They were among the first Stone Age humans to abandon the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle in favour of living in settled villages around 15,000 years ago. Now archaeologists have discovered the Natufian culture that lived in the Levant in modern-day Israel may also have pioneered the concept of church bells to summon the community together. Researchers have discovered strangely shaped boulders they believe were used as ceremonial ‘gongs’ that were pounded during burial ceremonies. The giant stones were thought to have been used as mortars to pound food but scientists have found the action would also have produced a distinctive sound … Continue reading

In 1872, construction workers digging a hole for a fence post near the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee in New England found a lump of clay, with an egg shaped artifact inside it, six feet below the ground. Called the ‘Mystery Stone’, it is one of New Hampshire’s more curious and lesser known relics. Amateur and professional archaeologists have speculated about the origin of this strange artifact for well over one hundred years with no clear answers emerging. The rock type is not familiar to New Hampshire and there are no other known objects bearing similar markings or design in the … Continue reading

For decades researchers have studied the science of sleep. Sleep problems are common in North America, so the need to understand the suspension of consciousness is huge. Today, scientists say with confidence that sleep not only provides our bodies with the restorative rest it needs, it also helps our memory. Short naps and sleep problems Evidence continues to indicate that power naps can boost our memory. U.S. scientists say that a short nap allows the brain to absorb new information. In one study conducted by the University of California, healthy adults were given a difficult learning assignment in the morning. Half … Continue reading

Federal appeals court says a joyriding police officer can be held liable for his red light running crash. Some police officers see their “thin blue line” immunity from traffic tickets as a perk that comes with the job. It is not uncommon to see squad cars momentarily turn on their flashing lights to speed through a red light, only to have the lights turned off once they make it to the other side. On February 10, 2013, Albuquerque Police Sergeant Adam Casaus did not make it to the other side. On Tuesday, the Tenth Circuit US Court of Appeals ruled … Continue reading

Contrary to popular opinion, food is not the enemy when it comes to shedding pounds. Experts say that instead of cutting down on what you eat, you should load up on fresh fruit and vegetables, and nuts and seeds which have fat-burning properties. Eating these these nutrient-rich foods when trying to shed the pounds will eliminate hunger and speed your body’s fat-burning power. Fiona Kirk, nutritionist and author of Diet Secrets Uncovered told FEMAIL: ‘The more nutrient rich foods you eat, the slimmer you’ll get. You won’t feel hungry all the time either.’ ‘If you want to lose weight you … Continue reading

Ft Collins, CO –-( “Reluctant” Prosecution: Earlier this month in OH, a homeowner shot and killed a burglary suspect. The homeowner, armed with a pistol (brand/caliber unreported), confronted a pair of burglary suspects who were in the act of forcible entry into his home. Not clear if words were exchanged, but the brace of burglars instantly decided to disengage and run away. Homeowner decided to chase them as they fled, and in the process, fired at least one shot in their direction. At least one of his shot(s) struck one of the suspects. It proved fatal! The second suspect escaped … Continue reading

Leadership is the art of persuasion—the act of motivating people to do more than they ever thought possible in pursuit of a greater good. It has nothing to do with your title. It has nothing to do with authority or seniority. You’re not a leader just because you have people reporting to you. And you don’t suddenly become a leader once you reach a certain pay grade. A true leader influences others to be their best. Leadership is about social influence, not positional power. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you … Continue reading

In an interview on FOX Business Network’s Risk & Reward, “Gloom, Boom & Doom Report” publisher Marc Faber says he still thinks a recession is on its way. “I think there is a deceleration of economic activity everywhere,” he told Deirdre Bolton. “The U.S. has done relatively well, but also in the U.S. there are now cracks that are appearing… industrial production, new orders for durable goods… if you look at the trade balance of the U.S., imports are up and exports are basically down.” “You look at corporate announcements of United Technologies and Caterpillar Tractor, which are big companies … Continue reading

“People who say punctuation doesn’t matter are unwittingly saying that clear expression doesn’t matter; that the million beautiful nuances of English don’t matter; that good writing doesn’t matter.” When it comes to punctuation, it’s clear where Harry Mount, a writer and journalist, stands on the subject. Having recently launched an online course on the subject with the Idler Academy in London, Mount says punctuation is essential for clarity in writing. “Punctuation, more than anything else, turns the written word into the spoken word inside your head,” he says. ”Know your punctuation, and you can magically signal to the reader of … Continue reading

The Black Lives Matter movement, which is painfully impotent before Black America, has led a year of national acrimony over the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Grey. The opportunity for blacks to be brutally honest with ourselves about the corrosive culture of crime and death in our own communities has been hijacked by a horde of sniveling, self-absorbed egotists. Here are five truths being covered up or flat-out ignored by #BlackLivesMatter. Truth 1. Planned Parenthood is profiting from the genocide of black babies.  One would think that the exposure of a taxpayer-funded black genocide would have been the … Continue reading

High court in Mississippi says state trooper who issued 25 bogus tickets should never have been reinstated with full back pay. A Mississippi Highway Patrol officer who issued bogus traffic citations to meet his ticket quota was fired on Friday by the state supreme court. All nine justices agreed that the department was right to terminate Sammy William Ray and that the state Court of Appeals was wrong to intervene to give him his job back, with full back pay. Ray was a six-year veteran trooper in 2009 when a routine audit revealed that he had been responsible for an … Continue reading

Did the U.S. fire a weapon from space at Tianjin, disguising the attack that killed more than 100 people as accidental explosions? Or was it an attempt to assassinate Chinese President President Hu Jintao? These are just two of the bizarre conspiracy theories circulating online in the wake of the twin blasts which set off a giant fireball and devastated a vast area of the port. Other theorists claim one of China’s supercomputers – which is used by the country’s military and in space exploration, and is located only a mile away – was the target. U.S. space weapon  Natural News, … Continue reading

When the banking crisis crippled global markets seven years ago, central bankers stepped in as lenders of last resort. Profligate private-sector loans were moved on to the public-sector balance sheet and vast money-printing gave the global economy room to heal. Time is now rapidly running out. From China to Brazil, the central banks have lost control and at the same time the global economy is grinding to a halt. It is only a matter of time before stock markets collapse under the weight of their lofty expectations and record valuations. The FTSE 100 has now erased its gains for the … Continue reading

The island of Sardinia may be Plato’s island of Atlantis, an expert claims. Writer and Atlantis expert Sergio Frau says the southern end of the Mediterranean isle resembles an underwater Pompeii, which may have been the inspiration for Plato’s fictional Island of Atlantis. He and another expert believe a tidal wave that was  caused by a comet washed the ancient civilisation away in the second millennium BC, taking the island back to a dark age. Mr Frau, who is one of the founders of Italian newspaper La Repubblica, was joined by a dozen Italian scientists when visiting the island in … Continue reading

A bit of history and background information first (it may help–if you are in a rush, then scroll down for the suggestions): The M-16 (and its military variants) use a light-weight mid-sized cartridge that falls into the definition area between a U.S. Military main battle rifle (.308– 7.62mm x 51mm NATO  or 30-06) and sub machine gun (9mm and .45ACP) rounds and because the military version is select fire it is classed correctly as an assault rifle. The same for other rifles such as the as is the 7.62 x 39mm (AK-47 and smaller AK-74) firearms which also fire mid-sized … Continue reading