This is the best work I have ever read on the War of 1861-present. I punctures the Great American Myth and topples Father Abraham from his throne in his Olympian Temple on the Mall. Wars are not fought over other peoples’ labour systems; they are fought over the control of other peoples’ resources. This is imperialism, and the rulers of imperial nations who wage these wars wage them for power and self-aggrandizement. Lincoln and his crony-capitalists cloaked their crime in robes of morality, and duped posterity with what Voltaire called “the propaganda of the victorious.” The Confederacy had nothing to … Continue reading

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In a monumental archaeological discovery, whose magnitude hasn’t been seen in decades, an aerial survey over northern Guatemala revealed tens of thousands of Maya structures, including pyramids, palaces, temples, fortifications, highways, houses, and farms, which had been hidden for centuries amidst the thick vegetation of the Guatemalan jungle. This incredible discovery indicates that the Mayas had an enormous, interconnected network of ancient cities, which may have been home to as many as 10 to 15 million people some 1,200 years ago. Archaeologists are Hitting the Ground Running National Geographic exclusively revealed that the previously unknown ancient structures were spotted using LiDAR … Continue reading

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In the period preceding the World War I how many Europeans suspected that their lives would soon be forever changed – and, for millions of them, ended? Who in the years, say, 1910 to 1913, could have imagined that the decades of peace, progress, and civilization in which they had grown up, and which seemingly would continue indefinitely, instead would soon descend into a horror of industrial-scale slaughter, revolution, and brutal ideologies? The answer is, probably very few, just as few people today care much about the details of international and security affairs. Normal folk have better things to do … Continue reading

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LOS ANGELES (AP) – New witnesses have emerged in the 1981 drowning of actress Natalie Wood, prompting investigators to deem it a “suspicious death” and name her former husband, 87-year-old actor Robert Wagner, a “person of interest,” Los Angeles sheriff’s officials said. For nearly four decades, mystery and speculation have swirled around the death of the actress who was nominated for three Academy Awards and starred in “West Side Story” and “Rebel Without a Cause.” She was on a yacht with Wagner, actor Christopher Walken and the boat captain on Thanksgiving weekend of 1981. After a night of drinking, her … Continue reading

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In a monumental archaeological discovery, whose magnitude hasn’t been seen in decades, an aerial survey over northern Guatemala revealed tens of thousands of Maya structures, including pyramids, palaces, temples, fortifications, highways, houses, and farms, which had been hidden for centuries amidst the thick vegetation of the Guatemalan jungle. This incredible discovery indicates that the Mayas had an enormous, interconnected network of ancient cities, which may have been home to as many as 10 to 15 million people some 1,200 years ago. Archaeologists are Hitting the Ground Running National Geographic exclusively revealed that the previously unknown ancient structures were spotted using LiDAR … Continue reading

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If you were in a bind, would you have the most necessary equipment in your vehicle to survive? Whether you have a car, truck, or even a motorcycle, you’ll have a glove box, or something comparable. Although I highly recommend having a well-equipped vehicle emergency kit, glove box must-haves are next on the list. And, with them being within quick and easy reach, this is one storage space you want to maximize when it comes to survival. Quality gear, especially gear that is within arm’s reach, can be a force multiplier (a force multiplier is defined as “capability that, when … Continue reading

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A little while ago, I spent some time at Colonial Williamsburg as a tourist. While my wife was getting dressed for dinner our first evening, I happened to watch a short film on TV entitled Portrait of a Patriot, which, I learned, was piped into all of the area hotels and motels. Briefly, the film is set in and around Williamsburg in the year or so preceding the Declaration of Independence, and attempts to dramatize the gradual evolution of its fictional protagonist, a young planter who succeeds his conservative father in the Virginia House of Burgesses, from Tory to “Patriot.” Historical figures … Continue reading

