I’m sure you’ll agree that there’s nothing worse than a limp handshake. Actually, there is: a limp handshake from a chap who has not washed his hands. New research has revealed that just 38 per cent of men and 60 per cent of women wash their hands after visiting the lavatory. Add that to a flaccid grip, and… ick. Little wonder, then, that scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, have discovered that people tend to unconsciously smell their hands after shaking, “just like rats”. There can be little doubt that shaking hands well is a skill. … Continue reading

Many changes occur as we age. Our skin isn’t as tight, our hearing may fade, and our vision may deteriorate. But growing older doesn’t mean you have to give up on your good health. When it comes to your eyes, for one, there are several natural ways to improve eyesight – no matter how old you are. I’m sure preserving your vision is important to you, so before you turn to costly drugs or surgery, you’ll definitely want to try these home remedies for good eyesight. 1. Acupressure for eye health You may have heard of the traditional Chinese medicine … Continue reading

Few franchises have had the cultural impact of the various Star Trek television series and movies, and nowhere is that more evident than in the snippets of dialogue that have become a part of the American vernacular—and in some cases, found their way abroad, too. Here are 11 of the most notable Star Trek catchphrases, as well as a little more information about their origins. 1. “LIVE LONG AND PROSPER” The Vulcan greeting and the finger-separating hand gesture that accompanies it first appeared in the second season of Star Trek: The Original Series, during an episode titled “Amok Time.” Spock … Continue reading

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Finland and Switzerland are violating the basic human rights that you cannot punish someone without first establishing the act as wrong and then prescribing the penalty. I think this was a major issue in the American Revolution and in the French Revolution. Am I correct? It looks like your wheel of fortune has revolved in so many areas. Thank you for shining the light KB ANSWER: Yes. Very good. The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson, for which the king sent an entire army to his home just to hang him personally, included: “No Bill of … Continue reading

The dietary tides are once again turning for salt. You may remember a landmark JAMA study in 2011 that showed that contrary to what the medical community espoused for years – salt actually lengthens your life; it doesn’t cut your life or raise the risk of hypertension. That study found that people actually lived longer if they consumed salt. Notably, they were not studying pink Himalayan salt, but regular old, processed table salt. Additionally, a Cochrane study confirmed that salt did not cause heart or blood pressure problems and that reducing the substance offered no reduction of heart risks. Some … Continue reading

Nicolas Poussin, Et In Arcadia Ego (Louvre, Paris) Poussin’s enigmatic image of ancient Greek shepherds gathered around a tomb inscribed with the words Et In Arcadia Ego – “Even in Arcadia I exist” – has given rise to more preposterous hypotheses than any other work of art. Crowning them all are the efforts British researchers Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, who claimed the painting held the secret to hidden treasure in the south of France, where Jesus lived in wedded bliss with Mary Magdelene, siring the Merovingian kings of France. Rather than treasure, this magnificent nonsense led to … Continue reading

Is Japan Zimbabwe? How preposterous: Japan is an advanced economy that cannot possibly suffer the same fate as Zimbabwe. Right? Or could Japan get hyperinflation? Below I explain why Japan, and with it investors’ portfolios, might be at risk. The other day, when I was on a panel discussing unsustainable deficits in the U.S., Eurozone and Japan, the risk of inflation and Zimbabwe style hyperinflation came up. When asked about the difference about Japan and Zimbabwe, I quipped that there isn’t any. My co-panelists were all over me, arguing Japan is different. Notably that Japan could not possibly go broke … Continue reading

Microsoft’s co-founder has used his own submarine to find the wreck of the Japanese Navy’s biggest warship – which has lain undiscovered at the bottom of the ocean for the past 70 years. Paul Allen revealed his amazing discovery to the world on Tuesday, by posting a photo to Twitter of the World War II battleship Musashi’s rusty bow, which bore the Japanese empire’s Chrysanthemum seal. The Musashi – which, along with its sister ship Yamato, was the heaviest and most powerfully armed battleship ever constructed – was sunk by the U.S. Navy in 1944, taking with it more than … Continue reading

On March 3, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued an impassioned plea to Congress to protect Israel by opposing diplomacy with Iran. Referring to “the remarkable alliance between Israel and the United States” which includes “generous military assistance and missile defense,” Netanyahu failed to mention that Israel has an arsenal of 100 or 200 nuclear weapons. The day before he delivered that controversial address, Netanyahu expressed similar sentiments to AIPAC, Israel’s powerful U.S. lobby. He reiterated the claim that Israel acted in the 1967 Six-Day War “to defend itself.” The narrative that Israel attacked Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in self-defense, … Continue reading

Yes you read that headline correctly. Yesterday in Huntington Beach there was snow. And, in Redondo Beach, waterspouts were reported. I’m sure it won’t be long before somebody tries to blame these weather events on “global warming” which is fast becoming the “universal bogeyman” for any weather event. And in downtown: Read the Whole Article

Shingles (herpes zoster) is a secondary outbreak of the chicken pox virus. It can happen decades after the original infection. It is usually less severe the second time. It may occur for people who have had either chicken pox or the chicken pox vaccination. It is often caused by the vaccine, and people who get the vaccine strain years after a vaccination get a much worse version of shingles. It is an opportunistic virus that will strike whenever the immune system is sufficiently impaired. Those who have never contracted chicken pox are at risk of contracting it from people with … Continue reading

Police Killings Grossly Underreported We previously reported that Americans are 9 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than aterrorist. But it turns out that our numbers were incorrect … This isn’t surprising, given that: “Reliable estimates of the number of justifiable homicides committed by police officers in the United States do not exist.” A study of killings by police from 1999 to 2002 in the Central Florida region found that the national databases included (in Florida) only one-fourth of the number of persons killed by police as reported in the local news media. The Guardian reports … Continue reading

Major US news media have presented a grossly distorted and misleading interpretation of vaccines and their relationship to public health since early January. These journalistic organs have suggested the recent measles outbreak in the Western US has been a crisis of monumental proportions. This flagrant and cynical sensationalism has become a foundation for intense advocacy on behalf of the pharmaceutical corporate and regulatory cartel targeting patient informed consent—a founding principal of modern medical practice and personal freedom. Keeping in mind the close to 300 vaccine products now in the pharmaceutical industry’s pipeline,[1] closer analysis of “measles outbreak” press coverage suggests … Continue reading

A team hunting for the legendary ‘lost city’ of Ciudad Blanca in Honduras has made a dramatic discovery of untouched ruins deep in the jungle that are thought to be thousands of years old, according to National Geographic. Researchers believe the complex of plazas, mounds, a pyramid and dozens of artefacts belong to a civilization which was blooming thousands of years ago and then vanished without a trace. It prompts the tantalizing possibility that they have found the lost civilization known as the White City, which as been the subject of local rumors among tribes people and Spanish explorers around the … Continue reading