Testosterone is that well known hormone that is closely connected to muscle mass, sexual function and, yes, hair growth. We often associate it only with men, but women produce this hormone as well. It’s a key hormone in our bodies, and that’s why information on how to increase testosterone is worth becoming familiar with. While most men have normal levels of testosterone through youth, once they hit about 30 it becomes harder to maintain the hormone and levels start to drop. And that’s where all kinds of issues, such as difficulty concentrating, memory challenges and – let’s just put it out … Continue reading

A new diet could more than halve a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to new research. Experts said the diet, known by the acronym MIND, could reduce the risk of the illness even if it not meticulously followed. The ‘Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay’ (MIND) diet includes at least three daily servings of wholegrains and salad  – along with an extra vegetable and a glass of wine. These ‘brain-healthy foods’ lowered the risk of Alzheimer’s by 53 per cent in those who stuck to the diet rigidly. For those that followed it moderately well, it lowered the risk … Continue reading

If you live in South Florida, the black military helicopters buzzing over your city were not in your imagination — regardless of what the increasingly discredited establishment press has been claiming for years. A controversial military training drill took place last week in downtown Fort Lauderdale, Florida, that spooked more than a few residents, as well as analysts. Featuring Special Forces from various branches of the military working with local law enforcement, the drill involved, among other elements, rounding up civilians. And now, the training is coming under fire from locals and national media commentators as everything from an inconvenience … Continue reading

I’ll start this article on digestion with a quote from the famous French epicure and gastronome, Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin: “Those who give themselves indigestion or get drunk, do not know how to eat or drink.” While such blunt criticism might not be well received in today’s world, there is merit in what the great man said. The sad truth is, many people really do not know how to eat. No wonder indigestion is one of the biggest health problems in the world today. If we know how to eat properly, know which foods cause indigestion and be aware of the foods … Continue reading

The “proxy war” model the US has been employing throughout the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and even in parts of Asia appears to have failed yet again, this time in the Persian Gulf state of Yemen. Overcoming the US-Saudi backed regime in Yemen, and a coalition of sectarian extremists including Al Qaeda and its rebrand, the “Islamic State,” pro-Iranian Yemeni Houthi militias have turned the tide against American “soft power” and has necessitated a more direct military intervention. While US military forces themselves are not involved allegedly, Saudi warplanes and a possible ground force are. Though Saudi Arabia claims “10 … Continue reading

Not Just Governments … Private Idiots, As Well Preface: The documentary on Scientology “Going Clear” is going viral.  Here’s an interesting, related story … Governments all over the world admit that they carry out false flag terror. But private citizens do it, as well … For example: A Georgia man admitted last week that he planted a backpack with two pipe bombs in a public park near Atlanta to to frighten the public and sow fear of Islamic terrorism A Federal court described in a sentencing memorandum a series of false flags planned or carried out by the Church of … Continue reading

This sounds like a miracle answer to every woman’s prayers: a cheap, painless injection that melts away body fat in days. It’s certainly what managing director Belinda Puaar, 52, thought when she spotted an advert for new treatment Aqualyx at her local beauty clinic in North London. ‘I’ve always been a slim size eight, but after having my son ten years ago, I was left with a mum tum that no amount of exercise could shift,’ she says. ‘I tried everything, from aerobics classes to karate, but nothing helped. ‘My pot belly almost felt detached from the strong muscles I’d … Continue reading

A massive U.S. military drill dubbed “Jade Helm 15” lists Texas, Utah, and part of California as “hostile” or “insurgent pocket” territory. The unclassified information about this drill is causing widespread alarm nationwide, with more than a few analysts suggesting it may be some sort of exercise practicing to impose martial law on Americans fed up with an out-of-control federal government. During the exercises, which will take place over the summer, Special Forces from various branches of the military will work with local law-enforcement in scenarios that, to critics at least, sound suspiciously like they are aimed at subduing rebellious … Continue reading

Plumbing projects can seem a bit daunting at first, but they really don’t have to be. Here are eight common plumbing repairs and replacements that you can do yourself, no experience necessary. We’ve talked before about home electrical projects you can handle on your own and now it’s time to tackle plumbing. The projects we’re covering here mostly deal with repairing things like running toilets and leaky faucets, and replacing fixtures like faucets and shower heads. These are beginner-level projects that are fairly easy to do and can save you a lot of money if you tackle them yourself. First: … Continue reading

If you were one of the 10 million air travellers shaking your fist at the departures board in April 2010, you will appreciate the fact that – even in this tectonically peaceful realm – we ignore volcanic threats at our peril. Despite being nothing to write home about in terms of size, the eruption from Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano brought air travel chaos to the UK and mainland Europe when its ash cloud grounded an astonishing 107,000 flights in the biggest air traffic shutdown since the second world war. The eight days of mayhem brought airline CEOs to the point of … Continue reading

Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto – Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight and Help Your Body Fix Itself – Joseph Mercola New Nation: A History of the United States During the Confederation, 1781-1789 – Merrill Jensen Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin – Timothy Snyder Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America – James Ostrowski Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion – Thomas E. Woods Jr. The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher’s Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling – John Taylor Gatto One Second After … Continue reading

Franklin, TN -(Ammoland.com)- In a grid-down situation, the world will be much different than the one we now know. Natural disasters, economic crises, terrorist attacks, or any other situation causing a societal breakdown may occur at any time. In today’s world climate, it is important to be prepared for any and all possible disaster or grid-down situations. In our Grid-Down Survival Guides, we will help you understand what you need and how to be prepared when society breaks down. Grid-Down Survival Guide: First Aid ( tiny.cc/qkc2vx ) – This guide introducing our series focuses on first aid and covers planning, gathering materials, and … Continue reading

Shock and surprise are often the responses I get when I tell my university peers that I studied maths at A-level. As a History student – and a female – it often doesn’t seem to compute that I chose to study a science alongside my humanities A-levels. It certainly wasn’t due to any sort of passion for the subject: for me it was purely a tactical decision. Not only would maths be useful to me in boosting logical thinking and helping with everyday activities, it also looked more appealing to future employers. Indeed, new statistics revealed by YouGov seem to … Continue reading

Seven Southwestern states will soon be infiltrated by 1,200 military special ops personnel as part of a controversial domestic military training in which some of the elite soldiers will operate undetected among civilians. Operation Jade Helm begins in July and will last for eight weeks. Soldiers will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado where some of them wil drop from planes while carrying weapons loaded with blanks in what military officials have dubbed Realistic Military Training. But with residents of the entire states of Texas and Utah dubbed ‘hostile’ for the purposes … Continue reading