The ancient Romans were well known for many things – their engineering marvels, their road networks, and the establishment of Roman law throughout the empire. They were, however, also renowned for their war-like nature. After all, this allowed the Romans to build an empire in the first place. This appetite for violence not only manifested itself in Rome’s imperialist policy, but also in its most well-known sport – the gladiatorial combats. Two Venatores (those who made a career out of fighting in arena animal hunts) fighting a tiger. Floor mosaic in Great Palace of Constantinople (Istanbul), 5th century. (Public Domain) It … Continue reading

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The US dollar is becoming less appealing for investors as American debt continues to soar and the greenback is printed to cover it, investor Jim Rogers said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). The American currency will lose the status of main reserve currency much sooner than 2030, Rogers said at the Valdai Club’s discussion session, held as part of SPIEF. “Dollar is going to be higher than now because the turmoil is coming. Then, it is going to be overpriced and people will look around and say, ‘America’s got the largest debt in the history of the … Continue reading

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Excellent explanation of tools, processes and practices anyone can and should use in their daily lives. Follow his guidance and learn to become more aware of your surroundings, and better able to deal with and handle situations of all kinds. This book is an easy to read, understandable and concise explanation of threat analysis, assessment and avoidance techniques used by military, security and law enforcement that are applicable to everyday use without the need for unnecessary and counter productive paranoia. Nick explains in detail how small, incremental changes in your normal routine can substantially increase the safety and well being … Continue reading

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The global economy is facing a threat of a spiraling protectionist measures that can lead to a devastating crisis, Vladimir Putin warned. Nations must find a way to prevent this and establish rules on how the economy should work. The Russian president spoke out against the growing trend of using unilateral restrictions to achieve economic advantage, as he addressed guests of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday. “The system of multilateral cooperation, which took years to build, is no longer allowed to evolve. It is being broken in a very crude way. Breaking the rules is becoming … Continue reading

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This year marks a century since some women got the vote; a century since the end of the first world war; 50 years since the 1968 revolts; 70 since the founding of Israel and the NHS. All have been well marked. So it is striking that the centenary of one of the most devastating events in human history has been allowed to pass thus far with almost no public reflection of any kind. This year is the 100th anniversary of the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Estimates about its impact vary. But when you read that a third of the entire global population probably caught the … Continue reading

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You are not where you think you are, reading this: not at home, nor on your yacht, nor hiding from the law in some overripe equatorial dump. Unfurling the crisp pages of Takimag over your morning schnapps, you are somewhere quite different: deep in the finest gossamer of the Intellectual Dark Web. Such a fiendish-sounding thing seems to have sprung from the pages of a Marvel comic—not the pages of The New York Times. Clicking through, I was disappointed to find the reality is somewhat more prosaic than the name implies—just writers and YouTubers, plying their trade, having the same conversations online that they … Continue reading

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The Clintons are back with a renewed focus on the Clinton Foundation and a huge gala fundraiser in New York Thursday night with VIP packages going for up to $100,000 a pop. All three Clintons – Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea – are scheduled to be there, according to the invitation. The return to the spotlight follows a tough few years for the Clinton Foundation: last year 22 employees were laid off and Hillary Clinton‘s 2016 presidential campaign had to deal with questions about donations from wealthy foreigners to the global charity. For Thursday night’s gala, tickets start at $2,500, but the $100,000 VIP packages … Continue reading

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Editor’s note: Russia has the second highest population of homeschooling families in all of Europe. Homeschooling has been legal in Russia since 1992, and current estimates suggest that there are over 100,000 homeschoolers in Russia. These numbers are growing, as homeschooling continues to grow in popularity. The following article, originally published on the official Russian Church site that deals with family issues, was translated by Fr. Joseph Gleason, an American Orthodox priest who lives in Russia with his wife and eight homeschooled children. For many years now, a number of Russian cities have hosted regional homeschooling conferences. This article celebrates the first international homeschooling … Continue reading

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Justin note: Yesterday, Doug and I discussed how future wars will be fought differently than they are today. Today, in part two, Doug explains what a possible shooting war between the U.S. and China would look like… how artificial intelligence could be used in future wars… and what he believes will be “the single biggest technology that’s going to change the nature of warfare.” Justin: What about a possible shooting war between the United States and China? You said there was a high probability of that happening recently. Doug: Well, it seems like all these horrible people Trump has surrounded himself with—like that … Continue reading

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JUPITER, Fla.—I feel like I need to confess my addiction, like a newbie in a 12-step program. My name is Joe Bob, and I’m an English major. I’m not asking for your pity. I’ve been trying to overcome this addiction on my own for several decades now, and so I’m turning it over to a higher power. That higher power would be the Modern Language Association, which owns something called the Postsecondary Education Data System, and they are reporting that English is now pretty much the most unpopular major in college, so unpopular that liberal arts colleges are closing their … Continue reading

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Writing in the Asia Times earlier this month, David P. Goldman lamented that an Israel-Iran war is unlikely to take place any time soon. His observation appears surprising considering the mainstream media has been hyping up the idea of such a war over the past few months. Nevertheless, he is correct. Short of something catastrophic that completely upsets the current status quo, there are many signs that Israel and Iran are not headed for a direct confrontation in the immediate future. Though the mainstream media dishonestly advertises such a war, the truth is that Israel’s next war will not take place in Iran — or even Syria … Continue reading

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EXPLOSIVE: Truly a must read for anyone demanding limited government involvement in their life, while at the same time maximum government accountability. Hardy, a Constitutional scholar, has been working his entire life to investigate government abuse and bring it to light for all our benefit. Unfortunately, the lives taken by the government cannot be resurrected. Read this book it may save your life or that of a loved one. He not only poses the question of government abuse but also provides the evidence of that abuse. Hardy doesn’t stop there. He supplies several legal proposals to reform the system. His … Continue reading

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After about thirteen years of being a loyal customer of Netflix, the time has come for me to say goodbye. This isn’t an easy decision for me.  I have been with the company since my mid-20s, back when Blockbuster stores were still on every street corner, and well before the online streaming technology or content was available. Given that I’m a conservative, one might be inclined to believe that my choice to leave Netflix is predicated upon the company’s most recent decision to partner with Barack and Michelle Obama’s new company, called “Higher Ground Productions,” to produce loads of new content.  In a way, … Continue reading

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A year ago, after a decade of worsening pain from swinging hard since infancy, Tiger Woods, perhaps the highest-paid athlete in history, appeared headed for the same fate as Philip Seymour Hoffman, Prince, and Tom Petty. But this spring Woods is grinding away again on tour, playing surprisingly respectable golf. Now 42, he may never win again. Or, who knows, Woods may put on a late charge toward the only records he doesn’t hold: Sam Snead’s 82 PGA wins (Woods has 79), Jack Nicklaus’ eighteen major championships (Woods has been stuck at fourteen since he memorably limped to the 2008 U.S. Open title), and … Continue reading

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Despite hacks and data breaches becoming commonplace, it seems most people are still picking a password based on convenience rather than security. A study of 61 million leaked passwords by Virginia Tech university and security firm Dashlane has revealed the most common passwords of the last year. It found that emotionally fuelled phrases such as ‘f***you’ and ‘iloveyou’ are often chosen by users when setting a password for an online account. Predictably, the likes of ‘qwerty’ and ‘123456’ also rank high on the list. The list of leaked passwords also suggest people often turn to their favourite brands, films, music, pop … Continue reading

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