Two decades have passed since the April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City bombing. It was the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in American history, and 168 people died, including 19 children. The attack on the Murrah Federal Building was said to be the work of Timothy McVeigh and two confederates, described as right-wing extremists with an anti-government agenda. McVeigh was executed by lethal injection and Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier were given prison sentences. Now, however, major cracks have appeared in the federal government’s story—a story long considered by some victims’ families to be little more than a stonewall of mendacity … Continue reading

Many millions of coins have been minted throughout history, and we’ve done our best to come up with some of the most beautiful and intriguing ones. Note that the “heads” side of a coin is called the “obverse” while the “tails” side is called the “reverse.” 10. 50 Centavos Leper Colony Coin Colombia, 1921 Photo credit: Jerry Woody Most people probably don’t know much about leprosy, because it hasn’t been portrayed accurately in media. Leprosy, now known as Hansen’s disease, is actually very difficult to contract from someone. Nevertheless, it is a serious disease and was feared to the point … Continue reading

In the heart of Yellowstone National Park, a supervolcano releases around 45,000 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide each day. But the magma chamber lying directly beneath its surface is not considered large enough to produce such levels, so researchers have been searching for an alternative source for years. Now, by tracking seismic waves, a team of geophysicists has discovered an enormous secondary chamber deeper underground that’s so large its partly-molten rock could fill the Grand Canyon 11 times over. The Yellowstone supervolcano is one of the largest active continental silicic volcanic fields in the world. Silicic is used to describe … Continue reading

Open your bottle of wine with a shoe, swiftly chill a bottle with wet paper towels and spread shaving cream on clothes stained with red. These and 11 other useful tips are revealed in an infographic by Business Insider. From hacks such as storing leftover red wine in ice-cube trays, to advice on how to bypass wholesalers and retailers when buying wine, here are 14 practical tips every oenophile should have in their arsenal. Lost your corkscrew and in need of a glass? The infographic details not one but two ways you can open the bottle. The first, the ribbon method, … Continue reading

The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,300-foot long and 3-foot high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of a crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio, and is the largest surviving prehistoric effigy mound in the world. Resembling an uncoiling serpent, the mound is steeped in mystery and controversy. Despite over a century of research, there is no conclusive evidence about what it represents, when it was built, and what its true purpose was, though various astronomical alignments suggest it may have functioned as a type of calendar. The Serpent Mound conforms to the curve of the … Continue reading

Londonderry Air or Danny Boy . Willie McBride or The Green Fields of France . Johnny I Hardly Knew You . The Band Played Waltzing Matilda . Universal Soldier . Fortunate Son . The Forgotten Soldier Boy . War – Edwin Star . I Didn’t Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier . I Ain’t Marching Anymore – Phil Ochs The Americanization of Emily – “War is not moral” clip . Reprinted with permission from DifferentBugle.blogspot.

#1. The capital city is basically a ruin. Tehran’s skyline is truly mediocre. #2. Everyone lives in a mud shack. homesoftherich The Tabatabaei house in Kashan is a pretty miserable place to while away your days. #3. The villages are pretty much what you’d find anywhere else. Amos Chapple If Palangan village, on the border with Iraq, looks mildly impressive, it’s just because of the lighting. Nothing to do with the near-vertical positioning of the houses.  #4. The architecture is plain and lackluster. Why would anyone want to visit the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque in Shiraz? #5. Meh. Oh Shiraz, is this the … Continue reading

George Perrot has spent almost 30 years in prison thanks to a single hair. It was discovered by an FBI agent on the bedsheet of a 78-year-old woman who had been raped by a burglar in her home in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1985. Perrot, then 17, was put on trial, despite the absence of physical evidence tying him to the crime scene. There was no semen. There was no blood. And so there was no way to conduct a conclusive DNA test. Even the victim testified that the defendant looked nothing like her attacker: he had a short haircut and was … Continue reading

