Mystery Solved! The “Lime Mill” that Built the Tower Discovery of Newport’s Missing Industrial Lime Kiln Gunnar Thompson, Ph.D. New World Discovery Institute January 22, 2015 Introduction At some distant and controversial point in Newport’s Past, a team of experienced stone builders from the British Isles constructed a round tower in the scenic preserve that is known today as Touro Park. Were these renegade artisans the same bunch of Colonial philosophers who bequeathed to Rhode Island a passion for freedom of religion and justice? Were they a band of marooned Templar Masons from 14th century Scotland? Or were they just … Continue reading

Have you ever shouted at the wireless when a guest on Today begins his first answer with the word so? Are you more shocked by greengrocers’ use of the apostrophe than by the cost of Little Gem lettuces? Do you never have less than seven items, but sometimes fewer? Were you annoyed by my use of the word wireless just now? Your answers will indicate whether you think there’s anything at all weird about Bryan Henderson, aged 51, having corrected the same ungrammatical phrase 47,000 times. He does not like the construction “comprised of ”, and changes it where he can. … Continue reading

It’s one of my personal frustrations that I am naturally terrible at remembering names. I place great value on truly connecting with other people, and I know one of the simplest ways you can make someone feel recognized is to remember and speak their name. Plus, let’s face it, blanking on someone’s name whom you’ve met before — or worse, just been introduced to — is borderline rude, and fully embarrassing. How many of us have been there, awkwardly trying to get someone to repeat their name so we can make a proper introduction, or using all sorts of nonspecific … Continue reading

Without antagonists, there would be no protagonists. Without sinister evil doers, there would be no heroes. Without dark there is no light… you get the idea. History, whether in reality or on the big screen, shows us that a decent, believable bad guy (or gal) makes our tough-guy (or gal) lead that much more desirable. Who would Beowulf have proven himself with had there not been a Grendel? Here are ten of cinema’s most ghastly villains. 10. The Wicked Witch of the West From Dorothy’s initial arrival in Munchkin City, and the very fact that she’d landed smack on top … Continue reading

The latest ISIS atrocity – releasing a video of a captured Jordanian fighter pilot being burned alive – prompted substantial discussion yesterday about this particular form of savagery. It is thus worth noting that deliberately burning people to death is achievable – and deliberately achieved – in all sorts of other ways: “Living Under Drones: Death, Injury and Trauma to Civilians From US Drone Practices in Pakistan”, NYU School of Law and Stanford University Law School, 2012: The most immediate consequence of drone strikes is, of course, death and injury to those targeted or near a strike. The missiles fired … Continue reading

In ancient times, whenever there was a rise in war or political uncertainty, the human reaction was to hoard money. The hoard of ancient Roman coins 3rd century we purchased for study from Britain years ago reflected coins of both the Roman Empire and the Gallic Empire. Even the debased coinage was being hoarded. This is part of the deflationary cycle that must take place FIRST. It is the shrinkage of the money supply created by the hoarding that defeats what people assume should be inflationary. The age old problem remains the net effect – not the top down superficial … Continue reading

Faber: “Only one way to short central banks and that is to buy gold”. Marc Faber warned at the weekend that 2015 may be the year that investors will lose confidence in central banks and that investors will “suddenly realise what a scam that central banking is”. He is long gold and recently bought more gold and investors should buy gold and short sectors such as biotech and social media. In an interview with Jack Otter, editor Of, Dr. Faber again reiterated his desire to short central banks. While that is technically impossible, the editor of the excellent Gloom, … Continue reading

It is often said that our eyes are the gateway to our soul. Although this may be true, your eyes can reveal much more than that. Eyes not only provide us with the ability to see, but they can also tell us what’s going on inside our bodies. Whether it is matters of the heart, the mind or the nerves, our eyes have the ability to show us serious health concerns even before we start to experience any symptoms at all. Since early detection is key, make an appointment with your eye doctor and get checked. Here are a few … Continue reading

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz smoked marijuana in his youth, his campaign told Daily Mail Online on Tuesday – putting him in the same camp as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who acknowledged his high school pot-smoking days on Friday. ‘Teenagers are often known for their lack of judgment, and Sen. Cruz was no exception,’ a Cruz spokesperson said. ‘When he was a teenager, he foolishly experimented with marijuana. It was a mistake, and he’s never tried it since.’ The spokesperson wouldn’t elaborate about how many times Cruz had tried the illegal drug, over how long a period the experimentation … Continue reading

Obama is on a hot war footing. Western civilization is threatened by the Islamic State.    The “Global War on Terrorism” is  heralded as a humanitarian endeavor. We have a “Responsibility to Protect”. Humanitarian warfare is the solution.  Evil folks are lurking. ‘Take ‘em out”, said George W. Bush. The Western media is beating the drums of war. Obama’s military agenda is supported by a vast propaganda apparatus.  One of the main objectives of war propaganda is to “fabricate an enemy” . As the political legitimacy the Obama Administration falters, doubts regarding the existence of this “outside enemy”, namely Al Qaeda and its network of (CIA … Continue reading

Listen to the podcast ROCKWELL:  Good morning.  This is the Lew Rockwell Show.  And how great is it to have as our guest this morning, Mr. Randy England.  Randy is a writer, a blogger, a criminal defense lawyer in Jefferson City, Missouri.  Boy, talk about an important profession these days.  His latest book is called Free Is Beautiful, Why Catholics Should Be Libertarians. So, Randy, when you run into the typical statist Catholic, or statist Protestant, for that matter, they always seem to want to tell you about Romans 13.  What’s your response to that? ENGLAND:  Well, Romans 13, of … Continue reading

On a chilly morning in late January 2015,  an unlikely assortment of former U.S. and U.K. intelligence officers gathered at the former headquarters of the Stasi — the former East Germany’s Ministerium fuer Staatssicherheit  [Ministry of State Security] — for a tour of Berlin’s “Stasi Museum.” The delegation – which included ex-officers from the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and British MI5, who count themselves among the members of the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) – had traveled to Berlin to confer the 2015 Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence on former NSA senior … Continue reading

Game of Thrones actor Hafthór ‘Thor’ Björnsson has broken a 1,000-year-old weight lifting record to become ‘The World’s Strongest Viking’. The 26-year-old lifted a 30-foot log, weighing 1,433lbs on his shoulders and carried it for five steps during the World’s Strongest Viking competition in Norway. The Icelandic strongman, who plays Gregor ‘The Mountain’ Clegane on the drama series based on the books by George R R Martin, has now got his eyes on the World’s Strongest Man-title. Read the Whole Article

Since the beginning of time, television pundits and other serious thinkers have beckoned the young to die or lose limbs in pointless, illegal wars. Just in the last 15 years alone, our groomed foreign policy experts and think tank fellows have made compelling cases for armed humanitarian interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and about a half dozen other defenseless nations desperately in need of drone strikes or some other form of Western aid. Some might think this ancient practice of the privileged few urging everyone else to perish for nothing is outdated—maybe even harmful. Perhaps. But tradition is very important in … Continue reading