Editor’s Note: Former Redflex CEO, Karen Finley, just pleaded guilty in a federal bribery probe in Ohio. Finley admitted her involvement in a scheme to make campaign donations to officials in Columbus and Cincinnati in exchange for retaining Redflex’s red-light camera contracts. Finley also faces charges related to a $2 million bribery scheme involving the City of Chicago. We’re not surprised. The red-light camera industry has a long history of cozying up to government officials and police in exchange for preferential treatment, as this NMA blog from 2011 clearly documents.  The Corruption of Government Officials (and Police) by the Ticket … Continue reading

Some like it nutty, others prefer caramel but one thing is undeniable, no matter what additions are put in your chocolate it’s bound to satisfy you. Chocolate is guilty pleasure which some of us simply can’t say no to. Whether it’s the smell that gets you or its creaminess, chocolate offers a number of sensations which just make us feel good. Sadly, though, it often falls under the junk food category due to its sugar and fat content. So what are we supposed to do but limit our consumption of the good stuff. But maybe we can start to indulge a … Continue reading

Why could archaeologists not find the site of the fabled Hanging Garden of Babylon beside Nebuchadnezzar’s enormous palace at Babylon?  Why did Nebuchadnezzer  omit to mention that he had created a world wonder in his complete and detailed inscriptions?  Why were the Greek accounts of the Hanging Garden written so many centuries later than the time when it was created? These are some of the intriguing questions that impelled me to find out how to understand the tradition.  Earlier scholars had sometimes despaired of a real historical Wonder, and suggested pure legendary fiction, but that was not satisfactory because all … Continue reading

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In some cases, that might actually be an understatement. The following are some of the most iconic images ever, permanently ingrained in our culture, and they have a few interesting stories to tell. 10 The Roaring Lion – Yousuf Karsh Photo credit: Yousuf Karsh Not many people will know that the title of this photograph is The Roaring Lion, but most of them will still recognize it. It is one of the most iconic images of Churchill and one of the most reproduced photos ever. It shows a steely-eyed leader in a … Continue reading

The American flag is a symbol of Native American genocide. We need to take it down. While you’re at it, take down the Union Jack. It symbolizes 700 years of war against Scotland. The Kiss logo has an SS that looks like Hitler’s SS. That’s offensive to all the Holocaust survivors in the audience. The Young Turks is offensive to the 1.5 Armenian Christians they murdered. They need to #ChangeTheName. I’m offended when rednecks call themselves rednecks because the term comes from Scotch-Irish slaves who couldn’t handle the Southern heat. That word should be as illegal as “kaffir” is in … Continue reading

Once again we are reaching the hoofed peak of the English social season. Although it must be remembered that Ascot does hold 26 days of racing a year, it is only this five-day meeting in June that is termed ‘Royal Ascot’. For those who wish to rub shoulders with the upper echelons of society, please note that whatever you do, don’t call it ‘horse racing’. It is just ‘racing’ – as the attitude of the top classes is what on earth else do you race? Cars and motorbikes are certainly not raced. WHERE’S BEST TO WATCH THE RACE? To be … Continue reading

Everybody can benefit from having a friend. They can help us get through the tough times or just help us save a few bucks with a ride to the airport. Bonds of friendship can be formed through many different ways such as common interests, sharing hardships, or even geographical proximity. Look close enough, and you will find friendships in the unlikeliest of places. 10 Arthur Conan Doyle & Harry Houdini After establishing himself as a renowned escapologist, Harry Houdini spent the latter half of his career debunking the supernatural and exposing fake psychics. Conan Doyle, on the other hand, was … Continue reading

I have written on the subject of extending car loans before, but new information has me compelled to warn people again of the dangers of stretching out a car loan to achieve an affordable payment. Believe me, I get it…it is easy to get caught up in the phenomenon of the new car smell. You saw a car that looked great to you, your old car is tired, and you want the latest and greatest new model out there. You go to a dealership, take that test drive, and the love affair begins. You are blinded by they styling, the … Continue reading

Have you ever wondered to yourself, “Was that person just flirting with me?” This may not only happen at a bar or party. It could be after a pleasant exchange at the supermarket, a few shared glances at a coffee shop, or following a more involved conversation at a social event. It is important to read these situations properly because the line between friendly and more than friends can be difficult to discern. First off, it is important to realise that when men and women look at the same behavior, men are more likely see behaviors as more flirtatious, seductive … Continue reading

Two years ago this month, the young and ambitious investigative journalist Michael Hastings died in a mysterious fiery car crash. Investigators and journalists have confirmed some startling revelations regarding the accident in the past two years, though the truth of what really happened to Hastings could have been buried with him. Hastings was known for challenging conventional wisdom and investigating authority at the highest levels. With a Polk Award-winning article in Rolling Stone, he brought down General Stanley McChrystal, commander of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force and US Forces-Afghanistan. At the time of his death, Hastings had been working on … Continue reading

A set of never-before-seen photos of the Kennedy family, which features images of former President John F. Kennedy, his wife Jacqueline and their two children, will be put up for auction this week. The 79 candid images were previously owned by the family’s nanny Maud Shaw, who watched the couple’s children Caroline and John F. Kennedy Jr. for seven years, much of which was spent in the White House. The pictures, along with a custom-made maternity dress the First Lady wore while pregnant with John in 1960, are being sold as one lot by Nate D. Sanders Auctions on Thursday, June … Continue reading

A white Ivy League professor has taken to the pages of the Huffington Post to condemn her own race, declaring that she chose never to reproduce because her children would simply inherit white privilege. What do you think? Ali Michael, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s (Penn) Graduate School of Education, was prompted to write by the Rachel Dolezal saga, in which the head of Spokane’s NAACP branch was revealed to be a white woman who simply identifies as black and has assimilated into black culture. Dolezal’s aspiration to forsake whiteness and embrace a new race, Michael says, is … Continue reading

Kidney cleanses have been utilized since ancient times to keep the kidneys free of calcium deposits. These calcium accumulations can sometimes increase to the size of a kidney stone. You’ll usually know when you have a kidney stone because the pain can be excruciating. Thankfully, both kidney cleanses and consuming essential foods for kidney health are sound ways to prevent complications. The kidneys are very delicate organs which filter the blood — 24/7 — over the course of a lifetime. Therefore, it really helps to conduct a regular cleanse either by way of one’s diet or through the use of … Continue reading

Shortly after the Argentinian cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was consecrated Pope Francis in 2013, news stories reported that the new pontiff wanted to build a stronger relationship between the Catholic Church and science—one that saw science not in opposition to, but compatible with, religious belief. Some months later, the pope declared that evolution and the Big Bang theory of creation are real and don’t conflict with belief in God. Now, in the wake of the pope’s encyclical on climate change and the environment, Laudato Si (or, Be Praised), the press has exulted in the pope’s apparent effort to find even … Continue reading

There are many variables when it comes to the best time to buy a new set of wheels.  I get this question on myradio show a lot, as people often wonder what the best time to buy is.  Years ago that was an easy answer – today it is almost impossible.  I try to alert my listeners when I feel the conditions for purchasing are better than usual.  As I write this in mid-June 2015, I see some signs that could have an effect on the final price you can get. Rebates and factory incentives ebb and flow all the … Continue reading