Will she or won’t she? That has been the question put forward since autumn. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has been evasive in her language as to whether or not the United States central bank will finally raise interest rates this summer. Even establishment economists and financial analysts are perplexed as polls continue to show that a large number expect a rate increase either next year or not at all. Marc Faber: No rate hike amid weak data Marc Faber, the editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, is in the camp that the Fed won’t be … Continue reading

Stop right there with that razor and cream. Whether you’re discussing a matter of personal preference with your partner, or trying to decide if you should change up your look, take note: Beards are sexy. And science has confirmed it. Facial hair for men is a trend that has come and gone through the years, from full-on beards like Abe Lincoln and handlebar mustaches to the distinguished goatee. But no matter what your shaving etiquette comes down to, having a few days of growth is definitely more front-facing than ever. Facial hair is youth-enhancing, protecting the face from harmful ultraviolet … Continue reading

Editor’s Note: Privacy buffs looking for a way to thwart facial recognition systems may have found a solution. Tech company AVG Innovation Labs, has developed a pair of eyeglasses outfitted with infrared lights  that can disrupt facial recognition software. The glasses are still in the concept stage and they’re apparently not foolproof, but they may indicate a growing market for so-called “privacy wearables.” The fact that there is such a term as privacy wearables says something about the world we live in. Identifying people through biometrics is a reality of daily life with implications for motorists, as described in this … Continue reading

What are the objectives of the global economic war against Russia? Will the West disconnect Russia from SWIFT? Will Europe and the USA impose more sanctions on Russia? What’s happening to the oil prices? Will Syrian President Bashar Assad surrender? Pravda.Ru asked these and other questions in an interview with Ron Holland, author of many best-selling books It has been a year since the US economic war against Russia began by the West. Which objectives have been set and have they been achieved? I would suggest the objectives have been three fold but in fact I would date the sanctions … Continue reading

As the eclipse plunges the UK and other places into darkness this Friday, two other rare if less spectacular celestial events will be taking place, too: a Supermoon and the Spring equinox. A Supermoon, or perigee moon, happens when the full or new moon does its closest fly-by of the Earth, making it look bigger than it normally does. And the spring equinox refers to the time of the year when the day and night are of equal duration, mid-way between the longest and shortest days. The solar eclipse refers to a phenomenon where the sun and moon line up, … Continue reading

A lot of people have asked me if they should carry their concealed pistol with a round in the chamber.  This question came up a lot when I was teaching a full schedule of concealed handgun courses. To add another layer to this question, I’ve also worked in various sectors (like the nuclear security industry and even with some military units) where supervisors held different beliefs than I do about what constitutes safety and what was both safe and tactically prudent. In order to explore this topic more fully, I’ve broken it down into the following categories: weapon retention, transitioning … Continue reading

Despite the high stakes involved in the confrontation between nuclear-armed Russia and the United States over Ukraine, the U.S. intelligence community has not updated its assessment on a critical turning point of the crisis – the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 – since five days after the crash last July 17, according to the office of the Director of National Intelligence. On Thursday, when I inquired about arranging a possible briefing on where that U.S. intelligence assessment stands, DNI spokesperson Kathleen Butler sent me the same report that was distributed by the DNI on July 22, 2014, which relied … Continue reading

In the famous calypso song Coconut Woman, the singer croons…“Get your coconut water, It’s good for your daughter…” While there’s ample truth in that, coconut is good for the rest of the family too. The song continues: “Coco got a lot of iron, Make you strong like a lion.” I’m not sure if there is enough evidence to prove that coconut water could indeed make you as strong as a lion, but researchers are singing praises of coconut water’s many health benefits. Coconut water is the ultimate thirst quencher and offers a tasty alternative to water. People all over the world … Continue reading

Extra virgin olive oil has become fashionable in health circles because it’s the predominant fat used in the Mediterranean diet, a diet shown to reduce risk of death for all causes. Italian extra virgin olive oil is considered the best, and it is the most highly sought. The only thing bothersome here is the fact that when you buy a bottle of Italian extra virgin olive oil, you may not get what you think you are getting, because olive oil tops the list for agricultural fraud. An intergovernmental organization known as the International Olive Council (IOC) based in Madrid, Spain … Continue reading

Since American Sniper has become one of the “top grossing films of all time”, garnering a few Academy Award nominations and at least one, if trivial, award, there have been even more reviews written about this insidious and insipid strip of celluloid. Unsurprisingly all of them contain the same swill. I had to return to my own review just to see if I had perhaps omitted anything essential or if anyone might have thought in an at least similar direction. The defensive focus of vocal support for the film is equally and unsurprisingly the condition of “veterans”. In fact this … Continue reading

When did blacks become a bunch of old ladies clutching their pearls and fainting all over the place? “Owe my lowde,” they say in their angora cardigans and blue-tinted hair, “Somebody across the country used the most horrendous verbiage.” They’re like British aristocrats in Victorian England. Only, they’re not. We’ve created this mythical version of African America and some of them just can’t resist playing the role, especially when they’re being egged on by sobbing, white liberals. This week some “horrific” footage of fratboys singing, “There will never be a nigger at SAE” and “You can hang him from a … Continue reading

Happy π Day! Tomorrow is March 14, or, as it’s written in the U.S., 3/14. That makes it Pi Day, because the mathematical constant π is roughly equal to 3.14. Nerds celebrate this date every year, because, well, we’re nerds. Duh. But this year’s π Day is special: It’s the year 2015, so the date is 3/14/15, giving us two more decimal places of the famous constant. In fact, if you celebrate it at 9:26:53 today, you get π to nine decimals: 3.141592653. Since the next digit is a 5, you can even round up and celebrate π Day for … Continue reading

9/11 Commissioners Admit They Never Got the Full Story The 9/11 Commissioners publicly expressed anger at cover ups and obstructions of justice by the government into a real 9/11 investigation: 9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton says “I don’t believe for a minute we got everything right”, that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, and that the 9/11 debate should continue The 9/11 Commission chair said the Commission was “set up to fail” The Commission’s co-chairs said that the CIA (and likely the White House) “obstructed our investigation” 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey … Continue reading

Let’s be perfectly clear. The United States is not actually at war with ISIS. As Global Research director, economist and author Michel Chossudovsky plainly points out recently, Obama is simply waging “a fake war” against the Islamic State forces, putting on another propaganda show for mainstream media to keep his flock of American sheeple asleep in echo-chambered darkness. With a mere cursory review of recent historical events, one can readily realize that virtually everything Big Government tells us is happening in the world, you can bet is a boldface lie. For over three and a half decades the US has been funding mostly Saudi … Continue reading

Medical myths are a popular Listverse subject, and they’re highly relevant to everybody’s welfare. In this list, we will destroy yet another ten medical myths which, incredibly, have managed to stick around. They may even be influencing your perspectives—or jeopardizing your personal safety—right now. So read on: 10 Hypothermia Always Occurs In Cold Weather We all dread the condition of hypothermia, but few of us understand exactly what it is, and how easily we may contract it. Hypothermia is commonly considered to be synonymous with “freezing to death.” In fact, hypothermia is less of a freezing effect, and more of a … Continue reading