We all know that we should be eating a bit more healthily, especially if we are watching our weight. But it always surprises me how little we really know about the importance a nutritious diet has for our health and wellbeing. Food is the most powerful drug that we have, with many natural foods proving to be as beneficial in tackling certain diseases, conditions and ailments as modern medicine. Every week, I see new studies showing that what we eat can reduce our risk of developing diseases or help treat existing problems. Of course, we have to take these studies … Continue reading

MILLVILLE, NJ — A retired schoolteacher is facing felony charges for owning an 18th century relic firearm in the state of New Jersey. Gordan N. Van Gilder, 72, was pulled over by a Cumberland County Sheriff’s Deputy on November 20, 2014 for a minor traffic violation. “The deputy, Joshua Sheppard, started screaming at us,” Mr. Van Gilder recalled to NRA News. “He wanted to search the car.” “You’re going to give us your consent, or do I have to get the dog?” Deputy Sheppard allegedly challenged. “You don’t have to get any dogs. Help yourself,” Van Gilder recounted saying to … Continue reading

A senior American climate scientist has spoken of the fear he experienced when US intelligence services apparently asked him about the possibility of weaponising the weather as a major report on geo-engineering is to be published this week. Professor Alan Robock stated that three years ago, two men claiming to be from the CIA had called him to ask whether experts would be able to tell if hostile forces had begun manipulating the US’s weather, though he suspected the purpose of the call was to find out if American forces could meddle with other countries’ climates instead. During a debate … Continue reading

A hapax legomenon is a word or phase that is unique. It appears only one time in an entire body of text. Hapax legomena can occur either in a single text or in an author’s entire works of literature, and they appear in ancient languages—Greek, Roman, Hebrew, Old English—as well as in computer science programming languages. No one can be sure of the exact meaning of these 10 instances of hapex legomena, so we can only guess their definitions based on limited context clues. 10 Aeppelfealu Old English Aeppelfealu appears exactly once in the entire existing Old English canon, in Beowulf. The author of … Continue reading

Wandering around YouTube recently, I stumbled across some good old government-issue propaganda.  It was a video clearly meant to stir American emotions and prepare us for a long struggle against a determined, brutal, and barbaric enemy whose way of life is a challenge to the most basic American values. Here’s some of what I learned: our enemy is engaged in a crusade against the West; wants to establish a world government and make all of us bow down before it; fights fanatically, beheads prisoners, and is willing to sacrifice the lives of its followers in inhuman suicide attacks.  Though its … Continue reading

Back in May of 2012 (when gold was trading north of $1,600 an ounce) Bloomberg reported on how a Greek exit from the Eurozone may play out based on synthesized scenarios from 21 economists, analysts and academics. The wargaming suggested Greece may have only 46 hours – Friday’s close in the New York to Monday’s market open in New Zealand – to pull off any sort of non-chaotic departure: “Over the two days, leaders would have to calm civil unrest while managing a potential sovereign default, planning a new currency, recapitalizing the banks, stemming the outflow of capital and seeking a … Continue reading

Pollsters have a habit, every Easter and Christmas, of carrying out surveys to demonstrate how ignorant most of us now are about even the basics of the Christian story. Respondents regularly muddle up Jesus’s crucifixion with chocolate bunny rabbits, and miscast Peter, Mary Magdalene and Judas Iscariot as if they are interchangeable characters in a half-remembered soap opera. But when it comes to the Devil, memories are much sharper, even in our sceptical, scientific and secular times. A good half of respondents can usually be counted on to know exactly who the Devil is. And many of them also believe … Continue reading

Ever experience any numbness, pain or tingling in your hands, arms, feet and legs? Plenty of people suffer from such circulation problems, whether they’re relatively minor, more severe or potentially life-threatening. That’s because cold temperatures make blood vessels in the hands and feet constrict, diverting blood toward some of the more vital organs. Your poor extremities feel the brunt of it. What’s called peripheral vascular disease – or PVD – can also narrow the arteries that supply blood to the legs. In its mildest form, the disease can cause poor circulation and cold feet. What’s surprising, though, is that few people know … Continue reading

