Iran has opened its airspace to Russian aircraft delivering humanitarian aid to Syria, the Russian Embassy in Tehran told RIA Novosti. Iran has satisfied all of Russia’s requests and opened the country’s airspace for the delivery of humanitarian supplies to Syria, the Russian Embassy in the Islamic Republic told RIA Novosti. “Several requests have been sent [to allow Russian aid flights to Syria via Iran’s airspace] and the Iranian side approved all of them,” the embassy’s press attaché Maksim Suslov said. He emphasized that it “concerns only the delivery of humanitarian aid.” On Tuesday, Bulgaria closed its airspace to Russian aid flights to Syria citing “incorrect information in the requests to fly over the … Continue reading

One of the first essays I ever published was in the left-leaning Canadian Forum, to which I contributed a dissenting article, from the right, in 1968. Those were the days when the Left was far more tolerant than it is at the present time, and also far more tolerant than are the Stalinists and Trotskyites who run Conservatism, Inc. Unfortunately I can’t say much for the essay that I wrote as a young assistant professor at Case Western Reserve, which was full of sound and fury but signifying about as much as the latest NR editorial In fact there wasn’t … Continue reading

Winning a battle or moving valuable cargo around the world is no easy task. To be successful, sometimes you have to get creative and deceive your adversary. Often, the best strategy is to trick your opponent into underestimating you or to otherwise employ shifty subterfuge. 10 Operation Anadyr Photo via Wikipedia The Russians practice military deceit and denial so often that they have a specific term to describe the strategy: maskirovka. It was the basis for Soviet plans during the Cuban Missile Crisis (or what the Russians call the “Caribbean Crisis”). Top-level Soviets trusted no one, so they designed their … Continue reading

A wave of brutal emotion suddenly submerged the populations of the NATO countries. People suddenly realised the drama of the refugees in the Mediterranean – a tragedy that has been going on for years to their complete indifference. This change of attitude is due to the publication of a photograph showing a drowned child washed up on a Turkish beach. It doesn’t matter that this photo is staged – the sea washes up bodies parallel to the waves, never perpendicular. It doesn’t matter that in less than two days, it was instantly reproduced on the front pages of almost all … Continue reading

Central banking has metastasized into a mixture of insouciance and ignorance. Today’s crop of central bankers believe they’re the smartest people in the room who have all the answers and can manipulate every facet of the economy. This thinking creates the booms and busts, the recessions and depressions. Marc Faber, editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report, believes 21st century banking and constant monetary policy interventions have created an environment where there are “no safe assets” anymore. Speaking in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Monday, Faber described how it was safer in the 1950s to deposit … Continue reading

1. What’s the truth behind the story of the drowned boy Aylan Kurdi? There’s just so much that doesn’t add up. Starting with the fact that the boy’s name is actually Alan Shenu. His father Abdullah claims he and his family were fleeing the fighting in his ‘home town’ Kobani. Yet according to the Guardian they have been living in Turkey for three years – long before the fighting in Kobani started or indeed ISIS really existed – and before that in Damascus. In Turkey, their rent appears to have been paid for by a sister in Canada and they had over … Continue reading

With nicer weather upon us, heading out for a picnic, enjoying a BBQ with family and making the most of long, sunny days are probably on your to-do list. But what if your stomach disrupts your summer plans and instead keeps you cooped up inside? This will not only ruin your summer but leave you feeling sick and miserable. Depending on where you live, summer may be short and so taking advantage of every nice day is the plan before it fades away to fall again. But when you’re stricken with gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea you can say buh-bye … Continue reading

With the average age of the cars on the road in the United States at a record 11 years old, I hear regularly from people who want to get something newer, but need to maximize the amount they get for their old car. Let’s face it, dealers will trade for anything in any condition, but they want to give you what your old car will bring at auction. Often I suggest to listeners to sell their car themselves. When it comes to selling a used car, especially cars under $5000, Craigslist is the king, and it’s free. I offer tips … Continue reading

Whether you shout and swear at bad drivers who cut you up  or are blissfully unaware of the road wars happening around you, people cope with rush-hour driving in different ways. Now a group of psychologists has identified seven ways in which people respond on the road and have created an interactive quiz based on its research. Personalities range from ‘the competitor’ for whom life is a race to ‘the punisher’ who takes it upon themselves to get even with bad drivers. Which Driving Personality Are You? Created by Goodyear on September 4, 2015 According to research, there are seven different driving personalities … Continue reading

Investors suffered financial losses in recent weeks as stocks globally came under pressure in August and had their worst month in the last three years. In one of the most volatile trading periods since the global financial crisis, August saw a massive $5.7 trillion erased from the value of stocks worldwide. No major stock market was left unscathed and the risk of financial and economic contagion became evident again. There are growing concerns internationally that in the event of another Wall Street or global stock market crash and a new systemic crisis – a Eurozone debt crisis or another  Lehman … Continue reading

Mass hysteria is a term used to describe the situation in which physical or psychological symptoms appear en masse, spreading rapidly throughout communities, and occasionally across whole cities and countries.  During an outbreak, afflicted individuals may experience uncontrollable laughter, fainting, fits, dizziness, muscle weakness, or any number of other symptoms that do not appear to have any physical cause. Cases of hysteria have been reported all over the world for centuries and provide a fascinating insight into the complex nature of human psychology. The term ‘hysteria’ derives from the Greek word ‘hystera’ meaning ‘uterus,’ and is generally attributed to the … Continue reading

Legend states that he fought his major battles across Britain, sat at the Round Table and handled the sword Excalibur. But a British academic claims King Arthur was a general rather than a monarch in the fifth or sixth century, who fought his battles in southern Scotland and northern England. Basing his findings on a Latin work written in the ninth century by a Welsh monk, Andrew Breeze from the University of Navarre in Spain also believes Arthur lived most of his life in Strathclyde. He told MailOnline: ‘Arthur really existed – he’s as historical as Queen Victoria. He really … Continue reading

There are some things you simply never want to say at work. These phrases carry special power: they have an uncanny ability to make you look bad even when the words are true. Worst of all, there’s no taking them back once they slip out. I’m not talking about shocking slips of the tongue, off-color jokes, or politically incorrect faux pas. These aren’t the only ways to make yourself look bad. Often it’s the subtle remarks—the ones that paint us as incompetent and unconfident—that do the most damage. No matter how talented you are or what you’ve accomplished, there are … Continue reading

Have you ever noticed that many commercial cleaning products come with a fine print that reads something like, “hazardous to humans and domestic animals”? Though what we want is a product that will kill germs and make our windows, dishes, sinks, toilets, and floors sparkle, what we don’t want is to harm ourselves, our loved ones, or the environment. And it’s scary to think we’re spraying and scrubbing the space we call home with toxins that could be doing more harm than good. With chemicals currently being used daily in our society and making up an astonishing 96 percent of … Continue reading