Are you having trouble driving – especially at night, reading or seeing the expression on your friend’s face? One common eye condition is cataract, a clouding of the normally clear lens of your eye. It’s as though you’re trying to see through a fogged-up window. For most people, cataracts develop slowly and don’t disrupt your vision early on. But with time, and age, this will interfere with your daily life and you’ll need eyeglasses. You may need surgery down the road, generally a safe and effective procedure. But still…the question is how to slow down cataracts? Are there natural remedies … Continue reading

This might be common knowledge for some, but not for many, including my wife (who got into Harvard, btw ;-), so I thought it was worth a refresher. Let’s start with a burning question we answered back in 2008: what makes a whiskey bourbon? The law. While knocking back a dram of bourbon is a decidedly carefree exercise, making it is exceedingly technical and requires that the whiskey meet a rigid set of criteria. The Federal Standards of Identity for Bourbon stipulate what is and what isn’t bourbon. For a whiskey to call itself bourbon, its mash, the mixture of … Continue reading

U.S. Has Already Started WWIII Top economic and political experts say we’re drifting towards World War 3. And see this. We noted in March that we’re already at war with Russia.  Many experts agree … Former White House official Dr. Philippa Malmgren – former presidential adviser and member of the U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial Markets – said last December that the United States isalready at war with China and Russia: I was recently at a meeting with a lot of very senior people from the defense community, and their view is that we are already in a nose-to-nose … Continue reading

The Chinese government seems to be very keen on developing the New Silk Road Economic Belt as fast as possible; an initiative, said to be designed by President Xi Jinping himself, that will increase economic cooperation in the wide Eurasian region. At a stunning speed China and Russia take the lead in strengthening ties in the area. For the wind down of the US dollar hegemony the Silk Road economic project is an important tool. As part of this project two clubs are rapidly developing as we speak, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Eurasian Economic Union(EEU). Additionally, China is incorporating gold … Continue reading

If Tom Brady did order two locker-room assistants to deflate footballs illegally, he should confess and take the harsh punishment meted out by the NFL. But if he’s innocent, he and the New England Patriots should fight the ruling because it sets a dangerous precedent for everyone who might fall under this concept of a theoretical crime based on “more probable than not” logic. In this case of Deflategate, it’s not even clear that an offense occurred. NFL outside counsel Ted Wells struggled to get the odds over 50 percent that the footballs were intentionally deflated, even tossing in non-probative “gotcha” … Continue reading

Few organizations have captured the world’s collective imagination like the Knights Templar. Certainly, no other group has such a dual image of pious devotion and absolute heresy. They served the poor and the pilgrims. They amassed a huge fortune and all but invented banking. They were put on trial and purged. A lot of fascinating mysteries surrounding the Templars walk the strange line between legend and history. 10 The List Of 12 Who Escaped Templars were famously burned at the stake after being convicted of heresy in the beginning of the 14th century, rounded up and slaughtered wholesale. Less popularly … Continue reading

Italy’s birth rate has dropped to its lowest in more than 150 years amid a sluggish economy. Fewer babies were born in Italy in 2014 than in any other year since the modern Italian state was formed in 1861, new figures have revealed. 2013 European birth rate: The number of live births last year was 509,000 – 5,000 fewer than in 2013 – rounding off half a century of decline National statistics office ISTAT said the number of live births last year was 509,000 – 5,000 fewer than in 2013 – rounding off half a century of decline. The number … Continue reading

Calorie-controlled diets don’t work. Many of us may have suspected as much for years — but now there’s compelling evidence in a new book by Professor Tim Spector, a leading genetics expert at King’s College London. What’s more, he’s offering a tantalising new theory about what really makes us fat — which could revolutionise our approach to weight loss. As one of the scientists leading worldwide research into the trillions of bacteria living in our stomachs, Professor Spector believes they hold an amazing power over our health and moods — and that our modern diet may be having a negative … Continue reading

It took me a while to understand why some of today’s leading generals in the war to enforce politically correct speech and behavior codes are Latinas. Jewish organizations were the foundation-builders of PC nonsense, and white feminists and black activists have in many cases one-upped the founders with their skill and enthusiasm for banning “offensive” speech and expression. Gay and lesbians have also had a good run with the ball (wait…is that phrase transphobic?). But growing up in L.A. in the ‘80s I never knew a politically active Mexican, and damned if I wasn’t surrounded by Mexicans. Hell, to this … Continue reading

In another fascinating interview, this time on CNBC, Dr. Marc Faber discussed the factors involved in the ongoing Greek crisis and made some interesting points. Dr. Faber – who edits the Gloom, Boom and Doom report – is in no doubt that Greece will not be allowed to default because of both economic and geo-political considerations. “It’s about the ECB and European banks that have lent money to Greece and if Greece defaults would have to take a huge loss and write-off. So they will lend more money and kick the can down the road.” Of even greater significance is … Continue reading

“If you need to ask why manners are still important, then sadly you have already excluded yourself from some of the most enjoyable social circles you might ever hope to penetrate.” So says Mary Killen, author and columnist at The Spectator, who also thinks that more time should be spent teaching children good manners. “Parents don’t spend enough time with their children, so don’t want to spoil what short time they have by nagging,” she says. Killen has been solving readers’ complex social dilemmas in her column ‘Dear Mary’ for over 20 years. From how much to tip, how long … Continue reading

When it comes to getting out of dodge, my hope is that I will never have to bug out. Ever. On the flip side of things, I also hope that I will never have to find my way back home following a major disruptive event.  Realistically, however, turning a blind eye to the realities of a disaster requiring a trek on foot to or from my home would be foolhardy. The logical thing, of course, would be to have maps and a compass on board at all times. The first reality is that a disaster, whether wrought by Mother Nature … Continue reading

Pope Francis said today: Many powerful people don’t want peace because they live off war. *** Some powerful people make their living with the production of arms. *** It’s the industry of death. He’s right … Top economists say that war is destroying our economy. And 90% of all deaths in war are civilians. But war is great for the bankers and the defense contractors.  And see this. Reprinted from Washington’s Blog.

Did you know that root canals can have untold, negative effects on your health? People are slowly discovering the hidden dangers of root canals as more medical professionals speak out about their dangers. Here is what you need to know. Dr. George Meinig, author of Root Canal Cover Up, said it best when he quoted Dr. Weston A. Price as follows: “… when infected teeth produce disturbance in other parts of the body, it is not necessary that the quantity of infection be large, nor is it demonstrated that it is necessary that organisms pass throughout the body or to … Continue reading