When Ben Bradlee died last Oct. 21 at age 93, his widow Sally Quinn and his protégé Bob Woodward dutifully made the media rounds. They both lavishly praised his long tenure as executive editor of the Washington Post, which was predictable, since it was Bradlee who first hired Quinn at the Post (before marrying her) and Bradlee was influential in hiring Woodward, who then received much support from Bradlee. The Post treated Bradlee’s death something like the passing of a former president, putting the story on the front page, above the fold, accompanied by a huge close-up picture of the man – despite … Continue reading

Geneseo, IL –(Ammoland.com)- One of the most important aspects of firing accuracy is the trigger pull. Your ability to perfect this area of shooting will improve your performance faster than any other skill. Consider the following tips for bettering your trigger pull technique. The right grip If your firearm is too large, your hand can’t exert the proper force to pull the trigger.Similarly, if you grip the firearm in the wrong way, you’re not using your arm and hand muscles to their full potential.Make sure your firearm is well suited to your grip. Isolate the trigger finger Your index finger is used for … Continue reading

The next time you find yourself sighing in annoyance at your colleagues’ inability to munch their crisps quietly, take solace in the fact that this could mean you are a genius. A new study from Northwestern University suggests that the inability to filter out competing sensory information is a common occurence in the creatively talented. The study cites creative geniuses such as Charles Darwin, Anton Chekhov and novelist Marcel Proust, who notoriously wore ear-stoppers and lined his bedroom with cork to block out noise whilst he worked. Lead author of the study Darya Zabelina said: “The propensity to filter out … Continue reading

When I lived in Tijuana, Mexico fending off “roñosos” (mangy) stray dogs was a daily battle. Most of the time they were all bark and no bite. Just remaining calm, avoiding eye contact, and continuing on my way was all I needed to do. If they started charging, I pretended to pick up a rock from the ground and feigned throwing it at them. That usually spooked them enough to leave me alone. If that didn’t work, actual rocks were used. There was one time when a dog wasn’t deterred by either the pretend or real variety, and lunged to bite me. I … Continue reading

“What is taxation but theft on a gigantic, unchecked, scale?” Murray Rothbard’s question doesn’t have an answer. The coercive taking of money is theft. No exceptions. Mental masturbation on the “social contract” or necessities of public action don’t eliminate that fact. The duties and obligations of society shouldn’t translate into pickpocketing folks to pay for a myriad of welfare goods. That said, I’m ready to do the philosophically impossible: compromise. Call me a squish; I’ll own it. But the matter is of high importance. Bickering over marginal tax rates is a debate for DC talking heads. I’m talking about the … Continue reading

It’s a structure we’ve seldom taken the true measure of, since ground was first broken for its construction in September 1941. With its 6.6 million square feet of floor space, it ranked as the largest building in the country until the World Trade Center came along in 1973 — a position it regained, despite Flight 77, on September 11, 2001. It has five sides, five floors (and two basement levels), and 17.5 miles of corridors. It’s hard even to absorb how big the Pentagon is. Boston Globe Columnist James Carrollvividly described it in his appropriately monumental book, House of War, … Continue reading

While we all know what we should be eating when it comes to getting turned on in the bedroom, we’re not very sure which foods we should avoid. The food we eat can affect our sex drive in both a positive and negative way, so it’s important to choose wisely when it comes to getting some action. While some of these anti-aphrodisiacs, which include surprising foods such as broccoli, tofu and oats, are good for us in the long run, they are best not consumed when you’re hoping to get in the mood for love. ‘Food can have an incredible … Continue reading

Originally published in Ancient American Magazine. The Newberry tablet no longer exists. Found on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, it represented only one of thousands of inscribed artifacts recovered from mounds dotting the state from roughly 1890 to 1920, most of which were destroyed. The enormity of such a loss to history and inscribed artifacts were sacrificed to the hypothesis that no ancient peoples, other than the historic Indian, ever arrived in America. The tragic disappearance of priceless, irreplaceable material must be born by University of Michigan officials, whose responsibility it was to preserve these matters. The prehistory of the … Continue reading

Policy intellectuals — eggheads presuming to instruct the mere mortals who actually run for office — are a blight on the republic. Like some invasive species, they infest present-day Washington, where their presence strangles common sense and has brought to the verge of extinction the simple ability to perceive reality. A benign appearance — well-dressed types testifying before Congress, pontificating in print and on TV, or even filling key positions in the executive branch — belies a malign impact. They are like Asian carp let loose in the Great Lakes. It all began innocently enough.  Back in 1933, with the … Continue reading

The fat you choose to use in cooking can make the difference between a meal that supports health and a meal that throws off free radicals (thought to be a primary cause of the degeneration we refer to as aging). The higher the cooking heat, the more likely you are to be bombarded with free radicals, set off by breaks in fatty acid chains. There are only a few fats that can defy oxidation and its cousin, rancidity. What’s the determining factor? It’s the stability of the fatty acid chain. Saturated fats are the most stable fats because their fatty acid chains … Continue reading

Listen to the podcast ROCKWELL:  Recently, famed journalist, Ben Swann, asked me, “What is Anarcho-Capitalism?”  I thought you might like to hear our discussion. SWANN:  This is going to be an interesting show because in our first hour, we’re going to be talking with Lew Rockwell of LewRockwell.com.  He is one of the — I would say one of the foremost authorities right now in the country in terms of especially something called Anarcho-Capitalism.  We’re going to talk to him a little bit about that, what exactly Anarcho-Capitalism consists of.  But also, one of these guys who has been pushing … Continue reading

There aren’t many made-for-tv movies worth watching, let alone 32 years later, but “The Day After” is the exception–as a movie and as a warning. Neocon Herman Kahn used to stand out in the 1960s for advocating first use of nuclear weapons. He’d have plenty of company in these days of crazed Russaphobia. ‘The Day After‘ is a graphic, disturbing film that first aired on November 20, 1983.   It is the frightening story of the weeks leading up to and following a devastating nuclear holocaust on small-town residents near Lawrence, Kansas. Director: Nicholas Meyer Writer: Edward Hume Starring: Jason Robards, … Continue reading

Christopher Helin Kissel military Highway Scout Kar at Multnomah Falls, Oregon 1918 The European Union is busy accomplishing something truly extraordinary: it is fast becoming such a spectacular failure that people don’t even recognize it as one. People have no idea, they just think: this can’t possibly be true, and they continue with their day. They should think again. Because the Grand European Failure is bound to lead to real life consequences soon, and they’ll be devastating. The union that was supposed to put an end to all fighting across the continent, is about to be the fuse that sets … Continue reading

As you get older, it seems the amount of energy you used to have to get through your day starts to diminish. Sure you may attribute this to aging, but is that really the issue?When it comes to feeling awake and refreshed, age may not be the culprit zapping your energy. In fact, it could be your daily habits that are leaving you groggy and drained. Recognizing those habits and making some changes can put you back on the right track to feeling energized again.And who doesn’t like a bit more energy to get things done – and do more … Continue reading

Apart from inadvertently making the case for equal time by his Israeli pre-election opposition, the spectacle of Benjamin Netanyahu’s wild diatribe at the joint session of Congress amidst the feral cheers of his congressional yahoos will be remembered as a textbook case of propaganda unhinged from reality. Starting from his preposterous premise that Iran, a poor country of 77 million people with an economy nearly the size of Massachusetts’, is planning a caliphate to conquer the world, Mr. Netanyahu builds his case on belligerent words by Iranian leaders, who believe they are responding to Israeli belligerence backed by its ultra-modern, … Continue reading