President Barack Obama promised a “transparent” administration, reviving democracy by letting Americans see into the inner workings of their government as much as possible, an implicit criticism of the excessive secrecy of his predecessor, George W. Bush. But instead Obama’s presidency has been one of the most opaque and deceptive in modern history. Not only has Obama continued to wrap the carry-over anti-terrorism wars in maximum secrecy but he has taken unprecedented steps to shut down leaks by prosecuting whistleblowers who talk to the press. And, he has left standing his administration’s misleading rushes to judgment on key issues after U.S. intelligence … Continue reading

The relationship between state and motorist lies somewhere on the scale between ‘to protect and serve’ and ‘command and control.’ It depends greatly on how the fuel tax, tolls, and other user fees are collected, how fines are levied, and the degree to which that revenue is used to maintain and improve public roadways as opposed to being diverted for use on unrelated projects. Because states view drivers’ rights with varying degrees of indifference, we decided to quantify what distinguishes each of the states in their treatment of motorists. Click here for a brief description of the five evaluation categories and … Continue reading

A famous Malaysian Chinese astrology master who has previously correctly predicted many accurate events has released his predictions for the world in the Year of the Wood Goat. Master Thean Y Nang, a Buddhist Feng Shui master and Chinese astrologer based in Malaysia, has predicted that the coming year, which starts on 19 February 2015 following the Chinese lunar calendar, will overall be much more favourable than the outgoing Year of the Wood Horse (2014). Thean previously correctly predicted the 9/11 attacks and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, and most recently foresaw incredibly bad luck for Malaysia in 2014, long before any … Continue reading

“Are you ready for total war?” “Sind Sie bereit für totalen Krieg?” – Joseph Goebbels On February 18, 1943, German Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels delivered a rousing speech at the Berlin Sportpalast, asking the German people, “Sind Sie bereit für totalen Krieg?” or “Are you ready for total War?” Germany had planned for Blitzkrieg and a short war and was unprepared for a world war as the combined military forces of the United States, England and the Soviet Union crushed the Reich relentlessly and systematically. Although the people and economy rallied in defense of Germany, total war only prolonged the … Continue reading

(from The Rebel magazine, January 1984)  Over 100 murders, suicides, mysterious deaths–the strange fate of those who saw Kennedy shot.  . Shortly after dark on Sunday night November 24, 1963, after Ruby had killed Lee Harvey Oswald, a meeting took place in Jack Ruby’s apartment in Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Five persons were present. George Senator and Attorney Tom Howard were present and having a drink in the apartment when two newsmen arrived. The newsmen were Bill Hunter of the Long Beach California Press Telegram, and Jim Koethe of the Dallas Times Herald. Attorney C.A. Droby of … Continue reading

Henry VIII almost took a seventh wife but gave up on his final Tudor love because she was too feisty, outspoken and had a habit of nagging him, it emerged today. The monarch considered divorcing his sixth bride Catherine Parr to walk down the aisle with duchess Katherine Willoughby, a new book claims. She had already given birth to two sons and Henry was so obsessed with producing male heirs that he believed she could help continue the Tudor dynasty. The pair met in the 1530s and flirted at court, danced together and even exchanged gifts around Christmas. But Henry was ‘jaded’ … Continue reading

Many folks believe that the crash will be an instant in time, and the world will fall apart in hours. That may be so for local or regional events, or if you’re at ground zero of an event, but it’s more likely that an event that affects the entire nation or world unfolds over time, from weeks to months, maybe over a year. Most of us have experienced what it’s like to be ‘out of position’, that empty feeling combined with a sharp pain deep in your gut when you know it’s already too late. Maybe it was the red … Continue reading