From blood in the urine to ‘man boobs’, there are a host of signs that things aren’t quite right in the male body. And sometimes seemingly everyday symptoms can be a sign of a more serious disease. For example, heavy drinking may be a sign of depression, while problems performing in the bedroom is an early indicator of heart disease. Here, experts reveal to MailOnline the nine health symptoms men should never ignore… 1) ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Could be: Heart disease Doctors are increasingly warning that erectile dysfunction can often be an early warning sign of heart disease. ‘The body needs … Continue reading

If Reddit is anything to go by, air travel is a lot riskier than you think. A discussion on the website this week called for pilots to reveal what was the “closest disaster you’ve averted on a flight that the passengers had no idea about?” It has attracted almost 5,000 comments in less than 48 hours, with the following tales among those most likely to worry nervous fliers. Pressure drop I am a commercial airline captain on a newish Embraer 175. Probably one of the scarier things I have had happen was when one of our cabin pressure control channels … Continue reading

It has been a bad week for the photo enforcement industry. On Monday, the Missouri Supreme Court issued three separate rulings declaring the red light camera and speed camera ordinances unconstitutional (view rulings). This was followed Thursday with Karen Finley’s plea of guilty to photo enforcement corruption in Chicago. Finley is the long-time leader of Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia, once one of the world’s leading vendors of automated ticketing machines. Now the company is fighting for its survival. Redflex shares traded Thursday at fire-sale prices on the Australian Securities Exchange. The stock tumbled to an all-time low of 30 … Continue reading

You don’t have to agree with Irwin Schiff’s views on the federal income tax, to feel sympathy for Peter Schiff’s request that his father be released from prison. Irwin, now 87, has been diagnosed with lung cancer and it seems likely that he will not live to see his July 26, 2017 release date. Peter Schiff took his appeal to the Alex Jones show yesterday. About Irwin Schiff And His Theories Irwin Schiff is probably the father or, if not the grandfather of the modern tax protester (or you might prefer “tax honesty”) movement. Irwin appears to be quite sincere … Continue reading

(ANTIMEDIA) Everything we know about history is wrong—in many ways. Even so, there is one particular lie that is especially damaging to the consciousness of the general population. It is the idea that most of humanity has existed under governments and empires throughout history. To be clear, it is true that governments, empires, and other forms of organized thuggery took place throughout history, but these plantations only stretched so far. Vast areas of the planet were inhabited by free and relatively peaceful groups of people. They traded amongst themselves and helped each other through hard times—without authority and organized violence. … Continue reading

For over 6,000 years humans have been consuming flax seeds. Deemed a superfood, flax seeds grow from a plant which produces a beautiful blue flower. This plant can grow in both tropical and subtropical climates. The fruit pod which is grown contains either golden-yellow seeds or brown seeds. Regardless of their color, flax seeds aren’t called superfoods for just any reason – they pack a nutritional punch to boost health. Flax seed nutrition Let’s examine one ounce (three tablespoons) of flax seeds for its nutritional contents. Omega-3 (ALA) 6,338mg Fiber 8g Protein 6g Vitamin B1 31% Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) Manganese 35% RDA Magnesium 30% RDA … Continue reading

You may have seen this video of an attorney using a novel approach to navigate his way through a DUI roadblock. Essentially he refuses to have any personal contact with the officers by putting his papers in a plastic bag and hanging them out a mostly rolled-up car window. The officers wave him through without saying a word in what seems to be a staged event. We question if most officers would react this way. Why take the chance of escalating a traffic stop into a full-blown confrontation—with potentially tragic consequences—by literally zipping up? Your best protection is a reasoned … Continue reading

Don’t miss an episode—subscribe here! (Images and footage provided by our friends at Shutterstock. This transcript comes courtesy of Nerdfighteria Wiki.) Hi, I’m Elliott, this is mental_floss on YouTube. Today, I’m gonna talk about some misconceptions about deadly things and situations, so buckle up. No, really. 1. YOU SINK IN QUICKSAND. As John Mulaney said, “I always thought quicksand was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be.” A 2005 study published in the journal Nature found that people can’t totally sink in quicksand.  We actually float in it, because we’re not dense enough to sink in … Continue reading

Falling asleep on a plane can be one of the most challenging experiences for some travellers. Throw in a crying child or a seatmate who can’t sit still and catching some shuteye in a cramped economy cabin can be next to impossible. But there are things holidaymakers can do to ease themselves into a sleepy state before they arrive at their destination – from reading a book or listening to calming music to avoiding the snack trolley or using a pillow. An infographic created by Work the World suggests travellers should get a little less sleep the night before the … Continue reading

I get a lot of leasing questions on my radio show.  Generally, I like leasing for people who do not drive more than 15,000 miles per year, and for those who like to get a new car every few years.  One of the problems with the car business is that it has its own language, and often people in the car business use their internal terms when talking to consumers.  Most people today know that “upside down” means they owe more on their car than its value, but not too many years ago, it was a bit of a mystery … Continue reading

Every few years the world experiences an El Niño weather cycle, which ordinarily doesn’t amount to very much. There might be a little more rain in some places, or a little more heat in others, but for the most part it’s usually a non-event. But much to the joy of drought stricken California, this year’s El Niño promises to bring some relief to the water crisis in the Western US. Sorry, did I say joy? I meant to say horror, because this thing is going to be a monster. The strengthening El Niño in the Pacific Ocean has the potential … Continue reading

Are you scared that the onset of middle age is about to catch you out? Or maybe you already look in the mirror and see a dadbod staring back at you. Either way, these five simple ways to halt the physical signs that you’re no longer at the peak of your powers might just save you from the expense of a mid-life crisis, costly Porsche Boxster and all… 1) Stop shrinking You probably already know that you’ll get shorter as you get older – but did you know the process starts as early as in your 30s? According to research … Continue reading