Prominent Canadian news broadcaster Wendy Mesley exposes the role of billionaire campaign donor Sheldon Adelson in getting the U.S. embassy moved to Jerusalem, Trump’s abandonment of the Iran nuclear deal, and both U.S. and Canadian politics in general. Adelson, the tenth richest man in the world and the GOP’s largest donor, is known to use his money to influence policies on behalf of Israel. After trump tore up the Iran agreement, Adelson donated an additional $30 million to the Republican party, possibly the single largest single donation in U.S. history. Adelson also influenced former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who … Continue reading

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Commenting on US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s threats to introduce unprecedented sanctions against Tehran, eminent independent investigative journalist Gareth Porter has blamed Washington for trying to tarnish Iran’s image in terms of peaceful atomic development. Prominent independent investigative journalist Gareth Porter, author of the book “Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare,” underlined in a written interview with Sputnik that “the whole Iran crisis being recreated by the Trump administration is based on a pyramid of lies.” He recalled that in his book he specifically depicted “how the Bush administration gladly fell for a disinformation campaign by Israel using a set of fabricated documents to show that Iran … Continue reading

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The idea is floated frequently that the still nameless Russian collusion scandal is “worse than Watergate.”  It may well be, but that comparison overlooks a more useful parallel. The gold standard of government conspiracy remains the investigation into the July 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800 off the south coast of Long Island.  The ensuing cover-up involved many of the same players as in the Russia conspiracy and for the same immediate goal: to secure a presidential election for a Clinton. As with the Russia scandal, not all the collaborators in the TWA 800 case were equally motivated or equally powerful.  The White … Continue reading

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More than 200 farmers from South Africa have applied for humanitarian visas in Australia after allegedly suffering attacks for being white, according to the Australian Home Affairs Ministry. “The type of criteria they of course have to meet – or the key one – is evidence of persecution, so that’s exactly what we will be looking at,” Home Affairs Deputy Secretary Malisa Golightly said. Home Affairs said 89 refugee visa applications relating to 213 people had been received, although they did not specify their ethnicity or any other details. News reports emerged earlier this year revealing that white farmers in South … Continue reading

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Justin note: Something’s stuck with me since the last time I spoke with Doug Casey. Earlier this month, we discussed the new “era of peace” in the Korean Peninsula. Doug talked about a meme floating around the internet saying that the US could employ a new super weapon dubbed the “Rod from God.” While this weapon probably won’t be deployed anytime soon… it got me thinking about the future of war. Specifically, how they’ll be fought and how they’ll be different from past wars. I called up Doug for more on this idea… Justin: Doug, how will wars of the future be fought … Continue reading

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It has been described as the ‘holy grail’ of shipwrecks containing one of the most valuable hauls of treasure ever lost at sea. Named the San Jose, the 18th-century Spanish galleon was found three years ago off the coast of Colombia. Now new details have emerged about the discovery of the shipwreck, which contains £12.6 billion ($17 billion) worth of treasure. According to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), the San Jose was located by an underwater autonomous robot. The REMUS 6000 – which also helped find the wreckage of Air France 447 in 2011 –  used sonar to find the San Jose … Continue reading

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You’ve probably seen the periodic table of the elements before. Perhaps it still haunts your dreams, or maybe it came off as nothing more than requisite visual background noise meant to make a science classroom look more sophisticated. There’s a lot more to this seemingly random collection of blocks, however, than meets the eye. The periodic table (or PT, as this article will periodically refer to it) and the elements it details have attributes you might never have guessed. From unlikely origins to new additions, here are ten things you probably don’t know about the periodic table of the elements. 10 Mendeleev … Continue reading

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Turns out there really was foreign collusion in the 2016 US presidential election. UK spies colluded with Obama hold-overs in the US deep state to try and get Hillary elected. When that failed they invented “Russiagate” to try and overthrow the US election. Will President Trump wake up and see the danger that the US intelligence agencies pose not only to his presidency, but to the whole country? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report: 

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For years, I’ve been writing about Venezuela, describing it as the “movie” by which we can view the future of other jurisdictions that are presently in decline. The reason is that declining nations follow the same pattern, time and time again, over the centuries. This is not coincidence. The pattern exists because human nature never changes, regardless of the era or the locale. Political leaders make the same mistakes as their forebears, and the people of a nation react in kind. For this reason, countries have a sort of “shelf life.” They rise in prominence, due to work ethic and … Continue reading

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Binoculars are useful for a lot of situations such as spotting fire, defending your area, hunting, and general scouting out of an area,  but they often get overlooked when people put together bug out bags and get home bags. Binoculars are not heavy or bulky. In fact the binoculars featured in this post are often a mere 8-10 ounces! Here are some reasons you might want to include binoculars in your preps and some solid and affordable options to consider. Spotting fire  Your reaction time is crucial when it comes to fire. It can be easier to see what direction … Continue reading

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[Editor’s Note: A rising epidemic is growing in this country that no one seems to know how to quell. According to a recent study, there are more mass shootings in the United States than in any other country in the world. Equally as sobering is the fact that Americans tend to suffer from mental disorders more than any other country. Could this be coincidental? While there is no universal definition of a “mass shooting,” one can surmise this country has a big problem and the numbers speak for themselves. Thus far, 2018 has seen close to 100 mass shootings occur across the country. The numbers are sobering to say … Continue reading

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Congratulations, Harry and Meghan. I hope you have a long marriage. What I hope doesn’t last quite as long is this Woke Monarchy your nuptials apparently herald. Everyone’s raving about how the monarchy has finally landed in the 21st century, shaking off its old, oh-so-white ways to become a modern, multicultural outfit that signals to all Brits, whatever their hue, that they are much-loved. It’s such a patronising mission, as patrician as any earlier big royal event that was likewise justified as a means of making the plebs feel fleetingly good about their lives. It was a fascinating wedding. And … Continue reading

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Trump Federal Reserve Board of Governors nominee Marvin Goodfriend reportedly advocated on two different occasions the elimination of cash from circulation in an effort to prevent individuals from hoarding cash in the event that the Federal Reserve were to push a negative interest rate policy during a financial crisis. The Mises Institute notes that Goodfriend first floated the idea in a 1999 paper called “The Case for Unencumbering Interest Rate Policy at the Zero Bound” and again promoted the concept at a 2016 Federal Reserve conference in Jackson Hole, Wyo. Goodfriend reportedly said that the Fed needs the option to push interest … Continue reading

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Sergei Korolev is rightly considered the founder of the Soviet space programme. Not surprisingly, there has been an enormous amount of scholarship devoted to his life and activities. During his lifetime, the Soviet government took extraordinary efforts to ensure that his identity – and those of other prominent space designers – was completely unknown to the public. Soviet Communist Party First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev famously noted in 1958 that: “When the time comes photographs and the names of these glorious people will be published and they will become broadly known among the people. We value and respect these people highly … Continue reading

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Moscow: After getting burnt in the worst month for Russian bonds in more than a year, Jim Rogers says the toughest wave of US sanctions yet doesn’t spook him. The 75-year-old chairman of Rogers Holdings Inc has been using the sell-off that followed the April 6 penalties to buy more short-term rouble debt. He recommends focusing on Russia’s fundamentals and the highest prices since 2014 for crude oil, the nation’s key export earner. “Oil is up, things are getting better, sanctions aren’t going to be forever and they aren’t going to be that damaging,” said Rogers, who increased his holdings … Continue reading

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