1. More Horrific Killings But shouldn’t we consider the missing link? Article by Brian Wilson. 2. Press Panics Over Memo Pat Buchanan knows why. 3. The Antidote for Chaos in Your Life Jordan Peterson’s profound and practical 12 rules. 4. Then and Now Fred Reed on kids. 5. Hey, Gun Controllers Ron Paul has some questions for you. 6. It Can Happen Here Indeed, it is happening here, says Judge Napolitano. 7.  An Open Letter to the FBI On the murder of LaVoy Finicum, from Kate Dalley. 8. Oops Sorry, We Destroyed Your Country in Error. Article by Eric Margolis. 9. The EMP … Continue reading

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I honestly didn’t think anyone could be more delusional than Amy Schumer who believed her threat to leave the country if Donald Trump won would sway voters. (Well, in a way she was right. I think that alone picked up a couple hundred thousand votes for Trump.) But it turns out there’s someone even more delusional than Schumer: corporate America. Hertz pulled its corporate ties with the NRA this week, and now I won’t get a discount anymore. Well, that does it – I’ve changed my mind. I want more gun control! Heck, if we allow total gun confiscation, maybe … Continue reading

The post Lessons Learned From the Mass Murder appeared first on LewRockwell.

Inspired by the Saker’s article regarding how far can the Russians be pushed, I ask, how far can the Americans be pushed, not specifically only in Syria, but in general? In his article, the Saker articulated in his regular rational and captivating style, the issue of Russian patience, or should we say frustration, with America’s actions and inactions in Syria. And, as I was reading the article, I began to think about looking at the situation from the other side of the mirror in a tongue-in-cheek manner; looking at it from the American perspective. I thought back to an article … Continue reading

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Kim Dotcom has called on Twitter to stop ‘censoring’ tweets, saying he’ll create an alternative to the social network if it continues. Dotcom told RT he believes Twitter is targeting tweets about late DNC staffer Seth Rich. Tweeting early Saturday, the Megaupload founder urged Twitter’s Jack Dorsey to “stop messing with our free speech” and warning that if Dotcom creates an alternative platform, “Twitter could be toast within a year”. If you keep messing with our free speech @jack I will build a team to create a Twitter alternative, without censorship. Twitter could be toast within a year. I hear you’re hurting about … Continue reading

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This is a game changer like no other Presidential book ever written. First, it comes from the mind of Ivan Eland, himself a highly educated member of the “Independent Institute.” His prose and stylings reveal that Mr. Eland is indeed “independent.” 2nd: He establishes a new and simple way to rank the Presidents; the P,P & L scale. This stands for Peace, Prosperity and Liberty. These qualities are what this country is supposed to be about and these are what the US Presidents are allegedly supposed to be pursuing for the country as a whole. 3rd: He is not affected … Continue reading

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This week, 25 people were slaughtered in yet another mass killing, and half of those deaths were women and children. But you won’t see these murders broadcast relentlessly on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, nor discussed at length in social media threads. That’s because the U.S. military committed them in their crusade against the Islamic State’s “last enclave on the Euphrates in Syria,” Reuters reported Monday. It is for this reason that many Americans will dismiss comparisons between this type of mass killing and school shootings and other domestic mass atrocities. Their grossly overfunded (yet somehow financially irresponsible) military is fighting the good fight. If some innocent … Continue reading

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When you’re out in the wild, there’s always the risk of encountering dangerous animals. Whether it’s a omnivore like a bear, a carnivore like a wolf, or even an herbivore like a moose, wild animal encounters are always a potential threat on the homestead, wilderness bug-out, or even just a run of the mill hike or camping trip. Thankfully, even predators generally want nothing to do with humans and would much rather avoid us altogether. However, if they are especially hungry, agitated, diseased, or have learned to associate humans with food, they are more likely to engage you. Sometimes, of course, we don’t … Continue reading

