADHD who had minimal success with Adderall or Ritalin, another popular ADHD drug. After using medical cannabis, all 30 participants reported “improved concentration and sleep” and “reduced impulsivity.” At the end of the study, 22 of the subjects decided to ditch the pharmaceuticals they’d been taking for their symptoms and stick with pot. [1] The data is some of the first to frame medical marijuana as a viable treatment for the difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and forgetfulness associated … Continue reading

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Coughs, sneezes, aches and pains can strike for many reasons, and the time of day they occur can be a clue to working out their cause and how to treat them. Here, the experts reveal why timing could be the key to discovering why you are feeling unwell. HEADACHE MORNING: If you wake up with a headache, it could be due to sleep apnoea, where the walls of the throat collapse during sleep, interrupting breathing. Sleep apnoea, characterised by snoring, can cause levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) to rise in the blood. Too much CO2 can create a build-up of … Continue reading

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When it comes to blood pressure and maintaining healthy levels, there are many lifestyle changes you can make. The most popular advice is to limit your intake of salt. Although minimizing salt is an effective means of controlling blood pressure, new research suggests an even more effective lifestyle change that can have you gaining back control of soaring numbers; the trick is to cut out sugar. Cut out sugar for better blood pressure control New research suggests that if you want to control blood pressure quickly – as well as lose weight and improve cholesterol and liver function – the … Continue reading

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Think the music you love is part of your identity? You might be right. According to a study at the University of Texas which gave people questionnaires about their musical taste and a battery of personality and intelligence tests, what you listen to reveals a surprising amount about you. So which of these four ‘super genres’ best describes your musical taste? a) Blues, classical, folk, jazz b) Alternative, heavy metal, rock c) Country, pop, religious, soundtracks d) Electronic, hip-hop, rap, soul Ready? a) If you listen to this kind of music, which the researchers dubbed “reflective and complex”, you probably … Continue reading

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Between flushing the toilet and spitting in the sink, it’s a given that your bathroom is crawling with germs. But you might be surprised to know that your toilet isn’t the most contaminated thing in your home. Don’t be surprised if you feel a little sick after you look at this list of the most bacteria-, mold- and yeast-prone places and items in your house. (Here are 6 inexpensive, natural, and effective items you can use to clean your house without the use of chemicals. We also recommend this chemical-free cleaning solution for your ultimate cleaning needs.) 10. Stove Knobs … Continue reading

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1. As you think, so shall you become. 2. If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of. 3. A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. 4. A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at. 5. The successful warrior is the average man, with laser focus. 6. Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. 7. Knowledge will give you power, but character respect. 8. Real living is living for … Continue reading

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One of the most iconic images of the European Middle Ages is the castle. This defensive structure was often heavily fortified and provided its inhabitants with much-needed safety. It was usually quite difficult for an enemy to capture a castle, and for that, an attacking army needed siege engines. One of the most important and efficient siege engines was the catapult. The Roman Onager The catapult was a weapon used since ancient times. In its most basic form, the catapult may be described as a “one-armed stone thrower”. In the Roman world, a catapult-like siege engine known as the ‘onager’ … Continue reading

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“Racist Rant Shelves Shock Jock,” screamed the front page of New York’s Daily News in July of last year. Anthony Cumia was fired from his twenty-year gig with The Opie & Anthony Show. He had been attacked by a gigantic black woman for taking her picture and was subsequently approached by a mob of black men. He had a gun on him but managed to bark them all away without brandishing it. He later tweeted hurtful comments such as “It’s a jungle in our cities after midnight” and “Violent savages own our streets.” It is and they do. Sirius cut … Continue reading

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LEAKED INTERNAL EMAILS from the powerful Democratic think tank Center for American Progress (CAP) shed light on several public controversies involving the organization, particularly in regard to its positioning on Israel. They reveal the lengths to which the group has gone in order to placate AIPAC and long-time Clinton operative and Israel activist Ann Lewis — including censoring its own writers on the topic of Israel. The emails also provide crucial context for understanding CAP’s controversial decision to host an event next week for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. That event, billed by CAP as “A Conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” will feature CAP President Neera … Continue reading

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The city of Houston decided on Tuesday not to engage in the mass delusion that says that men are women and women men. The 2-1 vote not to allow biological men to use female bathrooms, and not to force employers to continue paying employees who decide to impersonate members of other sexes on the job, is a welcome breath of fresh air. But that has 2016 Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton all hot and bothered. In the aftermath of the electoral defeat, Clinton tweeted: Everyone deserves full and equal protection under the law. This is a reminder of the work still … Continue reading

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Originally published by Buckeye, AZ – Like many Americans, I frequently carry a gun. I’ve done so for over 30 years without ever laying hand to it in need. Professor John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center reports that some 12.8 million people, over 5.2% of the adult U.S. population, are licensed to carry a concealed handgun. In addition to concealed carry license holders in all 49 states, 7 states require no permit at all for concealed carry, and 39 states have few restrictions on carrying as long as the gun is visible, [ 1 state, New Jersey, has concealed … Continue reading

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Marc Faber, Swiss economist, forecaster, renowned investor and the original Dr. Doom, may need a new nickname. In an interview on CNBC’s “Trading Nation,” the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report editor revealed he may not be as bearish as some may think and that he is actually a “great optimist.” “I always tell people, ‘I am a great optimist … because one of the most dangerous things to do is to drive motorcycles in Thailand and I have five motorcycles.” The blunt-spoken, truth-telling Faber may have helped people understand that one may be worried about the economic outlook and bearish … Continue reading

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A maths exam question for high school students about a 50 cent piece has created a debate online after complaints it was too difficult. Australian students sat the VCE Further Maths exam which posed the controversial question on November 30 and now adults are having a go at answering it online. Read the Whole Article

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Originally published by USA – The growth in both types and numbers of gun owners, and the coincident drop in violent crime have not induced gun prohibitionists to reconsider their position. A rational person might look on these big-picture truths as evidence that her thinking could be wrong.  But if gun prohibitionists were rational people, civil rights activists wouldn’t be working day in and day out to defend that precious right secured by the Second Amendment. On the contrary, as more women, African-Americans, and others become proud gun owners, gun-hating activists have become more strident, even abusive, in their campaign against … Continue reading

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The Department of Education’s office of civil rights says that a disguised boy has been discriminated against because he is not allowed to shower naked with girls. Federal education authorities, staking out their firmest position yet on an increasingly contentious issue, found Monday that an Illinois school district violated anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a transgender student who identifies as a girl and participates on a girls’ sports team to change and shower in the girls’ locker room without restrictions. The Education Department gave 30 days to the officials of Township High School District 211 to reach a solution or face enforcement, … Continue reading

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