For the third time in a week, my attempts at a vaguely peaceful coffee out are being thwarted by small children running around noisily, irritating everyone else. Everyone except their parents, who seem oblivious to anything beyond their lattes and chat. Watching, listening to and indeed being elbowed in the thigh by these little tornado-like beings highlights to me again how very far we’ve come from the days of children being “seen and not heard”. I’m no “youth of today” whinger, nor do I sport rose-tinted spectacles about the strictures of childhoods past, but what happened to there being a … Continue reading

As an NHS weight loss surgeon, every single single person who comes to discuss weight management with me is totally perplexed by the advice out there. And who can blame them? Every time we switch on the TV or open the paper, there is another ‘sure-fire’ diet, a new health recommendation or an advert for the latest miracle weight-loss pill. Despite this national obsession with dieting, we have seen our weight increase, waistlines expand and our health deteriorate. Two thirds of us are overweight and rates of type 2 diabetes, which is strongly associated with obesity, are sky-rocketing. So, what’s … Continue reading

Manasquan, NJ –(  No matter where you live in the USA in 2013 you have seen home invasions on the rise. For this reason and since the President’s push for disarmament of the U. S. gun owner, I have had student after student ask me what is the best shot gun for home defense or self defense? Shotguns make excellent guns for at home protection as they are easy to maneuver and simple to operate. Pump and auto loading shotguns with a barrel length of 18 to 22 inches is the optimum choice for home defense. They are completely reliable and stupid … Continue reading

The scientists had no idea that their experiment could spell the end of civilization. On Jan. 25, 1995, Norwegian and American researchers fired a rocket into the skies of northwestern Norway to study the Northern Lights. But the four-stage rocket flew directly through the same corridor that American Minuteman III missiles, equipped with nuclear warheads, would use to travel from the United States to Moscow. The rocket’s speed and flight pattern very closely matched what the Russians expected from a Trident missile that would be fired from a US submarine and detonated at high altitude, with the aim of blinding … Continue reading

Valentine’s Day is a day away, but for those looking to find a date, how can you tell if someone is interested? Well, fortunately, researchers have worked out the science of flirting, to find out what people do most often if they are attracted in another person. And the results are in: Starting off being encouraging and complimentary, and ending by being expressive and using open palm gestures, is a sure-fire way that someone is interested. The research was led by associate professor of communication studies Dr Jeffrey Hall from the University of Kansas. His team gathered 102 heterosexual men … Continue reading

With food prices rising every year while incomes continue to stagnate, going grocery shopping can turn into a real squeeze for anyone looking for top nutrition. One thing we can do to make ends meet is to drop the illusions we have been conditioned to think are truths. Most of these illusions have been created for the purpose of selling us a product that we could do quite well without. Slaying these illusions can help save big money over time. Here are 6 widely accepted food myths that, when busted, will help you not only save your health, but also … Continue reading

My doctor sent me to a rheumatologist because of the bad arthritis in my hands. Years on a computer keyboard can be tough on joints! I had swelling, pain, stiffness and was wearing support braces at night. The rheumatologist prescribed medication for my symptoms, letting me know there is no cure and my arthritis wouldn’t go away – although symptoms may subside and then return. Not a rosy picture, to say the least. But I didn’t want to cause myself further complications, so I decided against the pills and started regular acupuncture treatments. They made a world of difference! I … Continue reading

Q. Are roadblocks legal? A. The US Supreme Court has found roadblocks to be legal for a variety of purposes, the most prominent being so-called “sobriety check points.” There is a longer history of roadblock approvals related to checking vehicles near or at national border crossings. However, many state courts take a less favorable view of roadblocks based on language in their respective state constitutions. Probably the best example of this is the Michigan case that went to the US Supreme Court, Sitz vs. Michigan, that established the legal precedent for DWI roadblocks. While the US Supreme Court found DWI … Continue reading

Earlier this week a security researcher leaked a staggering 10 million usernames and passwords online. He said the move was for research purposes, and details were stripped of certain details to protect the accounts from cybercriminals. Now, a programmer has built a search tool that lets concerned users scour the list for their personal details. Earlier this week a security researcher leaked a staggering 10 million usernames and passwords online. Programmer Luke Rehmann has now built a search tool that lets concerned users scour the list for their personal details. He warned that the site may be slow to load during … Continue reading

With everyone making nice – apart from Dijsselbloem – ahead of the weekend, we thought some reality checks were in order… Submitted by Dominique Dassault via, This whole Greek debt “face-off” with the rest of Europe is so comical. First of all, as previously mentioned, there is NO way that Greece will EVER pay off all of its debt. And its ability to even service [interest payments] its debt is questionable. So, really, if you are a creditor to Greece what are you to do? You are definitely going to get “stiffed”. The question = Can you recover even … Continue reading

Eden Prairie, Minnesota –( What should one consider when searching for a handgun suitable for concealed carry? This question comes up over and over in classes in one way or another. And the answer isn’t quite straight forward or as easy to arrive at as one might think. Reason being, the answer will potentially be very specific to the person asking the question. Probably one of the most important considerations when deciding what gun one will carry will be their lifestyle. What I mean by lifestyle is the multitude of factors that affect our everyday life. From the small things … Continue reading

In the Belorussian capital Minsk representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the rebels from the Donbass signed a 13-point agreement on a ceasefire and other measures to resolve the conflict in Ukraine under OSCE supervision. The essence of the plan is to take account of the self-determination of peoples, which is the reason for the conflict: the ethnic Russians in the Donbass do not want to submit to a central government from Kiev itself. The Obama Administration really opposed this sort of settlement on the grounds of old-world empire theory predicated on territorial integrity of Ukraine. Such policies have led to … Continue reading

They’re the smallest countries in the world – and they’re proud of it. A micronation is a piece of land that claims to be an independent or sovereign nation, but is not officially recognized by the governments of the world. In 2012, fascinated photographer Leó Delafontaine began documenting them, visiting six countries and three continents to capture life inside the unique mini-states. The people he met were eccentrics determined to carve out their own place in the world – and so they did exactly that. There are many reasons for the founding of the micronations, ranging from symbols of defiance, … Continue reading