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This is a game changer like no other Presidential book ever written. First, it comes from the mind of Ivan Eland, himself a highly educated member of the “Independent Institute.” His prose and stylings reveal that Mr. Eland is indeed “independent.” 2nd: He establishes a new and simple way to rank the Presidents; the P,P & L scale. This stands for Peace, Prosperity and Liberty. These qualities are what this country is supposed to be about and these are what the US Presidents are allegedly supposed to be pursuing for the country as a whole. 3rd: He is not affected … Continue reading

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Personally, I believe that the plodding, implacable Robert Mueller, white knight of the Deep State, will flush the Golden Golem of Greatness out of office, probably on some sort of money-laundering rap having nothing to do with “Russian meddling.” Anderson Cooper will have a multiple orgasm. Rachel Maddow will don a yellow hard-hat and chain-saw a scale model of Mar-a-Lago to the glee of her worshippers. The #Resistance will dance in the streets. And then what? I doubt that Mr. Trump will go gracefully. Rather he’ll dig in and fight even if it means fomenting a constitutional crisis. He’ll challenge … Continue reading

The post End Times at the DC Corral appeared first on LewRockwell.

“Religion, taking every mortal form But that pure and Christian faith makes warm, Where not to vile fanatic passion urged, Or not in vague philosophies submerged, Repulsive with all Pharisaic leaven, And making laws to stay the laws of Heaven!” — From “Ethnogenesis,” by Henry Timrod South Carolinian Henry Timrod penned these words in February 1861 at the meeting of the First Confederate Congress at Montgomery, Alabama. Many regarded Timrod as the “poet laureate” of the Confederacy because his evocative works potently blended lyrical composition with patriotism for his nation, the South. In “Ethnogenesis,” this teacher, tutor, and devout Anglican boldly describes a people who self-proclaim superior sanctity … Continue reading

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By now, we know that many of the people who will pontificate on matters of firearms tend to be clueless on actual firearms. They think they know all they need to know, so they opine on the topic and think people should just agree with them because they’re oh-so-very-smart. However, these oh-so-very-smart people are usually kind of dumb. Or, at the very least, they say some really dumb stuff. The latest example comes from the current gun debate, where many of us–myself included–are arguing that armed teachers could well counter mass shootings. It seems that some think handguns simply aren’t enough … Continue reading

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The importance of a good belt is something that one doesn’t notice until it is an issue. Tactical belts allow you to keep your pants up, hands free, and keep some useful items close at hand. A tactical belt can be as simple as a webbed belt and buckle that you add holsters and attachments to as needed to a full belt that includes a lot of different carriers. For a lot of preppers it is going to be best to get a base belt and add whatever pouches and carriers you need. Tools and devices can vary a lot in size … Continue reading

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“And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?” – Thomas Babington Macaulay Over 98% of all mass shootings in the USSA since 1950 have occurred in gun free zones where the government mandated private disarmament or corporate entities that licked the foul taint of the government to mimic compliance. For the shooters, guaranteed a rather hazard free opportunity to maim and kill as many disarmed humans as they wished or found the time for. The FBI apparatchiks define a mass shooting as four or more people killed and/or … Continue reading

The post Liberty’s Teeth appeared first on LewRockwell.

A mother-of-two claims she has cured her aggressive breast cancer by taking one drop of cannabis oil every day. Dee Mani, 44, refused chemotherapy when she was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer – deemed the deadliest form – and instead opted to try cannabis oil. Doctors gave her the all-clear just five months after she opted for the oil, which is derived from cannabis but doesn’t cause a high. Despite her claims that it has cured her of cancer, there is no proof cannabis, or any of its compounds, can treat cancer in humans as research showing the drug’s anti-tumour effects … Continue reading

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As a concealed carry instructor in a state that requires training and follow-up qualifications every 24 months, I’ve heard many people express regret or demonstrate lack of readiness to exercise what my open carry state considers to be the privilege of concealing a handgun. Here are seven typical mistakes to avoid when beginning the journey of concealed carry: 1. Buying too-big gun A larger handgun is generally easier to handle and fire than one that’ll fit on your ankle or discreetly under a dress shirt. But the gun that’s a joy at the range can be nearly impossible to conceal … Continue reading

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