Project MKULTRA is one of the most famous undertakings relating to the CIA’s efforts toward mass mind control. There were many different tests conducted as a part of the project, including some conducted on volunteers, inmates, and unsuspecting targets. The project involved several different drugs—most famously LSD—and the participants involved had very different reactions to the testing, with some being inspired by it and others becoming terrified of just the notion of any possible future exposure. Some fatalities evem stemmed from Project MKULTRA, and what follows are 10 of the most interesting figures to have involvement with this CIA-sponsored testing. … Continue reading

If I were to ask you if you were healthy, you would answer based on how you’re currently feeling. So if you weren’t coughing, sneezing, dizzy or have a headache, you would probably say you were quite healthy. But having symptoms to an illness isn’t necessarily the only way to measure your health. There are many other ways our bodies try to tell us that something is wrong that, frankly, we ignore. Health is measured in numerous ways, and doesn’t just fall on the presence of symptoms. Instead of relying on symptoms to determine your health, look at some of … Continue reading

Gus Demos of Perpetual Assets Interviews Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute, Celente discusses the events and experiences that made him a political atheist. He doesn’t mince any words talking about the absurd level of hypocrisy in US politics and the neocon meddling in geopolitics. Plus, he weighs in on the destruction of the dollar, the strength of China. the impending financial crash, and much more. Comments open on YouTube

Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting – David Goodman Doctoring Data: How to sort out medical advice from medical nonsense – Dr Malcolm Kendrick Battlefield America: The War on the American People – John W. Whitehead Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain–for Life – David Perlmutter American Contempt for Liberty – Walter E. Williams The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself – James Grant Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass – Theodore Dalrymple A History of Medieval Europe: From Constantine to Saint Louis – R.H.C. Davis Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are … Continue reading

US Senate Armed Services Committee Chair, John McCain, says he prays for the US military to end terrorism in the Middle East. Those of us awake to the long history of US-initiated Wars of Aggression began on lies share Senator McCain’s prayers. Therefore, we formally request US military to enact their Oaths of Enlistment to refuse all orders related to obviously unlawful armed attacks, and for US military officers to enact their lawful responsibility to arrest those who issue obviously unlawful orders associated with Wars of Aggression. Senator McCain and other .01% “leaders” in government and corporate media should be … Continue reading

Abolish prison and give everyone a gun. The end. Good night. Oh wait, that’s not enough for a column? Okay, how about legalize drugs too? I’m not kidding. I know it sounds outrageous but hate facts often are. Look, I’m not suggesting we send all the guards home and open up the gates tomorrow. America is too ensconced in prison culture. Most prisoners today have become bad people and it’s because of prison. So, for the sake of the argument, let’s pretend a massive plague killed everyone in prison. It’s a horrific tragedy beyond our control and conspiracy theorists are … Continue reading

For decades they have been blacklisted as foods to avoid, the cause of deadly thickening of the arteries, heart disease and strokes. But the science which warned us off eating eggs – along with other high-cholesterol foods such as butter, shellfish, bacon and liver – could have been flawed, a key report in the US has found. Foods high in cholesterol have been branded a danger to human health since the 1970s – a warning that has long divided the medical establishment. A growing number of experts have been arguing there is no link between high cholesterol in food and … Continue reading

Self-driving cars, selfie sticks, drones, touchscreen devices, e-cigarettes, jetpacks, and many other things seem like fairly modern inventions. Indeed, most of their “inventors” list them as newly invented and even go as far as seeking patents. But the fact is, many of these “inventions” have already been in existence for quite some time. They may have earlier lookalikes that ended up not going into production or that went into limited production due to one reason or another. Some also made it into full production but were recalled due to poor sales. 10 Selfie Sticks The first selfie stick was invented … Continue reading

INSTRUCTIONS: In this video you will see 20 objects for 3 seconds each. Remember as many as you can, in order, and then answer the 10 questions in the quiz at the end of the article. Watch the video twice if you want to make the quiz easier. Read the article below for Ed Cooke’s tips on remembering sequences of objects and information and, if you want more advice, here are nine tips on how to improve your memory. In the last episode of the latest Sherlock Holmes series, the protagonist finds himself up against a new nemesis, the ‘one … Continue reading

Your pants won’t button, your stomach has grown in size and you just feel so sluggish you barely want to leave the house. What are we talking about? Bloating. Maybe you ate too much or maybe something you ate just isn’t sitting right, whatever the cause, one thing is for sure – bloating is highly uncomfortable. What is bloating? The gassy bulging you feel is a result of swallowed air and the breakdown of food through digesting. It can occur often or may happen only rarely. If the bloating and gas pains are persistent then it could be a sign … Continue reading

At the airport, one observes an “interesting” composition of human behavior. A recent trip was no exception. Walking into the airport to check in and check my bag, there was a clearly upset woman at one of the ticket kiosks. She barked at the woman behind the counter (who was assisting someone else) to come help her. When someone appeared, she started berating the airline representative. Then came the line, “I AM MILITARY. SEE?! HERE IS MY ID. NOW, HELP ME.” Whenever the representative told her something she apparently didn’t like, it was her default response, “I’m military. I’m military.” This woman … Continue reading

A Florida mother was recently arrested, jailed, and released after spending more than a week behind bars during an ongoing dispute over circumcising her son. “Heather Hironimus, 31, posted bond and was released Saturday night, authorities said. Hironimus had been taken into custody May 14 after she went missing for several months with her 4-year-old son, allegedly to avoid a court order to circumcise him, according to court records. She was taken to jail on charges including interference with custody, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office.” [1] Let’s face it, the medical headlines can’t get any more scary than this … Continue reading

Following the defeat of Carthage in the First Punic War in 241 BC, the Roman Republic became a dominant naval power in the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, Rome’s control of the seas was not absolute. To the east of Italy, another power was on the rise. This was the Ardiaean kingdom, ruled by an Illyrian tribe that began to threaten Rome’s trade routes that ran across the Adriatic Sea. At the helm of this kingdom was the capable Queen Teuta. Teuta was the wife of Agron, a king of the Ardiaean kingdom. It was under Agron’s leadership that the Ardiaei became a … Continue reading

Magic mushrooms can do some amazing things. No, not just those kind of things! Some do contain natural psychedelic chemicals, but there are many mushrooms whose botanical magic lies in the amazing things they can do for your health. Even celebrities are using mushrooms as an anti-aging secret weapon in creams and facial peels. Sound far-fetched? Not really, once you get to know more about the special health benefits of mushrooms. There are about 150,000 different kinds of mushrooms. They are a unique species – neither animal nor plant, these fungi basically exist on decomposing matter and funnel nutrients back … Continue reading