Purchasing a used car is an exciting experience. Buying the right set of wheels can lead to miles of memories and a reliable vehicle that will last you for years. Other the hand, buying the wrong used car can cost you thousands of dollars overnight. With 40 million used vehicles sold each year, the odds of coming across a lemon are pretty high. Some used vehicles have hidden problems that can easily be uncovered with a thorough inspection. Other issues can appear after purchasing the vehicle. Bottom line… Without a proper examination, these issues can land a heavy hit on … Continue reading

Listen to the Podcast ROCKWELL:  Well, good morning.  This is the Lew Rockwell Show, and how great it is to have as our guest, Judge John Denson.  John is not only a successful lawyer in Opelika, Alabama, but a scholar, editor of The Costs of War, a book on the American presidency that we published, and written many, many articles concentrating on the evils of war, telling the truth about war, who started the wars, who benefits from the wars, all the kinds of things that we’re not supposed to know.  So today, we have a very exciting program.  John, … Continue reading

A federal lawsuit could reveal details implicating the Saudi government in 9/11. A congressional intelligence report contains 28 censored pages reportedly linking Saudi officials to two of the Saudi hijackers. The Obama administration refuses to publish the pages, despite requests from Democrats and Republicans in Congress. Now, the two investigators who authored the section are expected to be called to testify in a federal lawsuit against the kingdom of Saudi Arabia brought by families and insurers of the victims of the atrocity. Michael Jacobson was an FBI investigator and Dana Lesemann a Justice Department attorney when they authored the explosive … Continue reading

Almost 100 years since its discovery, the tomb of Tutankhamun, the boy-king of ancient Egypt, continues to reveal its secrets. A researcher claims to have found a ‘ghost’ doorway hiding beneath the plaster on the wall of the burial chamber, which he believes leads to the tomb of the ruler’s supposed mother, Queen Nefertiti. Famed for her exquisite beauty, the grave of Nefertiti or the ‘Lady of the Two Lands’ has been lost for centuries since her sudden death in 1340 BC. Previous DNA analysis has suggested King Tutankhamun’s mother may have been a mummy known as the Younger Lady, … Continue reading

Fear is a basic human emotion we all experience, and the great leaders of the past were no exception. These historical figures had strange and specific fears in their lifetimes that often conflict with the air of fearlessness with which they’re portrayed in history books. 10 Franklin D. Roosevelt – Fire Though he said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” Franklin D. Roosevelt had an intense personal fear of fire. His fear was likely to stem from his childhood, when he had several frightening experiences. As a young child, he witnessed his young, screaming aunt … Continue reading

With the nuclear deal with Iran a subject of intense debate and lobbying, and Ukraine an ongoing possible flash point between nuclear powers, the topic of “the bomb” has never been more timely. This week marks the 70th anniversary of the United States’ devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The following article, originally published in March 2014, speaks with undiminished power to today’s concerns. You might wonder why most Americans, after Hiroshima, accepted the new nuclear dangers so readily, even as atomic bombs led to hydrogen bombs and the world’s stockpile of warheads mounted on intercontinental ballistic missiles expanded from mere … Continue reading

A supervolcano in the heart of America’s northwest has the potential to blanket the US in a ‘nuclear winter’. If it were to erupt, the Yellowstone supervolcano would be one thousand times as powerful as the 1980 Mount St Helens eruption, experts claim. While it has lain dormant for more than 70,000 years, scientists say that we can’t rule out the possibility eruption this may some day take place – although they say the chances are extremely slim. The volcano at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Montana sits atop a huge reserve of molten rock and last erupted 640,000 … Continue reading

(NaturalNews) The police and surveillance state predicted in the forward-looking 1940s classic “1984” by George Orwell, has slowly, but steadily, come to fruition. However, like a frog sitting idly in a pan of steadily-warming water, too many Americans still seem unaware that the slow boil of big government is killing their constitutional liberties. The latest sign of this stealth takeover of civil rights and freedom was epitomized in recent Senate testimony by FBI Director James Comey, who voiced his objections to civilian use of encryption to protect personal data – information the government has no automatic right to obtain. As … Continue reading

Is the famous conspiracy about a secret government that runs the world completely nonsense or does the idea actually have any supporting evidence? Conspiracy theories — hypotheses claiming that historical events could have occurred due to the nefarious actions by hidden parties — still remain largely neglected by researchers and considered as implausible and irrelevant. On the other hand, conspiracy theories usually attract a lot of attention from a wide array of people, prompting heated debate on issues ranging from the world’s shadow government to the chances of an alien invasion taking place. While most researchers do not take these theories seriously, some scholars insist that they do deserve attention. The “cryptocracy,” or … Continue reading

You may have noticed that men are looking so clean-shaven these days! While some men like to let their facial hair fill in for extra warmth during the colder season, others have just shaven off their “Movember” moustaches. If you aren’t familiar with the term Movember, let me explain: The month of November is dedicated to men supporting prostate cancer research – and growing a formidable moustache for a good cause. To celebrate the close of this annual prostate cancer awareness campaign, I’d like to take a moment to recap what we know about the risk, treatment and prevention for … Continue reading

Geeky is the new sexy. If, like me, you love a good puzzle, then you’re no longer just someone who’s up for a wordsearch of a Sunday afternoon. No, you’re a zeitgeist-busting puzzle-solver. And puzzle-solvers are cool now. Whether it’s Mark Zuckerberg’s hackathons or otterfaced heart throb Benedict Cumberbatch in the Imitation Game, our stock is high. NSA coder Edward Snowdon is so popular that there are multiple agencies desperate to get their hands on him. With the summer ahead, I’ve packed in the puzzle books and plan to spend long hours by the pool cryptic-crossword-ing away. But now there’s … Continue reading

Those of us in alternative news media shoulder a growing responsibility of shedding light on the truth where little to none exists anymore either in government and mainstream media. As such, citizens of the world but especially of America need to know that the so called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) like al Qaeda before them are the created, well-paid, well-armed secret mercenary ally of the US Empire in cahoots with Israel, other Western nations, NATO, and US Muslim allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other oil-rich Gulf state puppets. Overwhelming evidence has been amassed to expose this basic fundamental … Continue reading

Peter Schiff spoke with CNBC Asia last night about why the consensus is wrong – the Federal Reserve is not going to raise rates significantly in September. And if it does, it will likely drop them back down to zero before too long. Instead, Peter argues that investors should be preparing for a fourth round of quantitative easing. Follow along with this transcript of Peter’s responses: “I was listening earlier. You had a guest on that said the Fed is trying to raise rates in. I think that’s the last thing the Fed wants to do – is raise rates. … Continue reading

Pitcairn Island is a place so remote, and with a history so bizarre, that until recently it was viewed almost as myth rather than reality. But the events that took place on this tiny island in the Pacific Ocean were very real. Settled by a pack of mutineers of the HMS Bounty in 1790, along with a small group of Polynesians, the island soon became like the famous 1954 novel Lord of the Flies, in which a group of boys stuck on an uninhabited island descended into savagery and immorality. Faced with physical, social, and psychological isolation, along with struggles … Continue reading