Men are brilliant. Seriously, we are. We invented philosophy, medicine, architecture, cars, trains, helicopters, submarines and the internet. Not to mention the jet engine, IVF, electricity and modern medicine. We’ve led all the industrial revolutions and sent rockets into Space. We’ve fought wars with tin hats and bayonets and won them. The world we live in would be nothing without Alexander Graham Bell, Sigmund Freud, Horatio Nelson, Winston Churchill, William Shakespeare and Albert Einstein. The geniuses Leonardo da Vinci, Stephen Hawking, Michelangelo, Beethoven, Charles Darwin and Michael Faraday have all contributed immeasurably to our modern lives. So why is it … Continue reading

Hydrogen peroxide is an odorless, colorless chemical compound comprised of water and oxygen. It was first identified and isolated by the French chemist Louis Jacques Thenard in 1818 and, by the beginning of the 20th century, had become one of Europe’s most popular surface disinfectants due to the speed with which it kills microorganisms through oxidation. Hydrogen peroxide is still found in most chemists today, and remains a much-loved alternative to bleach due to its low cost and environmentally friendly nature. However, this germicidal agent is highly versatile and provides far more uses than most people realize. Mouthwash and Toothpaste … Continue reading

Called “A Salute To a Hero,” Taya Kyle’s speaking engagement in Lubbock, Texas, on April 17threceived national attention. Taya is the widow of Chris Kyle, subject of Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper. Trinity Christian School, a ministry of Trinity Church of Lubbock, invited Taya to speak for a school fundraiser with profits split between TCS and the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation. A crew for the ABC news program 20/20 arrived to film Taya meeting with students and speaking at City Bank Coliseum. Anchor Robin Roberts’s interview with Taya will air on 20/20 and Good Morning America May 1. The publicity comes … Continue reading

As a follow up to Cedestras brilliant list of 20 amazing and unusual weather phenomena, I have decided to make a list with 10 more items. Our atmosphere shows off so many strange and wonderful displays, but often times these brilliant phenomena happen so rarely, and in places all over the world (insert lame ‘once in a blue moon’ pun here). Now then, onto the list! 10 Lunar Corona Formation This item, a personal favorite of mine and one that’s amazing in itself starts off the list. A Lunar Corona formation is formed through a mix of thin cloud and small … Continue reading

A controversial new book argues that the triumph of feminism has meant men are now second-class citizens.  On Saturday, in our first extract, it laid bare how men are abused, belittled and exploited. Today, it shows how men are treated unfairly in marriage and fatherhood. George Clooney, Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne may have all taken the plunge recently — but they are a diminishing band of brothers, for the number of men marrying in the West has plunged in recent decades. The state of matrimony is not just ailing. It is dying out faster than a mobile phone battery. … Continue reading

Admit it, if you’re a man, you’ve thought about how cool it would be to spend a day in the shoes of 007 himself, “Bond, James Bond.” The cars, adventure, beautiful women, and all the ridiculous spy gadgets. Seriously, who wouldn’t enjoy sporting a wrist-mounted dart gun? But, there’s something else that attracts us (in a manly way) to Bond. It’s not just the lifestyle and accessories, it’s how he embodies so many of the qualities that we admire in a man. Confidence, strength, self-control (with one glaring exception), independence, and charm mixed with a bit of brute force. He … Continue reading

WASHINGTON — Utopian dictators like Stalin, Hitler,  Pol  Pot,  and  Mao  were  criminals  – genocidal psychopaths who killed more human beings in the last hundred years than any other ideologues in history. They didn’t limit their murderous rampage to individuals but went after entire nations. In the United States another form of utopians, the “progressives,” have tried to destroy traditional America by strategically dumbing down her people. America’s future is being crippled on purpose in order to fundamentally transform the nation, its values, and its system of government. Veteran educator and American author Samuel Blumenfeld and journalist Alex Newman have taken … Continue reading