Pope Francis is urging America to throw open her borders to thousands of impoverished migrants, in part to atone for the “sins” of the colonial era. “We must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible,” he declared before a joint session of Congress. “Thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones, in search of greater opportunities…We must not be taken aback by their numbers.” The call was not entirely unexpected. “America Atone,” read The … Continue reading

Hey there, ReadyNutrition Readers!  What could be more beneficial to you in the advent of the Common Cold/Flu  season than knowledge on how to treat and prevent them from occurring in the first place?  Except maybe some of JJ’s chicken soup (which is pretty darn good, by the way….I make it with rice and a ton of celery and carrots)?  Well, I can’t send all the soup, so this will have to suffice.  Take this info along with you as the weather cools and you’re spending more time camping and hiking in the cold weather. The Cold Hard Facts on … Continue reading

This is not a call to arms, nor is it a fear-raising distress call for shooters.  However, there are at least five good reasons why the time is now to head to your reloading bench. 1.  Due to the ammo shortage Though the shortage seems to be lessening in most areas of the country and more popular ammo is back on the shelves, ammo levels are nowhere near what they were five years ago, and perhaps never will be again.  While there’s not much we can do about the ever-elusive or overpriced 22 LR rounds, we can generate our own … Continue reading

Bacteria play a central role in our lives, shaping much of the world around us, as well as the world within us. We’ve long regarded bacteria as something to be feared – agents of illness and death – but, increasingly, it’s understood that many bacteria are, in fact, harmless and even beneficial. Bacteria in our gut, for example, help us produce vitamins, such as folic acid, while others help us to absorb important metals, such as calcium, from our food. In a fascinating new book, Adam Hart, a biologist, broadcaster and professor of science communication at the University of Gloucestershire, … Continue reading

Negative health effects of prolonged sitting have come to light as of late, and now research has found that fidgeting movements can help combat such side effects. The research comes from the University of Leeds and UCL. They suggest prolonged sitting increases the risk of death in those who only noted they were occasional fidgeters. Fidgeting is the act of making small movements. They can be repeated and are often done with the hands or feet. Fidgeting can result from nervousness or anxiety or even out of boredom. In active women who reported moderate to very high fidgeting, there was … Continue reading

Who’d want to buy a VW right now? Me, for one. The VW I currently drive is, by some margin, the most exciting car I’ve ever owned. It’s a Golf Four-Motion which I picked up for a song on Ebay. From the outside it looks deceptively ordinary: just the standard, boxy Golf body with no distinguishing marks or features to tell you how secretly evil it is. But underneath the bonnet is a ludicrously inappropriate 2.8 litre V6 engine. On a Golf. Imagine! It goes like a rocket. Or rather – as the bloke who sold it to me so … Continue reading

Ultra successful people delight themselves by blowing their personal goals out of the water. They succeed along many different dimensions of life—their friendships, their physical and mental health, their families, and their jobs (which they are not only good at but also enjoy). TalentSmart has conducted research with more than a million people, and we’ve found that ultra successful people have a lot in common. In particular, 90% of them are skilled at managing their emotions in order to stay focused, calm, and productive. These super successful folks have high emotional intelligence (EQ), a quality that’s critical to achieving your … Continue reading

I wear blue jeans almost everywhere except when going out to a nice dinner and of course for most business. Otherwise I am in them ever since a kid. The adult generation of the 1940s,50s,and 60s dressed much better than when the hippie and beatnik influence started in the 1960s as a protest to the ‘Nam war. Then protest inspired dressing down was a “cool thing”- and it is what many people at that time did. It showed their freedom to protest the culture and to show others they were different. Of course so many were “different” that they were … Continue reading

Want to sleep better, shed pounds and improve your sex life with almost no effort? It sounds implausible but there’s a very surprising science-backed new way of doing this – by simply breathing less. We’ve long been told deep breathing is good for us, whether it’s readying yourself before tackling a tricky phone call or taking big gulps after a jog. But now some scientists say we could be breathing too much. In fact, over-breathing – if you can hear yourself inhale and exhale, or if you regularly sigh, yawn or pant when you are puffed out – could be … Continue reading

There’s a lot of history, and we’re making more every year. As a result, many history textbooks have to focus on the grand sweep of events rather than individual stories. Which is understandable, but kind of a shame, since it means missing some of the most amazing stories of our shared past. 10 I Am Manco Inca Photo via Wikimedia Parts of the Incan conquest are well-known. The Spanish arrived in Peru to find the empire racked by smallpox and devastated by a civil war, which the Inca Atahualpa had just won. Although outnumbered, Pizarro’s men captured Atahualpa, ransomed him … Continue reading

USA – -(Ammoland.com)- May aspects of concealed carry can be a hot topics for debate among friends. But some concealed carry myths need calling out, as they may actually be putting people’s lives risk. People, who might unknowingly choose to follow this bad advice. Here are my call-outs in no particular order. Concealed Carry Myths #1 – You Can’t Carry A Full Size Gun Many will tell you that you can’t carry a full size firearm when you concealed carry, instead saying that you need to carry a compact or pocket pistol. The truth is that you can carry whatever size gun … Continue reading

Gout pain can be debilitating, so using natural remedies can offer gout suffers much relief. Gout is a condition characterized by a buildup of uric acid. Uric acid is the result of purines breaking down, which are found naturally in the human body as well as in food. Typically, uric acid becomes released from the body through the kidneys and urine, but too much uric acid can crystallize and surround joints and tissue. This crystallization results in pain and swelling and can make walking or even wearing shoes difficult. Symptoms of gout include joint pain, discomfort, inflammation, redness and limited … Continue reading

So here we are, in a Huddersfield block of flats, having a lesson on what to do if you ever happen to find yourself buried alive, six feet under. ‘Remember, at that depth you’ve got about six tonnes of earth pressing down on you. You have to pretty much use every muscle in your body to punch up, up, up through it,’ says Antony Britton who, surreally, shows me by pummelling his way through some sofa cushions. ‘It’s pitch black and the dampness is overwhelming. The soil is up your nose, in your mouth, in your eyes. ‘It’s like being … Continue reading

Two of the experts on the trail of Hunted’s fugitives – 2nd in command Peter Bleksley, a former undercover police officer and ace investigator, and cyber security specialist Paul Vlissidis, technical director of global information security firm NCC Group – help us come up with a list of dos and don’ts for those who want to vanish. Do: ditch your smartphone Bleksley and Vlissidis agreed the number one thing to do is ditch your mobile phone. Around 70 per cent us in the UK have a smartphone, most of which transmit a GPS signal of our current location, or apps … Continue reading