Vince Vaughn has a few thoughts on guns in America, the most baffling of which is that there aren’t nearly enough of them. In a recent interview with the British version of GQ magazine, Vaughn said he “support[s] people having a gun in public full stop, not just in [the] home,” that mass shootings have “only happened in places that don’t allow guns,” and suggested the problem with America’s schools is the woeful lack of weaponry on campuses, “so again and again these guys go and shoot up these fucking schools because they know there are no guns there.” According to Vaughn, … Continue reading

Seasonal cleanses have been customary within indigenous societies for millennia. These herbal and food-based cleansing therapies were usually performed during the change of seasons. The transitions that occur during the Autumn and Spring months are quite conducive for release of ‘the old’ in order to make room for ‘the new.’ Leaves die in the Fall, new growth sprouts in the Spring. The major detoxification organs of the body also require an annual rejuvenation of sorts. The liver, colon, and kidneys especially benefit from cleanses which purge the accumulated sludge and stones. Of these three, it is the liver and gallbladder … Continue reading

Why did the National Security Agency (NSA) dispatch hundreds of agents to the US Congress to lobby for the USA FREEDOM Act if the legislation would, as many of the bill’s advocates in the Congress assert, greatly restrain the US government’s mass surveillance program? Judge Andrew Napolitano, the senior judicial analyst at Fox News, answers in a new video commentary that the NSA lobbied for the USA FREEDOM Act because the bill actually provides absolutely no “savings of civil liberties” and does not in any way change the “volume or nature” of the information the US government obtains via mass … Continue reading

Students flooded social media this week to ridicule this tricky maths teaser about a teenage girl and her struggle with a sugary diet. Here’s how to solve it. Earlier this week this question was in the Edexcel Maths GCSE paper: There are n sweets in a bag. 6 of the sweets are orange. The rest of the sweets are yellow. Hannah takes a random sweet from the bag. She eats the sweet. Hannah then takes at random another sweet from the bag. She eats the sweet. The probability that Hannah eats two orange sweets is 1/3. Show that n² – … Continue reading

Good Day to all of you guys and gals out there in Ready Nutrition Reader-land!  Today we’re going to review JJ’s favorite shotguns to recommend for our prepper community.  What good are all of your supplies if you can’t protect them from bears, burglars, or would-be marauders when a collapse occurs?  The two models for discussion are able to be used for home defense and also to put meat on your table as hunting weapons. The first thing I wish to do is clear up any misconceptions that shotguns are too powerful to be used by the ladies.  On the … Continue reading

Feeling a little nauseous because you’re nervous about seeing your doctor? Really, who wants to be probed or prodded while wearing an ill-fitting gown? It doesn’t rate high on our list of favorite things, either, although we know it’s important. But how we feel about things can be revealed by our stomach. There’s an intimate brain stomach connection – commonly referred to as the “mind gut connection” – that’s hard at work 24/7. As research now shows, those butterflies are like pin pricks of dread for the tummy, turning you into a physical and mental ball of nerves. The stomach … Continue reading

KING: He’s made three runs for the White House, and now his son, US Senator Rand Paul, is aiming for the Oval Office. Ron Paul, former Republican member of the House of Representatives. And one time Libertarian presidential nominee is my guest on this edition of PoliticKING. Welcome to PoliticKING, I’m Larry King. He is always outspoken, opinionated, and one of a kind. He’s Ron Paul. He joins me from Clute, Texas. Former congressman, he’s a physician. He’s made White House bids twice as a Republican, once in 1998 as the Libertarian party’s nominee. He’s the founder of the Ron … Continue reading

The eyes may be said to be the windows of the soul, but a look at our eyes also sheds some interesting light upon diverse facets of human biology. In this list, our discoveries take us through a surprising story about the history of the blue eye mutation, lesser-known facts about eye color and disease correlations, hidden blind spots, and why we can shed three different types of tears. 10 Blue-Eyed People Have A Common Ancestor Blue-eyed humans make up a significant percentage of the population in certain areas of Europe, Eurasia, and the lands inhabited by the diaspora of … Continue reading

John A. Ruskamp Jr., Ed.D., reports that he has identified an outstanding, history-changing treasure hidden in plain sight. High above a walking path in Albuquerque’s Petroglyph National Monument, Ruskamp spotted petroglyphs that struck him as unusual. After consulting with experts on Native American rock writing and ancient Chinese scripts to corroborate his analysis, he has concluded that the readable message preserved by these petroglyphs was likely inscribed by a group of Chinese explorers thousands of years ago. On the fringe of archaeology have long been claims that the Chinese reached North America long before Europeans. With some renowned experts taking … Continue reading

More than half a century on, the allied bombing of Germany’s cities during the second world war remains a controversial topic. On Wednesday, Britain’s ambassador to Germany, Sir Peter Torry, travelled to the city of Kassel to mark the 60th anniversary of its destruction by British warplanes. Around 10,000 people died on the night of October 22 1943, when an immense firestorm swept the city. “In the peaceful Europe which we live in today, it is hard for those who did not experience the second world war to understand the bitter emotions to which it gave rise,” the ambassador said. … Continue reading

While you might not indulge in a high-quality cut of meat too often because of the cost, there is some new evidence showing that juicy steak could be great for you blood pressure. With summer in full swing, this is a perfect idea for your grill with the added benefit of good health! The study, published in the Journal of Human Hypertension, looked at four different diets. The first was The Healthy American Diet (the control), the DASH diet, the BOLD diet, and the BOLD+ diet to test how they respectively impacted vascular health. Where’s the beef? Fire up the … Continue reading

After finishing a long term in public office, many politicians earn healthy amounts of cash through speaking engagements. Indeed, booking one of America’s more recognizable public figures comes with a hefty pricetag. Even though speaking engagements can prove highly lucrative for politicians, they can also be risky. The extortionate prices charged by some speakers have, somewhat unsurprisingly, sometimes led to accusations of greed. So who are the costliest public speakers in the United States? ABC News took a look at some of the country’s highest speaking fees with Donald Trump coming first by a huge distance. The billionaire earned an incredible $1.5 million for each of his … Continue reading

The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the US carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology – all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, the Associated Press has learned. The planes’ surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge’s approval, and the FBI said the flights are used for specific, ongoing investigations. In a recent 30-day period, the agency flew above more than 30 cities in 11 states across the country, an AP review found. Aerial surveillance represents a changing frontier for law enforcement, providing what the government … Continue reading

FIFA has nothing on the NFL. Maybe you’ve heard the shocking news that a country, where it’s 108 degrees when the games are played, Qatar, appears to have seen the need to bribe the people in charge in order to get the World Cup there in 2022. On Wednesday, the U.S. Justice department indicted 14 people on charges of bribery, racketeering, money-laundering and other charges. Two days later, FIFA reelected Sepp Blatter, the man in charge while all this corruption was going on, to his fifth term as president. All over the world, there are tumbleweeds bouncing around and through … Continue reading