Veteran investor Jim Rogers is already predicting the worst bear market for stocks in his lifetime. And that’s before you figure in a trade war. “The next bear market is going to be the worst in my lifetime — just because of the debt — but if we also have a trade war, it’s going to be worse than a disaster,” Rogers, the 75-year-old chairman of Rogers Holdings Inc, said in a Moscow interview. “I’m extremely concerned. I’ve read enough history and been through enough markets to know that trade wars are usually a disaster.” Rogers spoke as the prospects for a full-blown trade spat looked to be … Continue reading

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As a nation, we are faced with a host of different problems from many directions, both domestically and internationally.  The statistical improbability of a disaster occurring (such as war or economic collapse) decreases with the passage of time and the addition of other factors that lead into such.  For a couple of good “primers” on collapse and warfare (overall effects on societies and civilizations), I recommend two by Jared Diamond: “Guns, Germs, and Steel,” and “Collapse.” When any kind of society or civilization becomes unraveled, usually the nation’s cash loses its value within days at the most.  We’re going to cover a few … Continue reading

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Flat-Earth theorist and self-taught rocket scientist ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes has catapulted himself half a mile into the air aboard a homemade rocket in Californian desert town. The 61-year-old limo-driver-turned-rocket-scientist launched his steam-powered rocket and reached an altitude of 1,875 feet (572m) near Amboy, California on Saturday. The event was previously delayed due variously to technical problems and/or lack of permission.  “This is like the Falcon Space launch,” Hughes’ team member Jim told Noize TV before Hughes was loaded into the steam-powered rocket. “Don’t let him land on you.” The landing was hard, as it sheared off the nose cone of the … Continue reading

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On 9 August 2017 President Trump tweeted “My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before.” This statement of US achievement and nuclear policy was apparently intended to intimidate the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, who tested a nuclear-capable ballistic missile three months later, following which the US president issued an insulting tweet that referred to him as “Little Rocket Man.” The level of international dialogue and diplomacy sank to yet a new low which was enthusiastically reciprocated by Kim, but Trump gave a rare exhibition of … Continue reading

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Here’s why vaccines are unnecessary: They are merely given purportedly to immunize against or shall it be said ‘prevent’ certain diseases, most of which are rarely fatal in first world countries. These are mostly transitory viral conditions. There are safer, less invasive answers. Wild oregano oil is the key alternative. If it is from a truly wild source, then, it can be taken aggressively: as much as needed. Yet, for the typically immunized conditions only a modest amount is necessary, for instance, for chicken pox, measles, and mumps: like a few drops several times daily. Wild oregano oil can also be … Continue reading

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Social activist Julia Ward wrote “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” in 1861, the same year that Henry Timrod composed his “Ethnogenesis” (the poem which kicked off part 2 of this series). In it, she penned that God will use His “terrible swift sword” to bring judgment upon “condemners” and “crush the serpent with his heel.” The wicked this New Yorker wanted to vanquish was, of course, the Southern people. Howe, the daughter of a Wall Street Banker and Calvinist-turned-Unitarian, saw the Northern cause as a holy war – the Yankees’ manifest destiny – and the Union as the army of God, … Continue reading

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The Vatican has taken new measures to punish critics of Pope Francis in a move that seems to belie the pope’s earlier calls for greater dialogue and debate within the Church. On Thursday, the Rome-based Sovereign Order of Malta, which reports directly to the Holy See, suspended historian Henry Sire after he was revealed to be the author of the bestselling book The Dictator Pope: The Inside Story of the Francis Papacy, a critical examination of the pontificate of Pope Francis. Meanwhile the Vatican has hired the international law firm of Baker McKenzie to force a small Spanish website called to close its doors, allegedly … Continue reading

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A newly-published collection of documents shows that Boris Yeltsin was misled by US officials, who told him that the Partnership for Peace was an alternative to NATO expansion when in reality it was the precursor to it. Despite objections from Moscow, Washington quietly pressed on with expansion plans. The new documents, compiled by the National Security Archive from US and Russian government files, show that US officials gave misguiding statements to Russian President Boris Yeltsin about plans for the expansion of NATO. They told Yeltsin that the Partnership for Peace — a NATO program to encourage military co-operation between NATO members and other Euro-Atlantic and ex-Soviet states — was an alternative to expanding … Continue reading

