Over the last year and a half, Americans have been bombarded with the Gish Gallop claims of Russiagate. In that time, the most reckless comments have been made against the Russians in service of using that country as a scapegoat for problems in the United States that were coming to a head, which were the real reasons for Donald Trump’s upset victory in 2016.  It has even gotten to the point where irrational hatred against Russia is becoming normalized, with the usual organizations that like to warn of the pernicious consequences of bigotry silent. The first time I realized how low things would … Continue reading

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Louisiana – Here is some news you won’t find in the mainstream media. Again this week, responsible gun owners defend themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Andee Reardon joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at three new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they trained and prepared?   What can we learn from their experience? Listen and find out. (15-minute podcast) All three victims survived lethal attacks because they had a gun. First story-  Are you armed at home? You’re at home at 1:30 in the morning. You hear glass breaking at the front of your apartment. … Continue reading

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The suspected nerve agent attack upon former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal, which also affected his daughter in the English city of Salisbury last Sunday, has given rise to too much speculation, too much hysteria, and too little analysis or insight. It has provided ammunition for the Russophobic Western media to make accusations that it was another example of Russia in general and Vladimir Putin in particular disposing of a supposed enemy of the Kremlin. As with the Mueller investigation into the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election there are accusations with varying degrees of wildness, but … Continue reading

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Bjørn Lomborg writes on his Facebook page of a reverse hockey stick graph, one that is certainly inconvenient to the gloom and doom message of climate alarmists who try to link regular weather events to climate. So, Lomborg plays their game, and the results are surprising. Fewer and fewer people die from climate-related natural disasters This is clearly opposite of what you normally hear, but that is because we’re often just being told of one disaster after another – telling us how *many* events are happening. The number of reported events is increasing, but that is mainly due to better reporting, … Continue reading

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Tens of millions of root canals are performed each year, yet how safe are they? Consider the morbid fact that it is the only procedure routinely performed where a dead part of your body — the diseased tooth — is kept attached to your body.  Almost 60 million root canals are performed a year (1), on individuals who are mistakenly informed that it is a safe and harmless procedure. While your teeth may look and feel fine after the procedure, the reality is that it is impossible for all of the bacteria to be removed from the tooth. After a root canal, … Continue reading

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Lew Rockwell writes: After Rothbard’s masterful integration, economists can no longer dismiss recessions and depressions as an “inevitable” part of the market economy. Instead, it is clear, they are caused by central bank inflation, and the corresponding distortion of interest rates, malinvestment of capital, theft of savings, and price increases that go with it. Government, of which the central bank is only an arm, is the real source of business cycles. Read the Whole Article Review by Chase: Already in the first 20 pages you will learn the basics of what the Austrian Business cycle entails. From there Rothbard delves into the details. Everything in the … Continue reading

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The Vegas Massacre is clearly the new “JFK Murder Conspiracy” updated for the 21st century. The whole story stinks to high heaven. It’s rancid. Clearly, our own government, FBI and Las Vegas police are involved in some sort of cover-up. The question is- what are they covering up? Las Vegas is my home. I have the top radio talk show in this town. Many dozens of Vegas residents have gotten in touch with me to give me their take on the Vegas Massacre. Included in that group has been MGM employees, top MGM executives, survivors of the worst mass shooting … Continue reading

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The Pentagon helps Hollywood to make money and, in turn, Hollywood churns out effective propaganda for the brutal American war machine. The US has the largest military budget in the world, spending over $611 billion – far larger than any other nation on Earth. The US military also has at their disposal the most successful propaganda apparatus the world has ever known… Hollywood. Since their collaboration on the first Best Picture winner ‘Wings’ in 1927, the US military has used Hollywood to manufacture and shape its public image in over 1,800 films and TV shows. Hollywood has, in turn, used … Continue reading

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President Donald Trump nominated Gina Haspel as the new director of the CIA, announcing the news on Twitter. Mike Pompeo, the previous director, was nominated to run the State Department to replace the ousted Rex Tillerson. * * * * * IN MAY 2013, the Washington Post’s Greg Miller reported that the head of the CIA’s clandestine service was being shifted out of that position as a result of “a management shake-up” by then-Director John Brennan. As Miller documented, this official — whom the paper did not name because she was a covert agent at the time — was centrally involved in the worst abuses of the CIA’s Bush-era … Continue reading

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In the last week, there have been four tremors in and around the Yellowstone volcano. Minor earthquakes occur in the Yellowstone area around 50 times a week. The most recent quake came on March 11 when a small 1.5 tremor took place beneath the surface. The strongest one, a 1.8 magnitude earthquake, came just hours before this, and people are concerned that Yellowstone could be about to blow. Worried social media users took to Twitter to voice their fears. One person wrote on Twitter: “Pray to Yellowstone caldera. We can end it all.” Joey Brooklyn said: “Yellowstone is rumbling again”. … Continue reading

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A huge solar storm is heading for Earth, and it’s likely to hit tomorrow. The storm could knockout satellites, disrupt power supplies and spark stunning displays of the Northern Lights. It was created last week by an enormous explosion in the sun’s atmosphere known as a solar flare, and charged particles from that flare are now on their way to our planet. The arrival of the solar storm coincides with the formation of ‘equinox cracks’ in Earth’s magnetic field, which form around the equinoxes on March 20 and September 23 each year. These cracks weaken our planet’s natural protection against … Continue reading

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When spring fever hits, it is easy to want to plant everything you can think of in your garden, as soon as you are able to work the soil. If you are a new gardener, it is common to make this same mistake. Planning out your garden by season, as well as by what you actually eat, will make your life so much easier. Many people don’t realize that certain vegetables grow better at certain times of the year. I use this book to help ensure those seeds and seedlings are planted at just the right time for my location … Continue reading

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It’s been five years since former US spy chief James Clapper lied to Congress about the NSA’s giant surveillance program, and the statute of limitations for his crime is coming to end, guaranteeing him a peaceful retirement. On March 12, 2013, Clapper, then director of national intelligence, knowingly lied to the US Select Committee on Intelligence, when he was asked by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) whether the National Security Agency collected “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.” “No sir. Not willingly,” Clapper said. The full extent of Clapper’s unabashed dishonesty was revealed to the … Continue reading

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The United States has launched a three-pronged offensive on Russia. First, it’s attacking Russia’s economy via sanctions and oil-price manipulation. Second, it’s increasing the threats to Russia’s national security by arming and training militant proxies in Syria and Ukraine, and by encircling Russia with NATO forces and missile systems. And, third, it’s conducting a massive disinformation campaign aimed at convincing the public that Russia is a ‘meddling aggressor’ that wants to destroy the foundation of American democracy. (Elections) In response to Washington’s hostility, Moscow has made every effort to extend the olive branch. Russia does not want to fight the … Continue reading

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Word reached me that Friends—the anodyne ’90s “sitcom”—has riled the snowflakes. Its transgression is that it meets Stendhal’s definition of fiction: to be a mirror walking down the main street. On Friends, people act normally. The characters room with those of their own background; straight men like to be known as such; women are indecisive and want to be thin. “Trans” culture is seen as a niche phenomenon. None of this conforms to culture’s newly mandated role as signpost not mirror. Agitprop used to be a subset of culture; now it is culture. Examples stick to one like burrs in a briar. The U.K.’s … Continue reading

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