Ever wonder why every cop that is accused of something and investigated is suddenly unavailable for comment and is immediately assigned an attorney who has the same, universal reply to the curious public, “We have no comment at this time”. And all while their co-workers are out there using all the power of education, training, and intimidation, along with every dirty trick in the book, to persuade everyone else to spill their guts immediately? Read this book to find out the entire, interesting truth. Considering the near total destruction of our constitutional rights due to the exploitation of our fear … Continue reading

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While the nation remained fixated on gun control and Facebook’s violative practices last week, the U.S. government quietly codified the CLOUD Act, its own intrusive policies on citizens’ data. While the massive, $1.2 trillion omnibus spending bill passed Friday received widespread media attention, the CLOUD Act — which lawmakers snuck into the end of the 2,300-page bill — was hardly addressed. The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act (CLOUD) “updates the rules for criminal investigators who want to see emails, documents and other communications stored on the internet,” CNET reported. “Now law enforcement won’t be blocked from accessing someone’s Outlook account, for example, just because … Continue reading

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It’s been less than a month since actress Frances McDormand used her Oscar acceptance speech to push for the adoption of “inclusion riders” in entertainment-industry contracts, and, true to form, Hollywood has been quick to mindlessly jump on the bandwagon. In the weeks following McDormand’s speech, Black Panther star Michael B. Jordan announced that from now on his production company will adopt inclusion riders for all of its future projects. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck declared the same. And Hollywood superagent Ari Emanuel, CEO of William Morris Endeavor (WME) and brother of sentient AIDS virus Rahm Emanuel, bragged that from now on, WME will consider … Continue reading

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The salient facts of the new Cambridge Analytica scandal are bad, and the optics are even worse for Facebook, which is already facing multiple battles both in legal courts and the court of public opinion. But this really is just the spilled pot of a long-boiling problem: growing discomfort within our citizen-consumer class over predatory data mining and the unaccountable shadow agencies and corporations being given access to our private lives via social networks. Big Brother has been privatized, and it may turn out to be far more dangerous than anything George Orwell predicted. Typically, Facebook has been able to … Continue reading

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Rock Island Auction company always has a collection of interesting pieces at their events, but their upcoming April Premiere auction has some seriously strange guns. This is a First Model P.W. Porter Turret Rifle, of which just 300 were made in the 1850s. The cylinder has nine shots that all face outward rather than forward like a traditional revolver– making the prospect of a chain-fire downright dangerous. (Photos: RIA) You may have heard of Belgian LeMat revolvers, but how about this .44-caliber/20-gauge combination carbine with dedicated barrels for each. While FN rifles aren’t all that rare, this historic model EXP-1/SLEM prototype in 7.92mm Mauser is. … Continue reading

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By the time you read this, the March For Our Lives should be over. Once again, a bunch of kids is trying to tell us the realities of things some of us have studied in-depth for years now. As I’m writing this ahead of time, I’m not going to comment on the March itself. Yes, I can predict how it will go, but I could also be wrong. Besides, this isn’t about the march. No, this is about the Hollywood celebrities who are supporting the march. You see, Hollywood has a love/hate relationship with guns. They love movies with them. … Continue reading

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Another week, and it’s time for your weekly health news. This week we feature articles on sigmoid colon pain, partial bowel obstruction, the difference between angina and heart attack, and yoga poses for a healthy liver. Extracts from the articles are as follows: Sigmoid Colon Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Sigmoid colon pain can be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs medical attention, so it should not be ignored. Here we look at what the sigmoid colon is and what causes pain in this part of the body. The sigmoid colon, or as some experts call it, … Continue reading

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The scare about global warming is overdone, according to more than 40 scientific papers published in just the first three months of 2018. What their charts clearly show is that “nothing climatically unusual is happening.” In the chart below from a study by Polovodova et al, we see that 20th century warming is perfectly normal in a long-term historical context. It was no warmer – indeed, is slightly cooler – than either the Roman Warm Period or the Medieval Warming Period. What we also learn from the papers is that these warming periods were global – not, as alarmists like to claim to … Continue reading

