Congressional investigators were rocked this weekend when the FBI notified them that five months of text messages from a top FBI investigator into the Trump campaign’s Russian connections had mysteriously vanished. The FBI-issued cell phone of Peter Strzok, whose previous texts to his mistress (also an FBI employee) showed fierce hostility to Trump, suddenly had problems due to “software upgrades” and other issues — and voila — all the messages between the two from Dec. 14, 2016, to May 17, 2017 vanished. Strzok, who oversaw the Trump investigation from its start in July 2016, was removed from Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation … Continue reading

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The Russian Foreign Ministry accused the United States of the covert transfer of money assets to opposition groups in Russia to destabilize the political situation in the country. The announcement from representatives of the foreign ministry came in response to the recent article published on BuzzFeed. The article disclosed confidential information about transactions of Russian diplomatic institutions in the United States. In particular, the article said that the authorities of the United States were studying “suspicious money transfers” of the Russian embassy in Washington. Representatives of the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs stressed that such information was “deliberately falsified and maliciously interpreted … Continue reading

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What we have been seeing worldwide, from India to the UK to the US, is the rebellion against the inner circle of no-skin-in-the-game policymaking “clerks” and journalists-insiders, that class of paternalistic semi-intellectual experts with some Ivy league, Oxford-Cambridge, or similar label-driven education who are telling the rest of us 1) what to do, 2) what to eat, 3) how to speak, 4) how to think… and 5) who to vote for. But the problem is the one-eyed following the blind: these self-described members of the “intelligentsia” can’t find a coconut in Coconut Island, meaning they aren’t intelligent enough to define … Continue reading

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Just as North and South Korea achieve important peaceful exchanges, Washington and its NATO allies appear to be moving with determination to sabotage the initiative for averting war on the East Asian peninsula. Further, the reckless, gratuitous provocations beg the conclusion that the United States is indeed trying to start a war. Meanwhile, unprecedented accusations this week by US President Donald Trump that Russia is supporting North Korea to evade United Nations sanctions also point to the danger that any conflict could spiral out of control to engulf world nuclear powers. Moscow rejected the unsubstantiated claims leveled by Trump, saying that Russia … Continue reading

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As well as being a gifted writer, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was fascinated with technology. When he was born in 1835, sailing was the usual means of crossing the Atlantic, and burning oil or gas the usual means of lighting the night. When he died in 1910 steamships carried him across the Atlantic (and Pacific) in record time and electricity was becoming a household amenity. One of the scientists seeking applications for electricity was Nikola Tesla(1856-1943), who was born in Serbia before emigrating to the US. Most of his scientific work focused on electricity, and he made a number of important inventions, including the Tesla coil … Continue reading

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FISA is an abomination. Let’s get that out of the way. And since I don’t believe there are any coincidences in U.S. or geo-politics, the releasing of the explosive four-page FISA memo after Congress reauthorized FISA is suspicious. Former NSA analyst (traitor? hero?) turned security state gadfly Edward Snowden came out in favor of President Trump vetoing the FISA reauthorization now that the full extent of what the statute is used for is known to members of the House Intelligence Committee, who are rightly aghast. Officials confirm there’s a secret report showing abuses of spy law Congress voted to reauthorize this week. … Continue reading

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 More than 100 nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government agencies around the world help police YouTube for extremist content, ranging from so-called hate speech to terrorist recruiting videos. All of them have confidentiality agreements barring Google, YouTube’s parent company, from revealing their participation to the public, a Google representative told The Daily Caller on Thursday. A handful of groups, including the Anti-Defamation League and No Hate Speech, a European organization focused on combatting intolerance, have chosen to go public with their participation in the program, but the vast majority have stayed hidden behind the confidentiality agreements. Most groups in the … Continue reading

