A Russian parliamentary commission has prepared a report that lists over 100 cases of US interference in other nations’ internal affairs since the end of World War Two. “We have counted approximately 100, about 101 or 102 absolutely verified and recorded facts of American involvement in the sovereign affairs of over 60 UN member-nations since the approval of this organizations’ charter that bans any such involvement – since 1946 till this day,” the head of the upper house Commission for Protection of State Sovereignty, Senator Andrey Klimov, was quoted as saying on Monday by TASS. The senator named one particular … Continue reading

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1 in 200,000 Passengers Forgot a Gun in Carry-on Arizona – In 2017, 771,556,886 passengers traveled through 440 federally secured airports. Of those, only 3,957 forget that a firearm was in their carry-on baggage. There are over 400 million private firearms in the United States, 16 million people with permits to carry firearms, and 13 states where no permit is required to carry a concealed weapon.  That less than 4,000 forgot a firearm in their carry-on is amazingly low. That is one for every 200,000 passengers. Just a little over 1/3 or 34.8% of the firearms had a round in the chamber. They could … Continue reading

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Scientists in California have analysed 101 major earthquakes around the Pacific Ring of Fire, a horseshoe-shaped geological disaster zone, between 1990 and 2016. They believe a cluster of tremors around the area could indicate a “big one” is due to hit. Earthquakes have already struck in Japan, Tawain, Guam and Indonesia in the past few weeks. Thorne Lay, professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz, said: “Based on the clustering of earthquakes in space and time, the area that has just slipped is actually more likely to have another failure.” He added that “the surrounding areas have … Continue reading

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller laid out the law clearly in his indictment of numerous Russian nationals and groups for their attempts to interfere in the 2016 election. As the indictment notes, the U.S. Department of Justice administers the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).  FARA establishes a reporting protocol for foreign nationals, including non-government individuals “attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy, and law.”  To its credit, the FBI seems to have done a good job tracking Russian individuals and entities that violated FARA even if there was no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign or Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee emails.  If … Continue reading

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If you are an avid believer in alternative medicine, you need to be aware of a growing concern. In January, the FDA had a press conference stressing the importance of ‘protecting public health,” and is moving to pass a policy to reduce the “increase in safety concerns, including serious adverse events” resulting from homeopathic products”, the FDA says. With a record number of people turning to homeopathy, as well as the recent “war on opioids” in the news, the FDA decided to announce new policies on the use of homeopathic drugs. “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reportedly declared that “virtually all” … Continue reading

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MUMBAI: Outspoken economist, Dr. Marc Faber, was at The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel on Saturday. Dr. Faber, who’s also the editor of ‘The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report’, was the keynote speaker at Equitymaster’s 5th annual investor conference. Equitymaster is a financial research publisher based in Nariman Point, Mumbai. Over dozens of charts, Dr. Faber showed that while growth in the West is slowing, Asia is growing at a tremendous rate. Dr. Faber is nicknamed “Dr. Doom” for his contrarian and bearish predictions. He warned clients to cash out before the Black Monday stock market crash in 1987, and helped … Continue reading

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Forget about sharks. In their Valentine’s Day editorial: Why Does Trump Ignore Top Officials’ Warnings on Russia?, The New York Times jumped several blue whales (all the ones left on earth), a cruise ship, a subtropical archipelago, a giant vortex of plastic bottles, and the Sport’s Illustrated swimsuit shoot. The lede said: The phalanx of intelligence chiefs who testified on Capitol Hill delivered a chilling message: Not only did Russia interfere in the 2016 election, it is already meddling in the 2018 election by using a digital strategy to exacerbate the country’s political and social divisions. Hmmm…. After almost two years of relentless public paranoia … Continue reading

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George Orwell’s 1984 is a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thoughtcrimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.” This party seeks power above all, and, through the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth. Sound familiar? Within the past few years, so much information has come out contradicting the mainstream rhetoric. Election fraud, as made evident by Wikileaks, is one example, and false flag terrorism, with 9/11 being the perfect example, is another. The elite has been thriving off of shaping our perception about events to justify their actions … Continue reading