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Last Thursday, the Dow Jones fell 724 points. It followed up with a 424 point decline on Friday. Meanwhile, the Nasdaq fell 2.43% Friday. Most analysts blamed the plunge on fear of an all-out trade war between the US and China. But the Federal Reserve rate hike on Wednesday also likely played a part in the stock market decline. The markets don’t like the prospect of having their easy-money punch bowl taken away. So, could we be on the verge of a gold breakout as stocks break down? In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff said he believes we are already in a … Continue reading

The post Nobody Is Prepared for It appeared first on LewRockwell.

The AR-15 may well be the most vilified rifle in existence at the moment, possibly even more so than the Soviet-designed AK-47. This is especially true following several incidents where bad people did bad things with the rifle in question. As per usual following such incidents, politicians begin clamoring for the rifle to be banned. They use all kinds of rhetoric to paint the firearm as some kind of evil murder-death-kill machine that serves no other purpose except to end lives. This usually comes from the same people who claim that the most recent gunman, armed with a Glock, didn’t have a semiautomatic … Continue reading

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“The Big Event: New Revelations in the JFK Assassination and the Forces Behind His Death” was held on March 9-11 at a hotel and conference center near Dulles Airport. The conference, named “The Big Event” after the phrase CIA operative and convicted Watergate planner E. Howard Hunt used to describe the planned assassination of JFK, was sponsored by the JFK Historical Group and the Conscious Community. Speakers discussed findings from the 34,963 declassified documents released on August 25, 2017; some were held back at the request of U.S. intelligence agencies. The documents concern the most geopolitically significant murder mystery in … Continue reading

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In my reporting on U.S.-Israeli policy, I have tracked numerous episodes in which the United States and/or Israel made moves that seemed to indicate preparations for war against Iran. Each time—in 2007, in 2008, and again in 2011—those moves, presented in corporate media as presaging attacks on Tehran, were actually bluffs aimed at putting pressure on the Iranian government. But the strong likelihood that Donald Trump will now choose John Bolton as his next national security advisor creates a prospect of war with Iran that is very real. Bolton is no ordinary neoconservative hawk. He has been obsessed for many years with … Continue reading

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Flat-Earth theorist and self-taught rocket scientist ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes has catapulted himself half a mile into the air aboard a homemade rocket in Californian desert town. The 61-year-old limo-driver-turned-rocket-scientist launched his steam-powered rocket and reached an altitude of 1,875 feet (572m) near Amboy, California on Saturday. The event was previously delayed due variously to technical problems and/or lack of permission.  “This is like the Falcon Space launch,” Hughes’ team member Jim told Noize TV before Hughes was loaded into the steam-powered rocket. “Don’t let him land on you.” The landing was hard, as it sheared off the nose cone of the … Continue reading

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Last week, in the first installment of my Mail on Sunday Life Plan, I tackled sleep – and how to beat insomnia. By now, I hope you’ll have put some of my advice into practice: over the past seven days you’ll have been sticking to a regular waking time, sorted out your bedroom and reset your body clock with daily, brisk morning walks. You’ll also be thinking more positively thanks to the Three Good Things exercise – recorded in your Sleep Tracker diary. If you missed week one of the sleep plan, don’t worry – just visit mailonsunday.co.uk. Now, in … Continue reading

The post Are You a Biphasic Sleeper? appeared first on LewRockwell.

As a nation, we are faced with a host of different problems from many directions, both domestically and internationally.  The statistical improbability of a disaster occurring (such as war or economic collapse) decreases with the passage of time and the addition of other factors that lead into such.  For a couple of good “primers” on collapse and warfare (overall effects on societies and civilizations), I recommend two by Jared Diamond: “Guns, Germs, and Steel,” and “Collapse.” When any kind of society or civilization becomes unraveled, usually the nation’s cash loses its value within days at the most.  We’re going to cover a few … Continue reading

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