California will be choosing a new governor later this year. But who is in the running and, if Donald Trump is re-elected in 2020, would Californians consider seceding from the United States? Jerry Brown will finally step down in November, when he will be 80 years old. Arnold Schwarzenegger may have had more name recognition globally but Brown, who first became governor in 1975, will go down in history as the more significant political figure. Brown’s tenure as governor of California had a huge gap in the middle — between 1983 and 2011 — and his greatest disappointment was his failure to win the Democratic nomination in 1980. Dear @realDonaldTrump…👇🏼 — Jerry … Continue reading

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Apocalyptic scenarios attributed to global warming are simply false and the human race will be able to accommodate whatever “climate change” throws at us, claims a remarkably sober new essay in Scientific American. The essay, penned by John Horgan, the director of the Center for Science Writings at the Stevens Institute of Technology, analyzes two recent reports by “ecomodernists” who reject climate panic and frame the question of climate change and humanity’s ability to cope with it in radically new terms. One of the reports, a work called “Enlightened Environmentalism” by Harvard iconoclast Steven Pinker, urges people to regain some much-needed perspective on climate, … Continue reading

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Word reached me that Friends—the anodyne ’90s “sitcom”—has riled the snowflakes. Its transgression is that it meets Stendhal’s definition of fiction: to be a mirror walking down the main street. On Friends, people act normally. The characters room with those of their own background; straight men like to be known as such; women are indecisive and want to be thin. “Trans” culture is seen as a niche phenomenon. None of this conforms to culture’s newly mandated role as signpost not mirror. Agitprop used to be a subset of culture; now it is culture. Examples stick to one like burrs in a briar. The U.K.’s … Continue reading

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A complex of doomsday bunkers in South Dakota that can house 10,000 people is being hailed as the ‘back up plan for mankind’. Equipped with survival gear and custom-made interiors, the city-sized complex could save thousands in case of an asteroid strike or nuclear war, the creator claims. Although the structures look imposing from the outside they have all the home comforts, including sofas, a coffee table and paintings hanging on the walls. They even include ‘virtual windows’ with LEDs to simulate the different views of the outside world. Vivos, the company building the doomsday bunkers, is developing 18 square … Continue reading

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A long lost Viking settlement known as ‘Hop’ is located in Canada, a prominent archaeologist has revealed. Seafaring Scandinavians built a settlement in North America more than 1,000 years ago, 500 years before Christopher Columbus, it is claimed. Three key things identify this mystical settlement – an abundance of grapes, salmon and canoes made from animal hide – according to legend. Now, one expert claims the only place that matches this description is the Miramichi-Chaleur bay area in northeastern New Brunswick in Canada. This would be the third Viking settlement claimed to have been found in North America, although it could … Continue reading

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I will join with many of the other reviewers and say that this book is a must read for anyone who has any type of self-defense weapon on their person or in their home. After reading the book, I’ve come to the sober conclusion that the law doesn’t seem to favor the ordinary person who is simply trying to defend themselves. In order to prevail, it would seem that each person needs to have a law degree from Harvard, and the ability to slow down time in the event of lethal force situation. This is the case because the legal … Continue reading

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In the Parkland high school shooting in South Florida, just a few miles from my home, we saw the extremes of human fortitude in the persons of Coach Aaron Feis and Deputy Scot Peterson. Peterson, a trained security professional, stayed outside while a shooting was in progress in the area he was hired to defend. Feis, a man not charged with the safety of others, protected them with his body at the expense of his own life. I have thought about the idea of courage often; my writings on disaster preparedness presuppose that a certain amount is necessary to be resilient in the face of adversity. Yet, can … Continue reading

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Back on January 11th, we reported on ANP that several days before a massive, 7.6 earthquake struck in the Caribbean Sea, causing a tsunami warning to be issued to several Caribbean islands, ocean water had suddenly and mysteriously ‘disappeared’ in locations more than 2,000 miles apart, both north and south of the epicenter of that quake. As videographer MrMBB333 told us in a video that we used within that story, “water is trying to tell us something”. Well if water suddenly and mysteriously disappearing in the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean then was trying to tell us something, then certainly temperature … Continue reading

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On Sunday a former British-Russian double agent and his daughter were seriously injured in a mysterious incident in Salisbury, England. The British government says that both were hurt due to “exposure to a nerve agent”. Speculative media reports talk of Sarin and VX, two deadly nerve-agents used in military chemical weapons. Anonymous officials strongly hint that ‘Russia did it’. New reports though point to a deep connection between the case and the anti-Trump/anti-Russia propaganda drive run by the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton election campaign. Sergei Skripal once was a colonel in a Russian military intelligence service. In the early 1990s he was recruited by … Continue reading

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Only months after it was disclosed that the Pentagon was using artificial intelligence (AI) to hunt for terrorists, officials have now acknowledged that Google has been collaborating with the Department of Defense to use AI in analyzing drone footage. The disclosure comes amid an uproar among Google employees who aren’t happy to be assisting in the development of military applications. While Google has had controversial contracts with the government before — most notably with the NSA — this is its “pilot” project with Project Maven, which is itself the Pentagon’s own flagship weaponized AI program. The purpose of Project Maven is to implement Big Data … Continue reading

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Mass shootings are horrendous things, something that I sincerely wish I would never have to write about again except maybe in a retrospective post about when they seemed to happen far too regularly. They’re awful things. One thing that happens after such events is renewed vigor in the gun debate. Anti-gun crusaders use the corpses of the dead as a platform to push their agenda, then lash out at any pro-gun rhetoric as being somehow out of line in light of what happened. The thing is, there has to be a reason why these events happen, one completely independent of firearm access. … Continue reading

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The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Editor-in-Chief Chris Bedford discussed the Capitol Hill IT scandal involving the Awan family Wednesday on Fox Business and said the corruption may go all the way to the top. Bedford said the Awan brothers — who worked as IT aides for many Democratic members of Congress including Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz — have multiple lawsuits pending against them by members of their own family. He believes there is a pattern of nefarious behavior. “They’re appearing in civil court today as you mentioned at 10:00 in the morning. One of the many sordid cases they’ve been kind … Continue reading

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Wisconsin – 29 December 2018 was the 44th anniversary of the first showing of Stanley Kubrick’s nuclear war satire “Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.” It premiered that day in New York, Toronto and London. In one of the classic scenes Major T.J. “King” Kong is going through his emergency survival kit that the Air Force has provided him on his B-52 nuclear bomber aircraft. You will remember Major Kong (played by actor Slim Pickens) as he rides the nuclear bomb down to the target all the time waving his cowboy hat. A few … Continue reading

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KINGSTON, Ontario, March 6, 2018 – A mob disrupted a presentation by bestselling author and freedom-of-speech hero Jordan Peterson yesterday afternoon. Dr. Peterson and Professor Bruce Pardy addressed a packed lecture hall at Queen’s University on the subject of free speech. Their presentation was entitled “The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech in Canada.” Early in the lecture, two women invaded the building and walked across the stage holding a banner reading “Freedom to smash bigotry.” In the balcony at the back of the hall, a male student shouted abuse at the stage. All three students were roundly booed by the audience, which was … Continue reading

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The Italian elections have resulted in the predicted swing against the centre-left pro-EU Democratic Party, the successor of Italy’s once mighty Communist Party – the party of Togliatti and Gramsci – and today the Party of outgoing Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni and former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. From a position in 2008, when the Democratic Party won 37% of the vote in the parliamentary elections of that year, it fell to 25% of the vote in the elections of 2013, and has no fallen further to just 19% of the vote in the elections which have been held now. The … Continue reading

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