You Have the Right to Remain Innocent – James Duane The Law of Self Defense – Andrew Branca The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations You Won’t Hear From Al Gore–And Others – Joe Bastardi  Dallas ’63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House (Forbidden Bookshelf) – Peter Dale Scott Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends – Peter Schweizer The Free Society – Laurence M. Vance 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos – Jordan B. Peterson Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years – David Talbot The War Prayer – Mark Twain America’s Great Depression – Murray N. Rothbard Recarving … Continue reading

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The editorial standards at The Atlantic, as I demonstrated a little while back in my essay for New English Review on contributing editor Ian Bogost, are certainly exceptional. On the first day of spring (I leave it to the psychics of Women Studies to divine the significance), Ibram X. Kendi gave us more evidence of the magazine’s commitment to misandry and black resentment. What’s the Difference between a Frat and a Gang?, Kendri asks. Why, is it that the former dates skinny bourgeois white women and the latter fat white trash? Ah no, says the writer, a kind of poetical Ta-Genius Coates, his essay … Continue reading

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One of the strangest aspects of modern society is the number of people trying their utmost to appear wealthier than they are—even to their own detriment. This is fueled, in part, by insane amounts of cheap and easy credit being thrown around by banks under the direction of the central banks and, to be completely honest, it is insanity. When you step back from the hubbub of life and take an objective look at the behavior of actual rich people, you will be surprised to find that more often than not they are not following those same patterns as those who are outwardly … Continue reading

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If one were to compare the US political system to a dystopian society divided into distinct factions based on how many wars they have started, an interesting outcome rebuking conventional perceptions would have been observed. It is not about the strong on defense, hawkish Republicans juxtaposed with peace-loving dovish Democrats anymore. Looking back at the past 118 years, there have been some ‘divergents’ — warmongering Democrats and amicable Republicans. However, more interestingly and surprising for the conventional-minded — the number of the XX century Democratic presidents who kept from starting wars is actually zero. According to the research conducted by Sputnik, since the turn of the 20th century — out of 8 US presidents none have … Continue reading

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Strange things happen in East and Central Europe that get little mention from media outlets.  Two heads of state, the PMs of Slovenia and Slovakia, resigned almost simultaneously. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was a victim of the scandal over the murder of Jan Kuciak, a journalist who was investigating government corruption.  The PM had to step down amid mass street protests. Mr. Fico was known for his support of a stronger Visegrad Group. He opposed Brussels on many issues. It’s worth noting that he called for lifting sanctions and improving relations with Moscow. The PM was adamant that Russia was a reliable energy partner.  … Continue reading

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Frankly, I am awed, amazed and even embarrassed.  I was born in Switzerland, lived most of my life there, I also visited most of Europe, and I lived in the USA for over 20 years.  Yet in my worst nightmares I could not have imagined the West sinking as low as it does now.  I mean, yes, I know about the false flags, the corruption, the colonial wars, the NATO lies, the abject subservience of East Europeans, etc.  I wrote about all that many times.  But imperfect as they were, and that is putting it mildly, I remember Helmut Schmidt, … Continue reading

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Arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders, is incredibly common. Usually, people have no idea which spiders are venomous and which ones are not, but they won’t take any chances. They promptly kill the frightening creatures or run in the opposite direction. Although the number of spider-related fatalities is very low compared to many other causes of death, this list will give plenty of examples to show that the fear of spiders is completely justified. 10 Ronald Reese In 2013, a 62-year-old man named Ronald Reese was bitten by a spider while living in Florida. He was doing renovations on his house … Continue reading

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Stocks rebounded Monday after their precipitous fall late last week. The Dow Jones rose 669 points. Then on Tuesday, it tanked again, falling over 300 points. In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff said the increase in stock market volatility is another sign things are different. He reiterated what he said last Friday. He thinks we are in a bear market. All of the flashing warning signs are there. It’s just that nobody can seem to see them.  Increased volatility usually happens at inflection points, especially when we’ve had a record period of no volatility, or minimal volatility, all of a sudden … Continue reading

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Recently the Huffington Post published an interview with Malcom Brenner, who had sex with a dolphin. He defended his bestiality, saying: “And I’m hoping that in a more enlightened future, zoophilia will be no more regarded as controversial or harmful than interracial sex is today.” For those who have watched the steady descent of the sexual revolution into an abyss of deviancy, there is not much that surprises. Many predicted the results of following the “If it feels good, do it” mantra of the 60s would mean open season on all Christian sexual mores. They have watched as the so-called freedom of … Continue reading

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While Tumblr has a user base that is largely liberal, it’s not a total monopoly. Some conservatives are still using the site, although in the face of apparent growing bellicosity. Many social media outlets have become tilted in a more liberal direction as of late, policing their users, and content posted to their platforms, according to specious definitions of “hate speech”, “fear mongering”, “propaganda”, and divisiveness aimed at undermining “democratic values”. Towards that end, they are even bringing on other social sites with sometimes spurious content and liberal organizations like the SPLC to define and police such contraband, which is apparently the sort … Continue reading

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It’s a discussion that has preoccupied some gun enthusiasts for decades. Which is better between the civilian-legal versions of the two primary military weapons of the Cold War superpowers: the AR-15 or the AK-47? I’ve owned both, so I figured that was as good a reason as any to pretend my opinion counts for anything and get to work. As time has marched on, the positions have shifted a bit as economic realities changed. That’s why some older discussions on the internet might give you some bad information that’s not relevant in this day and age. What was true seven … Continue reading

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Facebook is bleeding users and credibility as it continues to face scrutiny for its role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which dominated headlines last week. One major point of contention is Facebook’s acquisition of users’ contact lists. I’ve just looked at the data files I requested from Facebook and they had every single phone number in my contacts. They had every single social event I went to, a list of all my friends (and their birthdays) and a list of every text I’ve sent. — Emma Kennedy (@EmmaKennedy) March 25, 2018 But in a statement issued this week, Facebook subtly rebuked the … Continue reading

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While Tumblr has a user base that is largely liberal, it’s not a total monopoly. Some conservatives are still using the site, although in the face of apparent growing bellicosity. Many social media outlets have become tilted in a more liberal direction as of late, policing their users, and content posted to their platforms, according to specious definitions of “hate speech”, “fear mongering”, “propaganda”, and divisiveness aimed at undermining “democratic values”. Towards that end, they are even bringing on other social sites with sometimes spurious content and liberal organizations like the SPLC to define and police such contraband, which is apparently the sort … Continue reading

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The salient facts of the new Cambridge Analytica scandal are bad, and the optics are even worse for Facebook, which is already facing multiple battles both in legal courts and the court of public opinion. But this really is just the spilled pot of a long-boiling problem: growing discomfort within our citizen-consumer class over predatory data mining and the unaccountable shadow agencies and corporations being given access to our private lives via social networks. Big Brother has been privatized, and it may turn out to be far more dangerous than anything George Orwell predicted. Typically, Facebook has been able to … Continue reading

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