Etiquette is a difficult thing – especially when it’s linked to a code that was developed in the 12th century. The chivalric code arose due to a synthesis of Germanic and Roman traditions, welding religious notions of bravery, self-presentation, and service to others with combat training and war. Today, chivalry is most commonly associated with the set of rules that govern the way a man behaves around, and courts, a woman. And while life in the 21st century is closer than ever before to an egalitarian understanding between the sexes, it still remains that the man is often expected to … Continue reading

When cash is low, it just isn’t practical to have more than one shotgun for hunting and home defense. After all, the bills still need to be paid. Instead, combining the two is the best option and this is where the Mossberg 500 still shines brightest. There are a couple different approaches you could take to having one gun with more than one purpose. The most expensive of these is buying more than one barrel that can be swapped out depending on your need. In other words, when you get home from hunting, you have the option to put a short … Continue reading

– Bank of America advises owning gold- Markets in “Twilight Zone” transition period- Fed policy normalisation poses risks- Own gold and cash to protect against “cleansing drop in asset prices”- Data show markets disconnected from reality- Fragile system vulnerable to shock- Gold is hedge against systemic risks Gold is a regarded as a hedge against market turbulence by Bank of America who, in a note to clients, advised holding gold and paper currency at this time. Bloomberg report that Bank of America Merrill Lynch describe the markets as being in a “Twilight Zone” – the zone between the end of … Continue reading

Mainstream economists have hated cash since the Great Depression because in their business cycle “theory” they assume that people quit spending and decide to hold more cash. That stoppage in spending constipates the “circular flow” model of economics they pray to and causes recessions. They don’t ask why people might prefer cash to a new Ford Focus or more stock in Apple. Many main stream economists follow the thinking of Herman Minsky who simply thought people are irrational. The behavioral school in economics assumes people are pretty much nuts. In their brains, a large group of people wake up one … Continue reading

It is just as well Secretary of State John Kerry’s momentous meetings with Russian leaders last week took place in Sochi, the Black Sea resort where President Putin keeps a holiday home. When you have to acknowledge that two years’ worth of pointless hostility in the bilateral relationship has proven none other than pointless, it is best to do so in a far-away place. Arriving in the morning and leaving in the afternoon, Kerry spent three hours with Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s very competent foreign minister, and then four with Putin. After struggling with the math, these look to me like … Continue reading

World War 3 will be a guerilla information war, with no division between military and civilian participation. -Marshall McLuhanIn recent years, the mere notion of the conspiracy theory has increasingly been ridiculed by even some of the more liberal mainstream news outlets, but don’t let them fool you: it isn’t always some wackadoodle notion without merit or evidence. In fact, sometimes it turns out to be dead on. Here are 10 you may or may not be familiar with that turned out to be true… 1 The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, escalator of the Vietnam War, never happened Conspiracy theory: The … Continue reading

Most of us know the President of the United States is not elected; rather they are selected by a mostly invisible cadre of elite power brokers who believe in growing their own power at all costs. In the end, an enormous amount of energy and attention is diverted to national elections precisely because it does not offer any chance for real change. Right now new candidates like Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul are making grandiose speeches and promises of renewal to what everyone knows is a battered and tired nation.  Every four years the faces change, but the message remains the same. Their political action … Continue reading

Witch hazel is a topical astringent derived from the bark and leaves of Hamamelis virginiana, the common or North American witch-hazel shrub.  Native Americans have long recognized the medicinal properties of witch hazel and used a decoction of the boiled plant parts to treat skin irritations and tumors.  Nowadays this popular herbal remedy is recognized world-wide as a natural cleanser and toner, but witch hazel has many more uses than simply to clarify skin and shrink pores. In this article, we explore fourteen amazing witch hazel uses for your health, beauty and in your home. Want to try witch hazel for yourself? Try … Continue reading

When it comes to productivity, we all face the same challenge—there are only 24 hours in a day. Yet some people seem to have twice the time; they have an uncanny ability to get things done. Even when juggling multiple projects, they reach their goals without fail. Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose. —Thomas Edison It feels incredible when you leave the office after an ultra-productive day. With the right approach, you can make this happen every day. You don’t need to work longer or even … Continue reading

Americans Don’t Trust the Government A poll released today shows that Americans across the political spectrum hate the Patriot Act and NSA spying. The bipartisan polling team – made up of Global Strategy Group and G Public Strategies – found (edited for readability): By nearly a 2:1 margin (60% modify, 34% preserve), Americans believe the Patriot Act should not be reauthorized in its current form. With broad, bipartisan support across all ages, ideologies and political parties, voters are rejecting the argument that the Patriot Act should be preserved with no changes because of potential terrorist threats. Millennials (65% modify) and … Continue reading

Denmark is not part of the euro; they have their own currency, the krone. So far, they appear likely to become the first country to abolish cash. The Danish government is currently pushing to free some stores, restaurants, and petrol stations from accepting cash payments as Britain was testing last year in Manchester. The Danish government is currently are proposing to scrap cash transactions entirely as part of a package of cost-saving measures introduced ahead of the Danish election in September.   The Danish krone peaked against the dollar in 2008, and the major low for the krone (high in the dollar) … Continue reading

You can boil down the usefulness of any given product in two different ways. It’s either an all purpose tool that can do a little bit of everything, or it can specialize and work extremely well on specific tasks. Duct tape definitely leans towards the former of the two. It is arguably the most versatile and affordable material ever invented, and nobody, prepper or otherwise, would be caught dead without it. However, sometimes we need more of the latter. Sometimes we’re faced with certain challenges that demand a specific tool perfectly suited for the task. If that’s ever the case, … Continue reading

We’re becoming the generation of sitters. We sit at work, we sit at home, we sit in our cars, on benches, chairs, and just about anywhere we sit. But all this sitting is shortening our lives and putting our health at serious risk. Seniors, in particular, are sitting the majority of their days, and the means to move around may be limited. But if you want to live longer and healthier, it just takes two minutes. Previous research on seniors and sitting reported that even though they may be active, the amount of time they sit is enough to negate … Continue reading

OK. Magnanimity in victory is a sine qua non among civilized men and women, so let me not be the first to rub it in. Last week I wrote that I feared the worst and felt sorry for Britain. I was convinced throughout the campaign that a certain testicular fortitude was missing on the part of the voters, and that David Cameron would be vacating 10 Downing Street. But not for the first time I was proved wrong. The only testicular fortitude missing was when Ed Balls lost his seat. So now we’ll have five more years of furious lefty … Continue reading