Seymour Hersh’s report on the killing of Osama bin Laden makes Americans wonder whether their government is lying to them about other events, Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams stressed. Some influential US policy-makers have rushed to dismiss the report of American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh who published new relevations on the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, due to the fact that Hersh is challenging the government explanation of what happened, emphasized Ron Paul,  a former Republican congressman and two-time US presidential candidate. “I think the goal is mostly to discredit him [Seymour Hersh] and he is not an easy person to discredit because he is challenging … Continue reading

Submitted by Erico Matias Tavares of Sinclair & Co. Water – An Interview with Jim Rogers Jim Rogers, Jr. is an American businessman, investor and author. He is currently based in Singapore. Rogers is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc. He was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund and creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI). Erico Tavares: Jim, thank for being with us today. We would like to talk about water and other agricultural inputs, something you have been very vocal about in recent years. To set the stage for today’s topic, a few years … Continue reading

Europe is moving full speed ahead to eliminate all cash. Instead of reforming and tackling the economic problems, government always seeks to maintain the same course of thinking that now leads us to the totalitarian approach coming from Brussels. To maintain the euro, they must maintain the banks. However, the bank reserves are debts of all member states. As government becomes insolvent as in Greece, the banking system is undermined. The only way to prevent the banking collapse is to prevent people from withdrawing cash. Hence, we see this trend is surfacing in all the mainstream press to get the … Continue reading

A Proven Contrary Indicator In early May, the Economist has published an editorial on gold, ominously entitled “Buried”. We wanted to comment on it earlier already, but never seemed to get around to it. It is still worth doing so for a number of reasons. The Economist is a quintessential establishment publication. It occasionally gives lip service to supporting the free market, but anyone who has ever read it with his eyes open must have noticed that 70% of the content is all about how governments should best centrally plan the economy, while most of the rest is concerned with … Continue reading

The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Marc J. Victor. Daily Bell: It’s a pleasure to speak with you, Marc. You’ve had quite a legal career when it comes to addressing the state of civil liberties in the US through criminal defense cases. Has a particular case, or type of case, had a particularly powerful impact on you? How so? Marc Victor: Obviously, drug cases have had a huge impact on me because they are victimless crimes and they oftentimes carry mandatory minimum sentences along with them. Sometimes they’re ridiculously long, outrageously immoral mandatory minimum sentences. … Continue reading

When I used to work in the city, my office location was not in the best area of town. Frequently, there were questionable people walking around. At the time, there had been an increase of violent crimes and some vehicles had been carjacked in the area. Needless to say, I did not want to be the next victim. As an added safety measure I walked with a group out to my car and always had my keys ready. I was lucky to never be a victim of of such heinous crimes, but I was always on the lookout. Little did I know … Continue reading

Poland is legally obliged to switch its currency to the euro under the terms of its 2004 EU entry. Nonetheless, Poland has continually demurred amid the Eurozone’s financial woes and voter opposition to exterminating the zloty, its national currency. Killing the zloty will only bring massive inflation to Poland and serious harm to its economy. Its national debt will be converted to Euros and therein will be the real crisis. The Euro has failed to benefit member states of the former  Soviet possessions as well as Southern Europe. Politicians are lawyers who know how to write laws and assume that is … Continue reading

At the 1992 version of ASK (The Assassination Symposium on John F. Kennedy), the final event of the weekend was to be ‘The Dealey Plaza Walk About’. That was to run from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m. and there were maybe ten of us ‘tour guides’ who would take groups of interested symposium attendees—as well as members of the general public who happened to find themselves there—on a tour of Dealey Plaza. It was perhaps 3:45 p.m. and all the other tour guides were either back at the hotel, on their way back or wrapping up their last group when I … Continue reading

It has been said that crime doesn’t pay, although presumably criminals disagree. Throughout history, many have decided not to play by the rules and either won big or lost heavily. But what happened to history’s most notorious men and women after their lawbreaking days were over? 10 The Kidnapper Of Frank Sinatra Jr. Is A Wealthy Businessman . On December 8, 1963, Frank Sinatra Jr., the 19-year-old son of legendary entertainer Frank Sinatra, was performing in a hotel in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. That night, a knock on his dressing room door introduced him to demented gunman Barry Keenan, who proceeded … Continue reading

Like so many ailments and diseases, medical science has ignored the true causes of arthritis for decades. Each of the major types of arthritis have been shown to have similar etiologies. It has also been postulated that Rheumatoid arthritis, Allergic arthritis, and Osteoarthritis can have similar triggers, specifically food triggers. Allergic arthritis, in particular, has been proven to have various trigger foods which sustain the medical condition as long as those foods are eaten. Nightshades, for instance, have been demonstrated by Dr. Norman Childers to be a common culprit for those who are allergic, intolerant, or hyper-reactive to solanine, a … Continue reading

The Peterborough Petroglyphs are the largest collection of ancient rock carvings (petroglyphs) in all of North America, made up of over 900 images carved into crystalline limestone located near Peterborough in Ontario, Canada. Proclaimed a National Historic Site of Canada in 1976, local indigenous people believe that this is an entrance into the spirit world and that the Spirits actually speak to them from this location. They call it Kinoomaagewaapkong, which translates to “the rocks that teach”.The petroglyphs are carved into a single slab of crystalline limestone which is 55 metres long and 30 metres wide. About 300 of the … Continue reading

You may eat from the tray table on an aeroplane, but would you still do so if you knew the person sat there before had changed their baby’s nappy on it? And would you even think about just how dirty your luggage is? Research has discovered that not only so planes harbour bacteria in unexpected places, the source of illnesses on holiday can be traced directly back to our suitcases. Luggage comes into contact with up to 80 million bacteria before it even reaches the hotel room, according to research conducted by experts on behalf of Aqaint sanitiser. With an … Continue reading

The award-winning film director believes that the next world conflict could start when the Pentagon decides to bomb the RT TV channel. World War Three will break out when the US finally tires of the RT TV channel, and decides to bomb it; in retaliation, Russia will destroy CNN, writes film director Emir Kusturica, in an article published on Thursday. “Everything is different to how it was during the Cold War! Because of that it is useless to talk about a return to how things used to be, and listen to Henry Kissinger scare us. In the meantime, China has become the strongest world economy, Russia has recovered from Perestroika, India is growing into a genie! … Continue reading

Jeremy Clarkson may look to Kevin Spacey’s Frank Underwood for inspiration for the name of his new, post-Top Gear motoring show, if he ends up going to Netflix. But instead of House of Cards, the new show would be called … House of Cars, according to the Daily Mirror. Do you see what they did there? Underwood looks like the kind of guy who would enjoy Top Gear, and Clarkson the sort of bloke who would appreciate the president’s no-nonsense politics (not killing people though, obviously). Plus, Underwood might have come up with a more robust response when Top Gear’s ill-fated … Continue reading