On Sunday evening, I was sitting on the couch — sick. I had missed church. I had missed some meetings. I had missed spending great time with my wife and our son. I also knew that I was going to have a long day on Monday, and that I was going to miss a great gathering of Libertarians — Circle Rothbard. I turned on the television, and instantly I felt myself losing brain cells. I found a movie that I have seen before: The Blind Side. I watched part of it, but then I decided that I would write this post, since … Continue reading

A campaign has been launched to try and ban the development of ultra-realistic sex robots. Using sophisticated robotics to develop realistic human dolls capable of performing sex acts is “very disturbing indeed,” said campaign leader Dr Kathleen Richardson. Sex dolls are increasingly becoming more and more realistic, with many manufacturers now striving to build artificial intelligence into the products. But Dr Richardson – a robot ethicist at De Montfort University, in Leicester – is hoping to raise awareness of the issue and persuade those working on the advanced sex ‘bots to rethink their technology. The news comes weeks after Dr … Continue reading

Having a wider face has been linked with higher levels of attraction and aggression, and now research has suggested it may also be a sign of psychopathy. A study of students and prison inmates found that men with a higher facial width-to-height ratio were more likely to exhibit what’s known as ‘self-centred impulsivity’. They also showed signs of ‘fearless dominance’ as well as a tendency to blame other people for problems. Self-centred impulsivity is a category of traits including Machiavellian egocentricity and is the tendency to consider only personal needs, with a disregard for the interests of anyone else. Those … Continue reading

The sun has set, your eyes are heavy and all signs point towards you falling asleep. You get into bed for what you hope will be a restful evening so you can be energized in the morning, but instead you’re left tossing and turning all night. Not only do you wake up the next day groggy, but this vicious cycle continues night after night. Lack of sleep impairs your energy levels, but it can also have serious health consequences; therefore, it’s important that you get to the bottom of your sleep predicament. There are many reasons why people have trouble … Continue reading

While gold has been an excellent store of value for thousands of years, in modern times it has attained another useful purpose. In an age where just about everything is tracked and cataloged by the authorities, gold isn’t just a good way to store your money outside of the banks. It’s one of the few ways you can keep your money in something that is anonymous and untraceable. That also makes gold one of the best tools for getting your money out of the country, should the need ever arise. At least for now anyway. If you tried to leave … Continue reading

Have you clocked up ten Michelin stars when eating out or regularly throw dinner parties where you serve intricate meals for 20 plus people? With everybody who eats a food-truck burger considering themselves a gastronome these days, a new breed of expert has emerged; the Ultimate Foodie. As well as being accomplished in the kitchen, this know-it-all food fan owns expensive cooking equipment and has spent more on knives than on their first car.  Bruno Loubet, Head Chef of Grain Store and Consultant Chef to La Maison Maille said to FEMAIL: ‘These days everyone considers themselves a foodie – with … Continue reading

When put to the test, Americans rate a solid if unspectacular C in science, a new study has found. The Pew Research Center found in a basic quiz of a dozen random science questions, Americans got eight correct, according to an online survey of more than 3,200 adults.  The questions ranged from what kind of waves are used in cell phones to interpreting a scatterplot graph.  Take the test below How much do you know about science topics? Test your knowledge of science facts and applications of scientific principles by taking our short 12-question quiz. Then see how you did … Continue reading

“I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give.” -Thomas Jefferson Ahhhh bacon, that most wonderful of man foods. There is just something about bacon that men love. Perhaps it is the sizzle of the bacon in the pan, or that hunger-pang inducing aroma that fills the house when the bacon hits the heat. Whatever it is, one thing is for certain: … Continue reading

Acidic bodies are unhealthy bodies. When the body is overly acidic, it creates an unwanted environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. It also takes minerals from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and remove it from the body. Because of this, the body’s mineral reserves such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium can run dangerously low, causing damage that can go undetected for years until it reaches unhealthy levels and leads to acidosis. Many people are already consuming enough acid forming foods, such as dairy, grains, meats, and sugar. Since the body is constantly generating acidic waste products from the … Continue reading

Last week, a 17-year-old boy in a wig and a skirt made national headlines by demanding to use the girls’ restroom and locker room at his small-town Missouri high school. The young man, whose real first name has not been released, began publicly calling himself “Lila” this year, proudly proclaiming his “trans” identity. Biologically, he’s a boy. He’s not doing hormone therapy or anything body-altering. He’s a boy in a wig. Lila was offered the use of a gender-neutral bathroom by the school administrators, and he refused it. But unfortunately, Lila’s desire to pee and change with the girls doesn’t … Continue reading

China’s market has performed better than any other in the world, including the United States, over the past year despite recent stock market turbulence, veteran US investor Jim Rogers told Sputnik. WASHINGTON (Sputnik), Liudmila Chernova – Rogers observed that the Chinese currency has consistently been the second strongest currency in the world. “The Chinese currency is down about three percent against the US dollar but three percent fluctuations are nothing,” the investor claimed. Stocks in China have experienced large-scale sell-off and volatility since early July. On August 11, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) devalued the yuan, allowing it to fall 1.9 percent against the US dollar to boost the … Continue reading

British luxury car giant Bentley has unleashed its first ever 4X4 and pledged that the £160,000 187mph Bentayga will be ‘the most powerful, luxurious, and exclusive sports utility vehicle in the world’. The ultimate ‘Chelsea Tractor’ will give added supercar cachet to school run mums, as well as drivers heading off-road up mountain terrain – and cost the price of two Range Rovers. Photographs, details and video of the British-built 4X4 supercar were issued by Bentley just days before it formally launches the Bentayga at next week’s Frankfurt Motor Show. Riding high: Bentley’s new Bentayga claims to be the most … Continue reading

Fish served on the dinner tables of Tudor England could have been caught more than 2,000 miles away off the coast of North America, research revealed yesterday. DNA tests on the bones of cod provisions stored on Henry VIII’s doomed warship the Mary Rose reveal that some came from as far away as Canada. Demand for fish from the growing urban population forced mariners to seek new supplies further afield – which in turn helped fuel the colonisation of Northern America, the Cambridge University study suggests. The Mary Rose was the flagship of Henry VIII’s fleet when it sank in … Continue reading

Gold’s many qualities make it one of the most coveted metals in the world. Not only can it be beautifully shaped and sculpted, the yellow metal also conducts electricity, doesn’t tarnish and is biocompatible (meaning it’s not harmful to our tissue). These qualities make it the metal of choice in a wide variety of industries, including dentistry and medicine, electrical engineering, construction and aerospace manufacturing. Another important use of gold is to help stabilize monetary systems. For centuries, most advanced nations were on the gold standard, which restricted governments from creating a limitless amount of money and running up massive … Continue reading