Solar storm, nuclear EMP, or a derivatives crash; any one of these could trigger a national or worldwide socio-economic collapse on a scale nobody has ever seen, with the subsequent destruction of life, liberty and property almost unimaginable. Out of the smoke and stench of the collapse, one nasty fact remains; not living full time at a retreat will require bugging out, it’s just a matter of time. The journey for most will be long and treacherous, may take weeks, months or even years and may result in injury or casualties to the group. However, only those who are prepped, … Continue reading

If the world all went to hell in a hand basket today, you would probably be stuck with what you have now in your possession and what you know or the skills you have learned already. Assuming your city or home didn’t get destroyed and along with it all of your prepper supplies, you could either be pretty well off for some time or in a serious world of hurt almost immediately. Most of us reading this have made some attempts at becoming prepared. Even if you are new to prepping, you may have taken steps already to ensure you have … Continue reading

If the world all went to hell in a hand basket today, you would probably be stuck with what you have now in your possession and what you know or the skills you have learned already. Assuming your city or home didn’t get destroyed and along with it all of your prepper supplies, you could either be pretty well off for some time or in a serious world of hurt almost immediately. Most of us reading this have made some attempts at becoming prepared. Even if you are new to prepping, you may have taken steps already to ensure you have … Continue reading

Nick Giambruno: Welcome, Jim. As you know, Doug Casey and I travel the world surveying crisis markets, and we always like to get your take on things. Today I want to talk to you about Russia, which is a very hated market right now. What are your thoughts on Russia in general and on Russian stocks in particular? Jim Rogers: Well, I’m optimistic about the future of Russia. I was optimistic before this war started in Ukraine, which was instigated by the US, of course. But in any case, I bought more Russia during the Crimea incident, and I’m looking to buy still more. … Continue reading

  I don’t know about you, but I’m having a ball reading up on the preparations for the Wednesday/Thursday talks between Greece and .. well, everybody else. German FinMin Schäuble proudly declares that it’s do what I tell you or you’re finished, Greek FinMin Varoufakis says prepare for a clash. Greek advisors Lazard say a $100 billion debt reduction sounds reasonable, and some anonymous EU official says Lazard are incompetent and counterproductive (not smart, that). When will the Brussels luxury cubicles understand that the Greek people have voted down their approach fair and square? That they voted down the government … Continue reading

 “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist American author who wrote in the early 20thcentury “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when children die or are disabled from vaccine injuries. ”The AAP leadership knows very well that vaccines cause autism. We need not waste anymore efforts in trying to educate them; we need to indict them.” – Dr David Ayoub “When a well-packaged web … Continue reading

With all the media ‘fear porn’ about measles that’s been inundating everyone recently, perhaps healthcare consumers ought to know some pertinent facts about the MMR vaccines that their MDs, pediatricians, and health agencies apparently NEGLECT to tell the public as part of what should be properly informed consent. Later on, I will discuss ‘fear porn’ tactics. Legally, ethically, and morally, what would be informed medical consent? According to the American Medical Association, The patient’s right of self-decision can be effectively exercised only if the patient possesses enough information to enable an informed choice. [1] [Emphasis added] Furthermore, the AMA says, The … Continue reading

The U.S. Government often warns of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks from adversaries, but it may have actually contributed to those capabilities in the case of Iran. A top secret National Security Agency document from April 2013 reveals that the U.S. intelligence community is worried that the West’s campaign of aggressive and sophisticated cyberattacks enabled Iran to improve its own capabilities by studying and then replicating those tactics. The NSA is specifically concerned that Iran’s cyberweapons will become increasingly potent and sophisticated by virtue of learning from the attacks that have been launched against that country. “Iran’s destructive cyber attack against Saudi Aramco in … Continue reading

People like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk are worried about what might happen as a result of advancements in AI. They’re concerned that robots could grow so intelligent that they could independently decide to exterminate humans. And if Hawking and Musk are fearful, does this mean you probably should be too? While no doubt interesing men, are they really competent when it comes to programming? I have tinkered with AI since the early 1970s. There is no doubt these guys are influenced by concepts like in the movies Terminator and the Matrix. But from a real world programming side, to outdo human thinking … Continue reading

This weekly post features recent news stories that highlight and update themes previously covered throughout NMA E-Newsletters and Alerts. Editor’s Note: The National Sheriffs’ Association recently expressed concerns that the mobile app Waze was putting police officers in harm’s way. Waze allows users to track the location of speed traps, ticket cameras, traffic congestion, etc., in real time, and the association feared that the app could be used to stalk and ambush police. In a follow-up statement, however, the association stated that Waze could also potentially interfere with lucrative speed trapping operations. This of course is the main reason police … Continue reading

When laser eye surgery goes wrong, the effects can be devastating. Take the case of Stephanie Holloway, a 21-year-old, short-sighted book dealer from Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire, who dreamed of joining the police without needing to wear glasses or contact lenses. Her eyes were left so painfully sensitive to light after laser surgery in 2008 that she has to wear sunglasses almost all the time. Six months ago, a court ruled that Stephanie, now 28 and jobless, had not been warned properly about the risks and the High Street chain involved was ordered to pay her £500,000 in damages.  Sasha Rodoy, a … Continue reading

It is a writer’s dream to write a best-selling novel, or maybe even a best-selling novel with a blockbuster film adaptation. Who wouldn’t want the fruit of his or her artistic labors to reach and influence the lives of millions? The right book can alter the way its readers think. It can inspire them into action. Sometimes, though, that influence reaches farther and in different directions than the author anticipated. Sometimes, authors grow to hate these publications that make them famous. 10 Brokeback Mountain – Annie Proulx In 1997, Annie Proulx published Brokeback Mountain as a short story. In 2005, it was … Continue reading

New research claims that official warnings against the consumption of saturated fats should never have been introduced The article in BMJ’s Open Heart journal argues that the advice was based on flawed data and “very limited evidence”. The warning, adopted by British authorities in the early 1980s, was based on research that focused only on unhealthy men, with the reports authors arguing: “it seems incomprehensible that dietary advice was introduced for 220 million Americans and 56 million UK citizens. “Dietary advice does not merely need a review; it should not have been introduced.” Men were advised they should consume no … Continue reading

When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified. Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been … Continue reading

Are you desperate to lose weight but constantly hungry when dieting? Does the thought of going to the gym fill you with dread? A new diet promises to avoid all of this – while allowing you to eat foods traditionally banned on weight loss plans. Called The High Fat Diet, it claims to facilitate up to 10lb of weight loss in just 14 days. Developed by nutritionist and personal trainer Zana Morris, the diet is a combination of high-fat nutrition and high-intensity training. The premise is that rather than fat being demonised, it actually makes you thinner. In a nutshell, … Continue reading