Every year, people die from falling through ice they thought was safe to cross. In near-frozen water, you have exactly 10 minutes to get out of the icy waters before your muscles become too cold to function. As well, your heart rate and blood pressure increases, so the chance of cardiac arrest and sudden death could occur. Know these preventative measures and how to survive if you find yourself in this type of emergency. For any of you who have ever read Jack London’s “To Build a Fire,” the possibility of breaking through the ice and either drowning or dying … Continue reading

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I have never visited Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park, London. I first heard about it during English lessons in school while growing up in Germany. Learning at the age of about 13 of this unique and idiosyncratic institution of individual freedom, this outward sign of a truly tolerant society, added to my sense of pride in my English heritage, my mother being a daughter of the island nation. I was also intrigued; it chimed with my budding interest in politics. However, for some reason, even after moving to Britain permanently 17 years ago, I’ve never got around to actually going … Continue reading

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YouTube started out awesome. You could post videos of anything you wanted, pretty much. Then, over time, they realized that if they paid content creators, those creators could churn out better content. It was pretty cool. People could make a living entertaining folks or teaching them cool stuff. However, YouTube soon started to turn left politically. They started demonetizing content they disagreed with while turning a blind eye to content they did. This forced content creators–people who often made their living off of YouTube money–to find alternative avenues for revenue. Gun channels ran into this occasionally, as well, among other … Continue reading

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What prompted former CIA Director John Brennan on Saturday to accuse President Donald Trump of “moral turpitude” and to predict, with an alliterative flourish, that Trump will end up “as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history”? The answer shines through the next sentence in Brennan’s threatening tweet: “You may scapegoat Andy McCabe [former FBI Deputy Director fired Friday night] but you will not destroy America…America will triumph over you.” It is easy to see why Brennan lost it. The Attorney General fired McCabe, denying him full retirement benefits, because McCabe “had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and … Continue reading

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Though some have been warning about the catastrophic potential for a third global conflict for years, it wasn’t until recently that these warnings became more mainstream. The calamitous nature of the violence in Syria — which has one nuclear power defending a government that has been the target of a regime change operation led by the world’s superpower — combined with 2017’s threats of “fire and fury” against another state intently pursuing a nuclear weapons supply of its own, has pushed the issue of a third world war directly into the public discourse. While certain hotspots throughout the Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe (i.e. Ukraine) have seen some notable escalations in the last few … Continue reading

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This was my most anticipated book of the year, so I bought the audio version at the earliest possible moment and listened to it eagerly. It completely delivers on its promise, exposing potential new political self-dealing scandals. Previously, Schweizer’s “Clinton Cash” book contributed to Hillary Clinton’s election loss. This new book could be the death knell for Joe Biden’s presidential hopes, as it reveals how his son, Hunter Biden, benefited from the former Vice President’s dealings with foreign countries. Schweizer is evenhanded, though, targeting politicians from both parties. Mitch McConnell could easily become the target of an ethics investigation based … Continue reading

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Our liver works tirelessly day in and day out to keep us healthy, but many of us don’t return the favor. Worse yet, when our liver becomes sick, the symptoms aren’t as obvious, so they often are overlooked or misdiagnosed. Fatty liver disease is a rising disease in America. As fat permeates the liver, it makes it sick and reduces its ability to function. If left untreated, fatty liver disease can progress into cirrhosis, which is irreversible and requires a liver transplant to treat. To prevent fatty liver disease from progressing to the point where treatments are no longer successful, … Continue reading

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Everything is great. We’re riding high. The stock market is up. Employment is up. Analysts and pundits see nothing but smooth sailing ahead. It sounds an awful lot like 2007. It’s like deja vu all over again. As an article published at The Conversation pointed out, there were two key problems lurking below the surface in the mid-2000s that few people paid any attention two. Those same two factors exist today. And once again, few people are paying much attention. Excessive household debt A housing bubble Looking back at the mid ‘oos, the economy seemed to be chugging along. But inflation-adjusted household incomes were … Continue reading

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Well, that is damned inconvenient. A state-of-the-art pedestrian bridge hailed as the inevitably wondrous result of diversity in engineering has collapsed within days of being paraded before the media. Did I say inconvenient? I should have said symbolic. “Diversity Bridge” (that’s not the structure’s official name, but I think it fits) was designed to connect Florida International University to the city of Sweetwater, where many FIU students and staff reside. The bridge, installed (though not yet opened to the public) a mere four days before its failure, spanned a busy Miami highway, and the collapse crushed cars and people underneath. … Continue reading

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The same people who assured you that Saddam Hussein had WMD’s now assure you Russian “novochok” nerve agents are being wielded by Vladimir Putin to attack people on British soil. As with the Iraqi WMD dossier, it is essential to comb the evidence very finely. A vital missing word from Theresa May’s statement yesterday was “only”. She did not state that the nerve agent used was manufactured ONLY by Russia. She rather stated this group of nerve agents had been “developed by” Russia. Antibiotics were first developed by a Scotsman, but that is not evidence that all antibiotics are today … Continue reading

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Russia-UK relations have hit dangerous levels amid a row over the poisoning hoax of a former spy and his daughter. Award-winning journalist John Pilger tells RT that this is all propaganda, a “carefully-constructed drama”. Unlike Russia, which has destroyed all its chemical weapons, Pilger notes that the US has yet to destroy its chemical weapons stockpiles and the UK’s chemical weapons factory is just a few miles down the street from where Skripal was found. “You have an attempted murder, you have a crime scene, and you have no evidence…and neither do you have a motive.” “Why on earth would … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton provided an explanation for some recent comments she made that she understood ‘upset or offended’ some Americans – statements that drew criticism from fellow Democrats and the Trump White House alike. ‘I understand how some of what I said upset people and can be misinterpreted. I meant no disrespect to any individual or group,’ she said in a Facebook post. ‘And I want to look to the future as much as anybody.’ Clinton, on a trip to India, had talked about how her voters came from economically advantaged places in comparison to Trump voters, and also noted how white women … Continue reading

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“The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces of nature to human needs. This is the difficult task of the inventor who is often misunderstood and unrewarded. But he finds ample compensation in the pleasing exercises of his powers and in the knowledge of being one of that exceptionally privileged class without whom the race would have long ago perished in the bitter struggle against pitiless elements. . . .” … Continue reading

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Republican Gov. Matt Mead chose not to veto a measure expanding protections in cases where defensive force may be used and allowed the bill to become law without his signature. Mead, a former federal prosecutor who has stumped to bring gun industry to the state, stood aside on HB 168, a popular bill that widens areas where no duty to retreat exists and provides immunity from civil liability in aftermath of a reasonable use of force. While the proposal’s sponsor welcomed the move, Mead said in a statement he did not feel the change was needed. “I believe existing law adequately addresses the … Continue reading

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Whether you’re moving, getting new furniture/appliances, or simply decluttering, it can be hard to know how to dispose of large, unwanted items. The old ratty couch, the refrigerator that runs constantly and is as loud as a fighter jet, the unsafe trampoline taking up space in the backyard. (Yes, these are all examples from personal experience.) Can you just throw ‘em out to the curb and expect waste management to haul it away? Do you have find a way to get those things to a dump, only to pay an always-annoying fee to get rid of it? In the midst of … Continue reading

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