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Vitamin D is an ‘inexpensive solution’ to drugs as scientists discover the sunshine supplement repairs and prevents damage to the heart caused by diabetes and high blood pressure. The sunshine supplement stimulates the production of nitric acid, which is involved in regulating blood flow and preventing the formation of blood clots, according to the first study of its kind. It also reduces ‘internal stress’ in the cardiovascular system, which could avoid heart-related incidents, the research adds. Study author Dr Tadeusz Malinski from Ohio University, said: ‘There are not many, if any, known systems which can be used to restore cardiovascular cells which … Continue reading

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The end of January and beginning of February is already an important time in the calendar for Satanists – but tonight’s once-in-a-lifetime conjunction of a blue moon, blood moon and lunar eclipse has sent some Devil-worshippers into a frenzy. Across Britain and the world Satanic covens are expected to convene ‘workings’ where Lucifer will be summoned. Some online forums are even suggesting human and animal sacrifice will play a part. During a recent full moon Satanic ritual one of the famous Dartmoor ponies was found in a circle of fire with its tongue, eyes and genitals mutilated and belly slit … Continue reading

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Joseph Campbell suggested as a matter of fact that Westerners do not consider the Chinese to be people. It’s why the Chinese have a portrait of Mao hanging from one “Gate of Heavenly Peace,” and we get our pictures taken in front of it like it’s the Parthenon. It’s why Mao’s regime is technically still in power yet we keep giving them the Olympics. It’s why the Pope doesn’t hold the Church in China to the same standards he holds the Church in Europe. It’s even why 87,000 Chinese died in an earthquake not ten years ago though it barely moved the … Continue reading

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Most businesses are run by highly intelligent people. Yet, when things fall apart it’s usually due to these highly intelligent leaders’ stupid mistakes. Tragedies happen when smart leaders, who are otherwise great, sabotage themselves, day after day, with mistakes that they can’t see but are obvious to everyone else. How can smart, experienced people with impressive track records make such stupid mistakes? Sydney Finkelstein, a professor at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business[/entity], spent six years searching for an answer. He and his colleagues studied 51 of the business world’s most notorious failures, interviewing CEOs and people from all levels. He and his … Continue reading

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Following is Part Four in Vera Sharav’s seven-part exposé of the complex and widespread corruption that exists in the vaccination program, the deceptive practices by officials of “authoritative” international public health institutions and further evidence of the callous disregard for the plight of thousands of children and young adults who suffer irreversible harm. The series is called “The Vaccine Program: Betrayal of Public Trust & Institutional Corruption” by Vera Sharav, for The World Mercury Project.  You can access the previous parts of the series here  here. Japan Has Become Ground Zero Where The HPV Vaccine Debacle Is Unfolding In Public View In … Continue reading

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January is nearly done—are you still adhering to your New Year’s resolution? For many of us, January is a time to detox our bodies to fix the damage we did back in December. Too much food, too much alcohol, and way too many late nights. That can really take a toll on the body, which is why by the time January rolls around, many of us are looking to get healthy again. When it comes to detoxing, there is an on-going debate as to whether or not we really need to do it. For starters, our bodies are equipped with … Continue reading

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The Truth of the War Conspiracy of 1861 – H. W. Johnstone The Great Heresies – Hilaire Belloc The Fall of Tyranny, the Rise of Liberty – George Ford Smith 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos – Jordan B. Peterson Lies My Teacher Told Me: The True History of the War for Southern Independence – Clyde N Wilson Jefferson – Albert Jay Nock Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel – Alison Weir Spy of the Century: Alfred Redl and the Betrayal of Austria-Hungary – John Sadler The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton – Jefferson … Continue reading

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The stock market was rattled by news of a bigfoot new entrant in healthcare, slowly coming up the horizon … thud … thud … like Godzilla, stomping everything in its path. Investor’s Business Daily, in its editorial, noted the that that reaction to the news that Amazon was teaming up with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase was the sign of a disruptive force in the market, writing: The immediate reaction of the stock market to the news that Amazon is teaming up with Berkshire Hathaway (BRKB) and JPMorgan Chase (JPM) to form a new health care company suggests that this is a transformative event. It is in … Continue reading

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