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Common food intolerances and sensitivities include gluten, dairy, nuts, wheat, fish, and shellfish. But there is a group of food that can trigger joint pain, gas, bloating, stomach cramping, and other digestive problems that you may not be aware of. Nightshade foods—also known as Solanaceae—include peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and paprika. These foods are high in nutrients and are a good part of a balanced, nutritious diet. But for some, consuming these foods can lead to nasty side effects. Because nightshade foods are typically considered healthy, many of us don’t point to them as the culprit of our digestive distress. … Continue reading

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A submerged volcano off the coast of Japan that erupted 7,300 years ago could be preparing to make a comeback. Scientists have discovered evidence of a giant dome of lava in the Kikai volcano’s collapsed magma chamber. They believe it contains about 32 cubic km (7.68 cubic miles) of magma, and distortions on its surface suggest the dome is growing. Currently the dome is around  6.2 miles (10 kilometers) wide and 1,968 feet (600 meters) tall. Scientists say an eruption could take place without warning, and if it does, it could kill as many as 100 million people and trigger a ‘volcanic … Continue reading

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Secession – you can’t see it, you can’t smell it, you can’t touch it. But when it’s there, strange stuff happens: Huge numbers of police in combat gear appear out of nowhere, driving camouflaged armored vehicles, making you wonder where all the equipment is coming from, sirens howl, shrill bullhorns scream commands, whole streets, especially around school buildings, are sealed off, tear gas and rubber bullets are shot. Only there’s no opponent there at all. Eerie. Due to there being no opponents, the combat troops come down hard on peaceful people who are congregating at these school buildings for a … Continue reading

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There have been 13 books written about Ted Kennedy and the Chappaquiddick incident of 1969. These support some eight theories as to what may have occurred that night, including the possibility that  Kennedy told the truth. There seems little point publishing yet another unless it truly solves the mystery. This one does. Bill Pinney, a life-long Chappaquiddick resident and former investigative reporter, introduces the first new witness who has stepped forward in almost 50 years. The accident is then analyzed scientifically by a renowned physicist and police consultant to determine whether the extraordinary premise implied by the witness’ sighting is true, or false. … Continue reading

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WMP Note: In this 4-part series, World Mercury Project partner, Focus For Health,  examines the special needs epidemic and its effects on schools, the US economy, life after age 21 and the many theories that point to potential causes of the explosion of chronic disease and disability in our children. Pick up a paper anywhere in the world and you are more than likely to see a story about the special needs epidemic affecting public schools. Recent headlines read “Wolf Creek Public Schools hires additional staff to work with severely disabled students” and “York school system nearly $1M over budget in special education … Continue reading

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An armed homeowner was the victor following a shootout that ensued with two suspects during an attempted home invasion last week in Ada, Oklahoma. “I got my gun out of the drawer because I heard someone smashing in here and I saw a flashlight beam,” homeowner Dennis Reif told reporters. He heard commotion in his kitchen just before 3 am on Feb. 5. When he entered the room, he found himself face-to-face with Chris Born, who allegedly fired four shots at him but missed. “I just quickly leveled (my gun) at him and fired to protect myself and he screamed … Continue reading

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The first car was launched into space earlier this month on board SpaceX’s hugely powerful Falcon Heavy Rocket. New projections for its orbit, however, suggest the Tesla Roadster may one day make a fiery homecoming. The $100,000 vehicle will, in all likelihood, continue its journey through our solar system for tens of millions of years unhindered, simply gathering some scuff marks courtesy of micrometeorites and cosmic debris. However, it appears that the sportscar, piloted by ‘Starman,’ a dummy wearing a SpaceX suit, will actually pass closer to Mars than to the asteroid belt, increasing its chances of a direct collision … Continue reading

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