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These days, commercial airline travel is often a stressful experience. Between the delays, the ever-changing rules concerning what you can bring on the plane, and those miraculously shrinking seats, the moving walkways leading to the airport’s parking lot have never looked better. Then there’s the fact that you’ll probably have to go through the whole thing again to get home. Whether taking to the skies is nerve-racking or frustratingly tiresome, such taxing journeys are only compounded by the difficulties brought about by the plane’s flight crew. The following ten stories delve into comically epic errors and meltdowns by pilots and flight attendants … Continue reading

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[Editor’s Note: A mad max scenario is one of the worst-case scenarios one can prepare for. The adage “if you can’t protect you don’t own it” rings true in this case. Long-term survival plans that reflect this type of disaster suggest preppers getting away from urban and suburban living and heading for hills. While this would be the safest option, there are dangers that lurk for those who plan to “live off the land.” Because in a post-collapse world – they will come for all that you own.] Seems almost self-explanatory, right?  I mean, what could be so involved with the … Continue reading

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George Soros has lamented that the European Union is on the verge of collapse while Russia is becoming “a resurgent nationalist power.” Hungarian-American tycoon George Soros, who runs the $26 billion Soros Fund Management and chairs the global board of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), made the remarks while speaking to the Financial Times. Soros claimed nationalism has now become the “dominant ideology in the world,” taking aim at the 28-member European Union. “It’s the EU that’s the institution that’s on the verge of a breakdown,” he asserted. “And Russia is now the resurgent power, based on nationalism.” In Russia, Soros’ organizations were banned in 2015 by authorities … Continue reading

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Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor – Robert Stinnett The Unquotable Abraham Lincoln: The President’s Quotes They Don’t Want You to Know! – Lochlainn Seabrook An Austro-Libertarian View: Current Affairs, Foreign Policy, American History, European History – David Gordon The Progressive Era – Murray N Rothbard Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel – Alison Weir The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner – Daniel Ellsberg Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling – John Taylor Gatto The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself – James Grant Luther and His … Continue reading

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Since 2006, Wikileaks has been exposing government and elite corruption, high-level crime, and other wrongdoings by leaking secret and classified information. Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, has been targeted multiple times by mainstream media, which often refers to Wikileaks as “fake news.” The irony is that the documents published by Wikileaks and the claims they’ve made have yet to be disproven, which is something many mainstream news outlets cannot say about their own broadcasts. Unlike mainstream media, Wikileaks has helped keep the public conscious of what’s actually going on in the world. 11 Stories You Would Have Missed Without Wikileaks  The following video exposes some of the “craziest” stories Wikileaks has … Continue reading

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New York’s current financial woes have a precedent, and perhaps a solution, in the pages of the distant past. Well back in its history, in the late 1830s, New York State was spending and lending money lavishly. By the early 1840s, the rapidly mounting debt had occasioned a severe financial crisis. To avert the imminent possibility of bankruptcy and default, the state legislature in 1842 passed what was known as “the stop and tax law”, a levy of one mill on each dollar of taxable property. The new revenue helped the state meet its most pressing obligations. But, even more … Continue reading

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George Soros has lamented that the European Union is on the verge of collapse while Russia is becoming “a resurgent nationalist power.” Hungarian-American tycoon George Soros, who runs the $26 billion Soros Fund Management and chairs the global board of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), made the remarks while speaking to the Financial Times. Soros claimed nationalism has now become the “dominant ideology in the world,” taking aim at the 28-member European Union. “It’s the EU that’s the institution that’s on the verge of a breakdown,” he asserted. “And Russia is now the resurgent power, based on nationalism.” In Russia, Soros’ organizations were banned in 2015 by authorities … Continue reading

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Is the Trump administration prepping the American people – indeed, the world – for a war against North Korea? It certainly seems so. US President Donald Trump is constantly needling North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, comparing the size of their respective “nuclear buttons,” while during a speech to the United Nations in September he promised to “totally destroy North Korea” if it was believed to be a threat to the United States Trump’s generals – the only other people he seems to trust, outside of his immediate family – appear to be playing along. The head of the US Marine … Continue reading

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