A revealing look by someone who has loved the weather since his first memory–and has worked in the field for over 40 years–at what is really inside the man-made “climate change” agenda. The author shows through countless examples, the exploitation, politicization, and weaponization of weather and climate in an effort to promote an agenda that runs counter to the foundations this nation was built on. Joe is the most accurate weather man in the world I think. He’s accurate because he studies the past and compares it to the present conditions. He also uses actual temperatures not manufactured ones. He … Continue reading

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KINGSTON, Ontario, March 6, 2018 – A mob disrupted a presentation by bestselling author and freedom-of-speech hero Jordan Peterson yesterday afternoon. Dr. Peterson and Professor Bruce Pardy addressed a packed lecture hall at Queen’s University on the subject of free speech. Their presentation was entitled “The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech in Canada.” Early in the lecture, two women invaded the building and walked across the stage holding a banner reading “Freedom to smash bigotry.” In the balcony at the back of the hall, a male student shouted abuse at the stage. All three students were roundly booed by the audience, which was … Continue reading

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Gardening is one of the top prepper skills needed for survival. Learning how to grow your own food is not something you want to do after a disaster has happened. I can speak from experience when I say there is a lot to learn and you will make a lot of gardening mistakes. Better to make them now when your world is pretty stable than when you’re just trying to survive day by day following a worst case scenario. If you count my first year (which I often don’t), this will be my fourth year gardening. In those three years of growing and … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: On February 14, 17 people lost their lives in a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Sadly, tragedies like this routinely happen in the United States. Every time they do, Americans demand radical reforms. And for once, the government’s delivering. President Trump has already said that he wants to ban the sale of bump stocks. And he thinks teachers and coaches should carry firearms in schools. That’s a controversial suggestion. Some people think Trump’s a lunatic for saying this. Other people think it’s a brilliant idea. But I couldn’t help but wonder what Doug Casey … Continue reading

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A treasure trove of 10,000 artefacts uncovered in Oxford has revealed what life was once like at the city’s prestigious university 800 years ago. In one of Britain’s largest ever urban excavations, experts have found bloodletting bowls, writing equipment and beer mugs used by both students and teachers. The artefacts have revealed that Oxford’s medieval scholars ate a wide range of food including eggs, trout, goose, beef, lamb and salmon. Uncovered at a university site once run by Franciscan friars, the finds are helping scientists understand what life at the institute in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. Scholarly equipment Among … Continue reading

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Now that I have been nominated again – this time by author Paul Craig Roberts – to be CIA director, I am preparing to hit the ground running. Last time my name was offered in nomination for the position – by The Nation publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel – I did not hold my breath waiting for a call from the White House. Her nomination came in the afterglow of my fortuitous, four-minute debate with then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, when I confronted him on his lies about the attack on Iraq, on May 4, 2006 on national TV. Since it was abundantly clear that Rumsfeld and … Continue reading

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Recently, Guns.com profiled a standout 9mm brand, Full Stop. After testing and being quite impressed with the brand, it was disappointing to learn it’s not yet on retail shelves. Here are three other brands that, in this writer’s estimation, are worth consideration in feeding your 9mm pistol, yet don’t have the notoriety of larger brands. Precision Delta hasn’t let me down For defensive or competitive use, Precision Delta’s PDP Pro 124 grain JHP packs a punch. I’ve been using it this year for a couple steel competitions. It’s never missed a beat in a Canik TP9SA, a Gen 4 Glock 19, or … Continue reading

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Facebook’s user data gathering prowess has been common knowledge for some time now, but one journalist’s impromptu experiment suggests it is even more ubiquitous and pervasive than previously believed. Nick Whigham, a reporter for the New Zealand Herald, decided to test out a feature on Facebook that allows users to download a ‘secret’ file showing how much personal history the company has gathered about them. What he discovered is that Facebook not only has disturbingly vast consumer profiles on all 1.4 billion daily users but also tracks the internet movement and personalities of people who don’t even log into the website. A … Continue reading

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The unelected rulers of the EU in Brussels are about to bring down one of their biggest critics, as lackey French President Macron is moving forward with charges against former French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. It is no secret that the EU finds free speech to be a nuisance, and has nothing but contempt for leaders like Le Pen who has historically called out the dictatorial rule of Brussels, by highlighting the endless illegal wars in the Middle East, covert support for ISIS, and promotion of a destructive migrant policy. The former French National Front leader has now been formally … Continue reading

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Facebook has caved to Democrat political pressure and is censoring newsfeeds on users’ pages, as Mark Zuckerberg explains, for their own good.  The progressives at Facebook have gone nuclear. We built Facebook to help people stay connected and bring us closer together with the people that matter to us. That’s why we’ve always put friends and family at the core of the experience. Research shows that strengthening our relationships improves our well-being and happiness.  But recently we’ve gotten feedback from our community that public content — posts from businesses, brands and media — is crowding out the personal moments that lead … Continue reading

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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s State-of-the-Nation speech Thursday represents a liminal event in the East-West strategic balance — and an ominous one. That the strategic equation is precarious today comes through clearly in Putin’s words. The U.S. and Russia have walked backwards over the threshold of sanity first crossed in the right direction by their predecessors in 1972 with the signing of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Amid the “balance of terror” that reigned pre-1972, sensible statesmen on both sides concluded and implemented the ABM treaty which, in effect, guaranteed “mutual assured destruction” — the (altogether fitting) acronym was MAD — if … Continue reading

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Short range radio communications have some major advantages at times. First the radios used are often much more functional and rugged for general use than a cell phone and besides the initial purchase price and the cost of keeping up the batteries, they are less expensive than a cell phone. When cells won’t work, your short range radios probably still will. The MURS system allows civilian users to have a radio network that does not require any special certifications or licenses to get. There is little wonder to the fact that there are a lot of choices for radios. Backdoor … Continue reading

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Right now, the National Rifle Association is under fire. The largest gun rights organization is being blasted over something it had nothing to do with. After all, the shooter in Parkland, Florida wasn’t an NRA member. The NRA didn’t put the gun in his hands or the evil in his mind. The NRA didn’t keep the deputies outside the school as the carnage was taking place. But the NRA is getting blamed for it. Anti-gun crusaders have been going after the NRA for years, but now they’re really working toward trying to destroy the organization. They want to see the … Continue reading

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It must be hard on The New York Times editors to set their hair on fire day after day in their effort to start World War Three. Today’s lead story, Russian Threat on Two Fronts Meets Strategic Void in the U.S., aims to keep ramping up twin hysterias over a new missile gap and fear of Russian “meddling” in the 2018 midterm elections. The Times’s world-view begins to look like the script of a Batman sequel with Vlad Putin cast in The Joker role of the cackling psychopath who must be stopped at all costs! America’s generals have switched on the Batman signal beacon, but … Continue reading

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I honestly didn’t think anyone could be more delusional than Amy Schumer who believed her threat to leave the country if Donald Trump won would sway voters. (Well, in a way she was right. I think that alone picked up a couple hundred thousand votes for Trump.) But it turns out there’s someone even more delusional than Schumer: corporate America. Hertz pulled its corporate ties with the NRA this week, and now I won’t get a discount anymore. Well, that does it – I’ve changed my mind. I want more gun control! Heck, if we allow total gun confiscation, maybe … Continue reading

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