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Trump rightly criticized George W. Bush for getting us into the disastrous Iraq war. But now Trump’s presidency is turning into Bush’s third term … Trump is appointing John Bolton as his National Security Adviser. Who’s Bolton? He’s one of the key architects of the Iraq war, who previously admitted that the Iraq war was about oil, not protecting the United States from weapons of mass destruction. And see this. He has also openly called for partition of Iraq and Syria into a number of different countries … as Bolton’s beloved Neocons have been planning for over 20 years. Slate notes: John Bolton’s appointment as national security adviser—a post that requires … Continue reading

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Once again the intrepid Peter Dale Scott takes us into that claustrophobic wilderness of mirrors where the criminal underworld meets the establishment upperworld in the sub-rosa labyrinth of the Deep State. Scott is the premier synthesizer unearthing all the various seemingly unconnected strands of hard documentary factual evidence and counterfactual hypothesizing concerning the November 22, 1963, coup d’état. He begins by addressing head-on the seminal question of “Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?” in a brilliantly sketched portrait we have not seen before. The intelligence services (especially the CIA’s chief of counterintelligence James Jesus Angleton – Associate Deputy Director of Operations … Continue reading

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Safe rangecraft includes knowing how to handle your unholstered pistol on the firing line. Beyond the range, competent use of ready positions enhances the gun-wielding person’s ability to navigate crowded or unknown situations. This article covers three so-called ready positions that serve to keep shooters and those around them safe, as well as keeping the firearm poised for quick deployment. The names of ready positions used here are arbitrary; they’re the ones I use. Other instructors may call them other names. What’s important is mastery of their use. They’re presented here in the order that they’d be used in situations … Continue reading

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Every year, people die from falling through ice they thought was safe to cross. In near-frozen water, you have exactly 10 minutes to get out of the icy waters before your muscles become too cold to function. As well, your heart rate and blood pressure increases, so the chance of cardiac arrest and sudden death could occur. Know these preventative measures and how to survive if you find yourself in this type of emergency. For any of you who have ever read Jack London’s “To Build a Fire,” the possibility of breaking through the ice and either drowning or dying … Continue reading

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A giant funnel 72 kilometers long and 55 kilometers wide, the Yellowstone Supervolcano, is located on the territory of the federal park of the same name in the US state of Wyoming. The origin of this volcano still remains a subject of heated scientific debate. Researchers Peter Nelson and Stephen Grand at the University of Texas Seismic have carried out a seismic analysis of the Yellowstone Supervolcano which confirmed that the volcano contains a powerful plume — a “fountain” of magma rising rapidly from the depths of the Earth’s mantle, according to the journal Nature Geoscience. “The Yellowstone hotspot, located in North America, is an intraplate source of magmatism, the cause … Continue reading

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In June of 2013, Edward Snowden was the most wanted man in the world as the U.S. government and others frantically attempted to arrest him for leaking documents that exposed the breadth of surveillance imposed upon the public. The Portuguese government even forced a plane carrying Bolivia’s president to be grounded because of rumors that Snowden might be on board. Snowden has since been living in exile in Russia as U.S. government officials have relentlessly tried to bring him home to prosecute him over alleged violations of the Espionage Act. Former CIA director-turned-secretary of state Mike Pompeo and others have shamed him, calling him a traitor. Pompeo has even called for his … Continue reading

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Every year, people die from falling through ice they thought was safe to cross. In near-frozen water, you have exactly 10 minutes to get out of the icy waters before your muscles become too cold to function. As well, your heart rate and blood pressure increases, so the chance of cardiac arrest and sudden death could occur. Know these preventative measures and how to survive if you find yourself in this type of emergency. For any of you who have ever read Jack London’s “To Build a Fire,” the possibility of breaking through the ice and either drowning or dying … Continue reading

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