Introduction: Continuing our exploration of the groundbreaking research of Ed Haslam, the program sets forth some of the major points of investigation from Ed’s latest book, Dr. Mary’s Monkey. A New Orleans Native, Ed Haslam’s lifelong investigative pathway into events overlapping the milieu of the assassination of President Kennedy and apparently iatrogenic (man-made) epidemics constitutes a narrative that is both thrilling and terrifying. Supplementing and expanding an investigation first published in Ed’s 1996 title Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus, this volume introduces the remarkable story of Judyth Vary Baker, a brilliant cancer researcher recruited to work on a clandestine project in which viruses were irradiated. … Continue reading

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The flu epidemic has struck the entire mainland US at the same time and in similar levels for the first time ever as health officials warn the season could get worse. Influenza activity is now widespread in all states except Hawaii with the deadly virus already claiming the lives of more than 85 adults and 20 children this flu season. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that two strains of influenza viruses are being reported across the country, including H3N2 and H1N1. ‘This is a bad flu season,’ said Dr Dan Jernigan, the director of the CDC’s influenza … Continue reading

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These are the top 15 cars that American drivers tend to keep the longest before trading in for a new one. Toyota models dominated the list taking out the top five spots, according to the new study by Fourteen of the top cars predicted to last more than 15 years are Japanese models, with the exception of German Volkswagen. The Toyota Highlander model took out top spot with more than 18 per cent of original owners keeping their car for at least 15 years. These are the top 15 cars that American drivers tend to keep the longest before trading … Continue reading

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It’s a big club and you ain’t in it. ~ George Carlin If you suspect society is unfair, that there’s a different set of rules the rich live by, you’re right. I’ve had ample chance to witness first-hand evidence of this in my time working on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. Simply put: our highly financialized economy is gamed to enrich those who run it, at the expense of everybody else. The Money River A recent experience really drove this home for me. Having received my MBA from Stanford in the late 90s, I remain on several alumni discussion … Continue reading

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Black Kite (Milvus migrans) – one of the species accused of setting fires. By Mayukhghose (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons So much for fire control – JoNova reports that raptors have been photographed congregating on the edge of large Australian bushfires, picking up burning sticks, and deliberately setting new spot fires in advance of the main blaze to flush out small mammals and other prey. This discovery potentially has profound implications for fire management in places like California. Burn, Baby, Burn: Australian Birds Steal Fire to Smoke Out Prey By Mindy Weisberger, Senior Writer | January 9, 2018 11:23am ET … Continue reading

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Shortly after Murray Rothbard’s lamented death in January, 1995, Lew  Rockwell telephoned me. He asked me to write a book review journal for the Mises Institute, covering new books in philosophy, history, politics, and economics. Moreover, he wanted the first issue in one month. I managed to meet the deadline and continued to write the journal for a number of years. Articles from The Mises Review form the bulk of the material included in these volumes; but a few reviews from other sources are here as well. Ever since I first read Man, Economy, and State in 1962, I have been a convinced Rothbardian, and it … Continue reading

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Russia-gate is becoming FBI-gate, thanks to the official release of unguarded text messages between loose-lipped FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok and his garrulous girlfriend, FBI lawyer Lisa Page. (Ten illustrative texts from their exchange appear at the end of this article.) Despite his former job as chief of the FBI’s counterintelligence section, Strzok had the naive notion that texting on FBI phones could not be traced. Strzok must have slept through “Security 101.” Or perhaps he was busy texting during that class. Girlfriend Page cannot be happy at being misled by his assurance that using office phones would be a secure … Continue reading

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Trump and the Fine Art of Dialectics Alexander Blok, one of the smartest and most noble of Russians, wrote this amazing essay on Catiline, a Roman rebel whose plot was crushed and who was utterly maligned by the father of all bullshit, Cicero. So Catiline was this patrician, a decadent SOB who, when mistreated and challenged by the Roman establishment, organized the Roman deplorables and started a rebellion. It was squashed of course, but for Blok, he remained a hero. Blok calls Catiline the Roman Bolshevik, and insists on approaching him not from Cicero’s moralizing NYT-like perspective, but from the perspective … Continue reading

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On January 10th, TASS reported that Moscow and Beijing have made an agreement to closely coordinate efforts to resolve the situation on the Korean Peninsula.  This was stated by the Russian Foreign Ministry after the conclusion of a meeting between the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov and the Chinese Ambassador to Russia, Li Hui. The Korean story is a swiftly developing one, and has gained momentum since North Korean President Kim Jong-un directed his government to move to re-open communication with the South Korean government.  This directive was announced in Jong-un’s New Year address to his nation, and it was followed … Continue reading

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In the course of the ongoing mass immigration, the question of integration has been raised by everyone: Politicians, journalists and also the regulars in the bar puzzle over, talk about and discuss how the hundreds of thousands of Afghans, Ethiopians, Algerians, Bosniaks, Eritreans, Iraqis, Moroccans, Serbs, Syrians, Pakistanis and everyone else on a pilgrimage to the German welfare handouts can best be ‘integrated’ into Germany. To be honest, what this ubiquitous word is actually supposed to mean is not quite clear to me. The idea is, apparently, that the immigrants who are hiding behind the veil of the right to … Continue reading

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An interesting theme concerning Syria is the involvement of the People’s Republic of China in the conflict. While China’s diplomatic and economic assistance has been constant, its military contribution to Syria is less known. It is important for China and Russia to contain and defeat the terrorist phenomenon in the Middle East, as well as to defang the strategists in the US deep state who are unceasing in their efforts to employ jihadism as a weapon to destabilize Eurasia’s integration projects. The Jihad International, under the economic and strategic guidance of the United States, has recruited tens of thousands of terrorists over the years and … Continue reading

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Insomnia, depression, cravings and tiredness are the bane of many of our lives. But they could be signs of a simple problem: magnesium deficiency. The Daily Mail’s Dr Michael Moseley addressed the issue recently when he appeared on BBC Radio Two’s Breakfast Show with Chris Evans – exploring how the humble mineral could treat a range of common ailments including migraines, PMT and constipation. Yet it doesn’t get a lot of attention. Although magnesium is found in brown rice, green leafy vegetables, beans, avocados, almonds and dark chocolate, most of us don’t get enough of the amount we need. One study of … Continue reading

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One reason Donald Trump is president is because of the Obama administration’s own goal in setting off a major murder wave in Ferguson in 2014, in an era when both technology and prosperity should have been lowering the death toll from crime. So how did the Trump administration do at fighting crime in 2017? I only pay attention to homicide numbers, because other crimes can be ignored. If the cops in your town have retreated to the doughnut shop to escape Justice Department oversight, you might not bother reporting a porch pirate stealing your Amazon delivery. But a body with a hole in it demands official … Continue reading

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An infallible sign that a bad case is collapsing under its own weight comes when its proponents show that they have misunderstood the evidence which is supposed to underpin it. A classic example of this happened yesterday in the Russiagate case when Senator Dianne Feinstein unilaterally published the transcript of the testimony of Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS given to the Senate Judiciary Committee on 22nd August 2017. Fusion GPS is the political consultancy firm which acting on behalf of the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign commissioned from the ex British spy Christopher Steele the ‘research’ which became the Trump Dossier. … Continue reading

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