Former US congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul has said that the Central Intelligence Agency is a “secret government” that may be involved in “domestic assassinations.” “They are a secret government,” he said during his program “Ron Paul Liberty Report” on Monday. The CIA is “way out of control.” Paul said Americans should recognize the “corrosive nature of the CIA” and “what we don’t know that they’re involved in.” He noted that when he was in Washington, there was “a black budget, we never knew exactly how much money was spent, that I imagine there is not one person that … Continue reading

Forget flannel pyjamas and slinky nighties – wearing nothing at all in bed could boost your health, one doctor says. One in three adults sleeps in the nude, according to an international study by the U.S. National Sleep Foundation. And now, Dr Sarah Brewer, a GP and nutritionist based in Guernsey, says it’s been shown to have all sorts of benefits. ‘Sleeping naked can regulate your temperature, helping you get the best night sleep,’ she told MailOnline. This is because people tend to fall asleep more quickly, and have better quality sleep, when the temperature is lower, she said. And … Continue reading

Obscured by Jon Stewart’s well-publicized mockery of Texans’ reaction to Jade Helm 15—the US Army’s two-month-long exercise across nine states scheduled to begin in July—is the fact that the criticisms may not all be deranged droolings. The Daily Show‘s Stewart made headlines earlier in May when he ridiculed Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s decision ordering the State Guard to “monitor” Jade Helm. The comedian-cum-newsman called Jade Helm critics “Lone Star lunatics.” But are they? Or is there more to the story? As always, WhoWhatWhy has remained agnostic while asking questions. Now, we provide a few initial answers. More will undoubtedly come. … Continue reading

(TFC) Augusta, ME — Due to Governor Paul LePage launching direct political and environmental attacks against the Penobscot, Micmac and Passamaquoddy tribes of Maine, leaders of those tribes have recalled their representatives from the state legislature and are asserting their sovereignty from the State of Maine. “The Maine Indian Land claims Settlement act has failed and we cannot allow ourselves to continue down the path,” Chief Francis said. “We’re saying it’s a failed social experiment.” In August of 2011, Governor LePage signed an Executive Order recognizing a “special relationship” between the sovereign State of Maine, and the sovereign tribes within the … Continue reading

In an upcoming British GQ interview, actor Vince Vaughn opened up about his support for gun rights and opposition to gun control. “I support people having a gun in public, full stop, not just in your home,” Vaughn said. “We don’t have the right to bear arms because of burglars; we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government.” “All these gun shootings that have gone down in America since 1950, only one or maybe two have happened in non-gun-free zones,” he continued. “Take mass shootings. They’ve only happened in places … Continue reading

Neuropathy, or damage to the peripheral or autonomic nerves, is a common complication of diabetes. This not only causes losses in sensory and motor function, but can also lead to debilitating pain and even foot ulcers which may in turn lead to amputation. While conventional treatment is limited to good foot and nail hygiene, early detection of potential ulcers and strong painkillers such as antiepileptics and opioids, research has found that nutritional supplements are capable of even reversing nerve damage. 1. Treatment with Acetyl-l-Carnitine One of those nutritional supplements that can bring true relief to diabetic neuropathy is acetyl-l-carnitine. In a … Continue reading

In 1973, a powerful politician knelt before a former mattress salesman from Tuscany; 10 years later, the mattress salesman simply walked out of a Swiss prison. In 1980, the government of Bolivia was overthrown; 22 years after that, a laptop was stolen in Rome. In 1977, an Italian publishing company was saved from bankruptcy. And 13 years later, the man who financed the deal was hanging from a bridge in London. How could such events be connected? Well, they were all apparently linked to a secret organization known as Propaganda Due (P2). History is littered with conspiracy theories, most of … Continue reading

If you’re a prepper, you know all about the Berkey water filter. It’s the shiny metal canister that sits on your counter, and filters water using gravity. It has been around for a while and has lots of fans, so it’s easy to find reviews and statistics on it. But one thing that’s always left me speechless, is the GIANT list of contaminantsthat Berkey publishes on their packaging and their website. While it is impressive to see, you would have to be a PhD in water purification to understand what all the contaminants are, and how they affect you. Ever heard of Dibromochloromethane? How about Hexachlorocyclopentadiene? … Continue reading

When Caron Ryalls was asked to sign consent forms so that her then 13-year-old daughter, Emily, could be vaccinated against cervical cancer, she assumed it was the best way to protect Emily’s long-term health. Yet the past four years have turned into a nightmare for the family as Emily soon suffered side effects. Only two weeks after her first HPV injection, the teenager experienced dizziness and nausea. “The symptoms grew increasingly worse after the second and third injections, and I went to A&E several times with severe chest and abdominal pains as well as difficulty breathing,” Emily, now 17, said. … Continue reading

There are a lot of things your car can get stuck in: mud, snow, even a ditch. While every situation is different, there are some principles you can follow that may help you become unstuck without needing to call for a tow. So, we enlisted Wyatt Knox from Team O’Neil Rally School to help us put this guide together should you ever find yourself in one of these sticky situations. Illustration by Ted Slampyak Reprinted from The Art of Manliness.

The most striking thing following the Irish referendum on gay marriage is how few people are talking about gay marriage. Amid the near-global cheering that greeted the vote in favour of instituting gay marriage, there was barely any commentary on the institution of gay marriage. Sure, there was a handful of on-air marriage proposals in Dublin as the news cameras rolled, and the tailend of a BBC TV report informed us when the first gay marriages in Ireland would take place (Autumn). But given that this referendum was all about opening up a social institution to which gays had apparently … Continue reading

Beijing’s disclosure earlier this week of its latest military white paper, outlining a new doctrine moving beyond offshore defense to “open seas” defense, predictably rattled every exceptionalist’s skull and bone. Almost simultaneously, in Guangzhou, the annual Stockholm China Forum, hosted by the German Marshall Fund and the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, was mired in deep thought examining the vast Eurasian integration project known in China as “One Road, One Belt”. What is also known as the New Silk Road project – displaying all the romantic connotations of a remix of a golden era – is not only about new … Continue reading

Many in Spain are starting to figure out that the only way to survive is to get your money out of the bank. Accounts can just be frozen as they did to the Russians living in Spain, demanding they prove the source of their funds. Banco Madrid has had its funds frozen while the government tries to figure out if it will rescue the bank or not. Meanwhile, people who saved their money cannot get access to it. People are starting to wise up here and are looking at taking their money out of the banks and placing it in alternatives, such … Continue reading

The CIA retains two secret files on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, the crusading prosecutor who inspired Oliver Stone’s hit movie “JFK.” The files–whose existence is reported here for the first time– are among the 3,600 secret U.S. government records related to JFK’s assassination that are scheduled to be released in October 2017. Earlier this week,  Politico and NOLA,com reported on the existence of the 3,600 records, which was first disclosed on May 12 by JFK Facts. The Garrison files contain 16 pages of undated and unclassified material, according to  the  National Archives’ online database of JFK assassination records One file– labelled  “CIA … Continue reading