Midwest –(Ammoland.com)- Like any other sport or hobby, shooting can be done on the cheap, if you want. And I’ve run across plenty of shooters who take pride in shooting on the cheap, even when they don’t have to. While cheap plinking is certainly possible, frugality is not always the best policy when it comes to the shooting sports. I have learned, many times over, the truth and wisdom of the old saying “You get what you pay for.” If you’re serious about shooting, then it is probably better to “cry only once” when you buy, and lay down some … Continue reading

Ronald Reagan bedded more than 50 of Hollywood’s leading ladies at a luxury LA hotel bungalow, according to a sensational new biography. During his time as a young ‘B-movie’ Hollywood actor, Reagan courted screen sirens including Marilyn Monroe, Doris Day, Joan Blondell and Lana Turner at the three-bedroom bungalow in the grounds of the Garden of Allah hotel in Hollywood, the book claims. The revelations are made in a biography to be published on Valentine’s Day titled Love Triangle: Ronald Reagan, Jane Wyman & Nancy Davis, reports The Sunday Times. According to the book’s author Darwin Porter, Reagan was involved with around 50 women in Hollywood. ‘Nearly … Continue reading

1. I Will Never Vaccinate My Child
 Bill Sardi explains the plain and awful facts. 2, Civil Unrest Ahead Are you ready? Article by Ron Paul. 3. American Liar Why Jesse Ventura is likely to collect millions in the sorry saga of the sniper. 4. Are You ODD? Shrinks concoct a new “disease” to stigmatize people like us. 5. 7 Big Lies American Sniper is telling whoppers about Chris Kyle’s character, and the backlash is growing. 6. The Swiss Central Bank’s Move And the bloodbaths ahead. Article by Robert Wenzel. 7. The Hilarious Racism of Al Sharpton Walter Williams wonders … Continue reading

As we always point out in these pages, the best one can as a rule hope for in a politician is that he will provide us with entertainment. Syriza chief and new Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras and his ministers have certainly exhibited far greater entertainment value so far than their rather dull predecessors. Within hours of taking up his post, Alexis Tsipras issued a number of zingers in the general direction of Brussels. First it was widely reported that he threatened not to support new EU sanctions against Russia, the imposition of which requires unanimity. It was then said … Continue reading

American Sniper, the latest blockbuster by director Clinton Eastwood about Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, is having a major moment. Articles about the film’s big opening weekend, its star and co-producer Bradley Cooper, and its six Academy Award nominations fill mainstream, alternative, and social media alike. Controversies involving Michael Moore’s and Seth Rogen’s critical comments, and their subsequent explanations and apologies, have flooded twitter. The film’s audio track begins with the recitation of Allahu Akbar from a mosque in Fallujah. (The Iraqi scenes were filmed in Morocco.) Then the screen fills with U.S. Humvees, rolling through the destroyed streets of a former … Continue reading

Is it possible that the common tomato can do as good a job at lowering cholesterol as statin drugs, and do so for only a fraction of the cost and without horrid side effects? Recent research from Australia is showing the answer to this question is a resounding yes. These researchers found that 25 mg of lycopene, a carotenoid found in tomatoes, is effective in reducing LDL cholesterol by about 10%. This is comparable to the effect of statin drugs at low doses in patients with modestly elevated cholesterol levels. So how many tomatoes would have to be consumed to get … Continue reading

A hedge fund manager who made millions after correctly predicting the credit crunch has warned major economies are entering a recession that will be ‘remembered in a hundred years’. In a letter to his well-heeled customers, Crispin Odey predicted that ‘equity markets will get devastated’ and described it as the best time to bet on shares slumping in value since the recent financial crisis. Citing the current turmoil in the markets, including a dramatic slump in the oil price and a ‘faltering Chinese economy’, he said: ‘This downcycle is likely to be remembered in a hundred years, when we hope … Continue reading

There are said to be around 6,500 spoken languages around the world. While 2,000 of these languages are spoken by fewer than 1,000 speakers, others are much more common with words and phrases being passed down through generations and shared across countries and continents. A map has been designed to highlight the spread of these common languages by plotting words, and their translations, from population to population. Type a word in the interactive map below  Called Word Map, the interactive guide (pictured) was created by Easyway Language Centre in Brazil. To use the map, type any word in any language … Continue reading

The core ingredients of chili are “fiery envy, scalding jealousy, scorching contempt, and sizzling scorn,” wrote New York author H. Allen Smith, in a 1967 essay for Holiday magazine. He was mostly right about that (I also like to add a dark lager) but wrong about almost everything else. Smith’s essay, titled “Nobody Knows More About Chili Than I Do,” is an historic example of pitch-perfect food trolling. In it, Smith denounces Texas and all its claims to chili dominance, and his piece culminates in a wildly misguided recipe with a special New York twist. “To create chili without beans, … Continue reading

The stupid, it burns like a magnesium flare. Excerpt from the article: Now, you can add yet another problem to the climate change hit list: volcanoes. That’s the word from a new study conducted in Iceland and accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters. The finding is bad news not just for one comparatively remote part of the world, but for everywhere. Iceland has always been a natural lab for studying climate change. It may be spared some of the punishment hot, dry places like the American southwest get, but when it comes to glacier melt, few places are hit … Continue reading

The Malaysian government has officially declared the disappearance of Malaysian Airline flight MH370 an accident and says there were no survivors. No trace of the Beijing-bound aircraft has been found since it disappeared on 8 March 2014. Officials say that the recovery operation is ongoing but that the 239 people onboard are now presumed dead. The plane’s whereabouts are still unknown despite a massive international search in the southern Indian Ocean. The declaration on Thursday should allow compensation payments to relatives of the victims. ‘Deepest sorrow’ Malaysian officials said that the recovery of the missing aircraft remained a priority and … Continue reading

Arizona – -(Ammoland.com)- Thomas Greer gained fame in July of this year by making some imprudent statements to reporters. He had shot one of a pair of burglars that had assaulted him in his home. He said that the woman that he killed, Andrea Miller, had told him that she was pregnant as a ruse to gain advantage and prevent him from shooting her. Greer is 80 years old, and had his collar bone broken in the assault. From the dailymail.co.uk: ‘Thomas Greer is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury,’ … Continue reading

Listen to the podcast ROCKWELL:  Well, good morning.  This is the Lew Rockwell Show.  And it’s great to have as our guest this morning, Mr. Russ Baker.  Russ is an award-winning investigative reporter.  I mean, an actual investigative reporter.  I think that’s, unfortunately, a dying breed.  He’s written for The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The Nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Village Voice, Esquire, and many, many others publications.  To me, most importantly, he’s the author of a great book called Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces that Put It in the White House … Continue reading

On Feb. 2, 2013, former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle was killed at a shooting range near Chalk Mountain, Texas, while attempting to help fellow veteran Eddie Ray Routh. He had gained notoriety during the Iraq war—with 160 confirmed kills out of a possible 255, Kyle remains the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history. Almost two years later, actor-director Clint Eastwood has transformed the 2012 memoir American Sniper from a best-seller into a box-office hit. Controversy over Kyle’s credibility casts doubts on the film, however—claims that he engaged in a bar fight with former Minnesota governor and pro wrestler Jesse Ventura, sniped … Continue reading