As Americans continue to rage over the Valentine’s Day school shooting in Florida, expressing indignation at both the atrocity and efforts to impose (or reject) gun control, the U.S. government has acknowledged its own perpetual addiction to violence. According to two letters released by the federal government last week in response to an inquiry from Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, the U.S. plans to maintain its military presence in Syria and Iraq indefinitely, citing vague threats of terrorism. In one letter, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) David Trachtenberg responded to Kaine by justifying continued operations in Syria with the 2001 Authorization for … Continue reading

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Georgia conservatives are attempting to derail a jet fuel tax break that the state government was set to hand out to Delta Airlines after the company cut ties with the NRA in the wake of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting. I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA. Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back. — Casey Cagle (@CaseyCagle) February 26, 2018 Atlanta-based Delta was set to get a $40 million per year tax break on jet fuel from the Georgia legislature, … Continue reading

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Southern Independence: Why War?: The War To Prevent Southern Independence – Charles T Pace The South Was Right! – James Ronald Kennedy 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos – Jordan B. Peterson 2: Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry Volume II – Beyond the Basics – Massad Ayoob The Mystery of Banking – Murray N. Rothbard The Truth of the War Conspiracy of 1861 – H. W. Johnstone Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies – M. Stanton Evans Chappaquiddick Speaks – Bill Pinney Lies My Teacher Told Me: The True History of the War for Southern Independence – Clyde N … Continue reading

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Dr. Marc Faber Says that as Growth in the West is Slowing, India and China are Growing Rapidly, and it’s Re-balancing the World Order. Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Outspoken economist, Dr. Marc Faber, was at The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel on Saturday. Dr. Faber, who’s also the editor of The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report, was the keynote speaker at Equitymaster’s 5th annual investor conference. Equitymaster is a financial research publisher based in Nariman Point, Mumbai. Over dozens of charts, Dr. Faber showed that while growth in the West is slowing, Asia is growing at a tremendous rate. Dr. Faber is nicknamed “Dr. … Continue reading

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When it comes to tools and weapons, preppers need to get the most out of the things they own. They need gear that is low maintenance, portable, and perhaps most importantly, it needs to be versatile. That’s because when you’re preparing for a disaster, you’re essentially getting ready for a situation where your very survival will be reliant on whatever you can store in your home. Or worse, whatever you can carry on your back. So no matter what kinds of gear you buy, you have to consider how many different uses you can get out of it in a … Continue reading

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MEMORANDUM FOR:  The President FROM:  Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT:  War With Iran INTRODUCTION In our December 21st Memorandum to you, we cautioned that the claim that Iran is currently the world’s top sponsor of terrorism is unsupported by hard evidence. Meanwhile, other false accusations against Iran have intensified. Thus, we feel obliged to alert you to the virtually inevitable consequences of war with Iran, just as we warned President George W. Bush six weeks before the U.S. attack on Iraq 15 years ago. In our first Memorandum in this genre we told then-President Bush that we saw “no compelling reason” to … Continue reading

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There is something very fishy about the Anti Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) pinned on the Russian curler and Russian bobsledder during the final week of the Peyongchang Winter Olympics. It makes no logical sense that an athlete would do a one-time consumption of a chemical that is of no value in circumstances where it is almost certain to be detected with huge negative consequences. That is precisely the situation. The Russian Mixed Curling bronze medal winner, Alexander Krushelnitsky, had to give up his medal, plus that of his partner wife, because traces of meldonium were found in his urine sample. He had … Continue reading

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No one who follows the blogging collective known as the “Conservative Treehouse” will dispute my claim that its most prominent blogger, “Sundance” by name, is America’s best reporter.  I got to know Sundance doing research for my book on the Trayvon Martin shooting, If I Had a Son.  So instrumental was the research of Sundance and his colleagues that I made the “Treepers” the protagonists of the book. Sundance’s research into the political dynamics of Martin’s Miami-Dade school system led him to expand his research into neighboring Broward County years before the Parkland shooting.  We communicated the day after that shooting.  We had a shared sense … Continue reading

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Recently, Business Insider editor, MSNBC contributor, and public-radio personality Josh Barro called the left’s war on American culture “annoying.” He explained that “Liberals have supplanted conservatives as moralizing busybodies.” New York Magazine‘s Jonathan Chait even tweeted support of Barro’s “sensible thoughts,” calling out the Democrats’ supposedly new-found misadventure of “liberal sanctimony.” Funny that in all his talk condemning such “moralizing,” neo-liberal Barro went on to further pontificate about the Dems suffering “from a cultural disconnect from non-college-educated voters who have abandoned the party in droves.” But not to worry, the left’s “substantial inroads with upscale suburban voters have been more than offset by the loss of voters down the income spectrum, most of whom did not … Continue reading

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In the first photo, taken in 1972, US President Richard Nixon made what was then considered a bold move, visiting Mao Zedong in Communist China. Literally, as well as figuratively, Chairman Mao is on the left and Mr. Nixon is on the right. In the second photo, taken over forty years later, we have US President Barack Obama making a similar visit to China. This time, again literally as well as figuratively, Mr. Obama is on the left and Chinese President Xi Jinping is on the right. Over the ensuing four decades, both countries have been changing dramatically. The US … Continue reading

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It has happened again—still? New York City Police, in stopping a dangerous criminal—apparently legitimately—have also shot up the surrounding citizenry. It’s a problem I’ve repeatedly addressed, most recently in October of 2015’s Can The NYPD Ever Stop Shooting Innocents, which contains links to several related earlier articles. The New York Daily News reports an all-too-common narrative: “The unidentified suspect was swearing at customers in the store and acting aggressively toward Food Emporium workers before his death. A cop working a nearby Verizon picket line greeted the aggressive suspect outside the store, with a brawl ensuing that left both men on the ground, said O’Neill. The … Continue reading

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For most people educated in the public school system, this book will open your eyes to a whole new view of American history: the truth! Yes, there truly is another side and it’s been hidden from those who haven’t pursued the subject of American history in adulthood. The truth does have a way of coming out for those who seek, and if you have an honest appreciation for American history, this book is sure to be on your favorites list. It’s a very well-documented record of why the South was right, and I think the writers have earned 5 stars … Continue reading

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To the uninitiated, curling might seem like a bizarre and unusual sport with its weird brooms and constant sweeping on ice. But if you get to know the basics of the winter sport, then you can see why so many people from all around the world are fascinated by its strategies and the endurance required to win. Here are 10 cool facts about curling that might just turn you into a superfan. 1. IT ORIGINATED IN 16TH-CENTURY SCOTLAND. Originating in Scotland, the winter sport of curling dates as far back as 1511. Early games were played on frozen ponds and lochs with primitive curling … Continue reading

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Journalist and rabble-rouser Brandon Morse is apparently pretty tired of responding to the very same nonsense from anti-gunners after every mass shooting. That would explain why he posted a video on YouTube that’s pretty much applicable to every such attack. Morse noted this video’s origins over at RedState: Having heard certain arguments made repeatedly from the left, I made a video addressing some of the most common things gun-control advocates say to gun rights supporters. These include statements like “if only all guns in America disappeared, then we’d have no gun problems,” or “if Australia can do it, so can the U.S.,” both … Continue reading

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