Iranian President Hassan Rouhani did the right thing going on television and at least acknowledging popular anger over hard economic times. Inflation is high at 12% but down from 40% at the start of Rouhani’s first term. And the recent increase in fuel and food prices by up to 40% has hardly helped. That was part of Team Rouhani’s 2018 budget, which cuts subsidies for the poor – a key feature of the previous Ahmadinejad administration. Then there is youth unemployment, which hovers around the 30% mark. Similar figures recently came out of Spain, a member of the European Union. … Continue reading

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For those of you who haven’t been formally introduced to the sociological doomsday weapon of the 20th century, critical theory is an approach to analyzing society not for the purpose of understanding it, but for the purpose of transforming it by undermining its existing institutions.  The hard work of understanding how and why people do things is unnecessary if your goal is merely to take a sledgehammer to the machinery.  Critical theory is the invention of the Marxist Frankfort School of the 1930s, so, as one might expect, it reinterprets everything it looks at through a Marxist (or neo-Marxist) lens.  The women’s … Continue reading

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Sales of steering locks have doubled as drivers go back to basics to stay one step ahead of technologically savvy car thieves. Motorists are being forced to rely on the low-tech devices as gangs use gadgets to nullify a car’s defences, without the owner catching on. Disklock, a leading manufacturer of steering locks, said its sales had increased more than double over the past year. The amount of cars reported stolen has risen 30 per cent in the past four years, with 85,688 this year compared to 65,783 in 2013, according to data compiled by the RAC. Mark Godfrey, a … Continue reading

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With 2018 not even a week old, we have a shiny, brand new western regime change operation unfolding in Iran. When it comes to western sponsored regime change operations, Iran may very well be the biggest prize of them all. You have to hand it to the Deep State on this one…they are aiming to wreak havoc on regional power Iran, and deal a fatal blow to a rising New World Order. For all its hubris and ambition, this western fueled regime change operation lacks much creativity, dusting off the same old playbook used in regime change operations of the past … Continue reading

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A woman who battled blood cancer for years without success finally halted the disease with turmeric, it has been reported. Dieneke Ferguson is now leading a normal life after giving up on gruelling treatments that failed to stop it. Doctors say her case is the first recorded instance in which a patient has recovered by using the spice after stopping conventional medical treatments. With her myeloma spreading rapidly after three rounds of chemotherapy and four stem cell transplants, the 67-year-old began taking 8g of curcumin a day – one of the main compounds in turmeric. The cancer, which has an average survival … Continue reading

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More and more parents around the globe are choosing to opt out of vaccinating themselves and their children. As a result of this trend that’s been gaining more and more momentum, a harsh response has come from the “pro-vaccine” community -criticizing parents for their decision to not vaccinate. At the end of the day it’s not really about “pro-vaccination” or “anti-vaccination,” it’s not one “against” the other or about pointing fingers and judgement, it’s simply about looking at all of the information from a neutral standpoint. It’s about asking questions and communicating so people can make the best possible decisions … Continue reading

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A portion of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s New York estate went up in flames Wednesday begging the question: What exactly got destroyed? CHAPPAQUA, NY (INTELLIHUB) — A portion of the Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Westchester County estate caught fire Wednesday afternoon, according to intercepted Chappaqua Fire Department communications and one local report. Firefighters were dispatched to the former President and Madam Secretary’s home where they managed to contain the fire by 3:00 p.m. local time. It’s not yet known exactly what part of the property combusted or what portion of the estate was damaged. News 12 reporter Nadia Galindo tweeted: “Breaking: Multiple … Continue reading

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The Medieval period is usually perceived as a time in Europe during which the greater part of the continent was in decline. In many aspects of Medieval society, the quality of life was inferior as compared to either the Roman period that preceded it, or the Renaissance that succeeded it. One such aspect is that of hygiene practices. The Medieval Water Closet The concept of hygiene habits during the Middle Ages may be said to be quite different from that which we understand today. This is reflected in the hygiene practices that the people of this age were performing in … Continue reading

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The history of the US dollar predates the United States itself. It goes back to the Revolutionary War when all thirteen colonies issued a single currency to fund the war against Britain. The current dollar was first issued during the Civil War. Several other currencies were introduced before, during, and after the war, and some even coexisted alongside the current dollar. Interestingly, the present-day US currency has some bills that are rarely seen or even heard of. Ever heard of the $100,000 bill? Maybe not. Well! Here are ten old-timey bills and currencies of the US. Mind you, some are still legal … Continue reading

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It is becoming a cliché that America is undergoing its own version of Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Obama’s 2012 reelection strategy unleashed energies reminiscent of those that plagued China from 1966 through Mao’s death in 1976. The most obvious example is the current urge to topple statues of past American heroes, which is reminiscent of the countless attacks on Chinese cultural sites by youthful Red Guards, such as the ransacking of Confucius’ tomb in 1966. The Cultural Revolution was largely perpetrated by young people told to feel oppressed by their country’s past. Social justice could be achieved only by the destruction of the weight of Chinese … Continue reading

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A changing-places moment brought about by Russia-gate is that liberals who are usually more skeptical of U.S. intelligence agencies, especially their evidence-free claims, now question the patriotism of Americans who insist that the intelligence community supply proof to support the dangerous claims about Russian ‘hacking” of Democratic emails especially when some  veteran U.S. government experts say the data would be easily available if the Russians indeed were guilty. One of those experts is William Binney, a former high-level National Security Agency intelligence official who, after his 2001 retirement, blew the whistle on the extraordinary breadth of NSA surveillance programs. His … Continue reading

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On November 28, a federal judge ordered Coinbase, a company that facilitates transactions in crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, to comply with an IRS summons to identify more than 14,000 user accounts. The decision is a victory of sorts for Coinbase, because the IRS originally demanded that the exchange turn over data on more than 1 million accounts. Now, the IRS only seeks user information on accounts that conducted Bitcoin transactions worth $20,000 or more. It’s certainly understandable why the IRS wants this data. After all, only about 800 US taxpayers declared crypto-related gains or losses from 2013 to 2015. The value … Continue reading

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Possibly the most iconic passenger jet aircraft, the Boeing 747 will soon take its last commercially-scheduled flight with a US airline. First introduced to an awestruck flying public in 1968, the world’s first jumbo passenger aircraft was a technological wonder and, later, became a beloved and dependable workhorse. Although over 1,500 of the storied aircraft were built by Seattle-based Boeing Aerospace, the final US commercial flight will occur Tuesday, December 19 for a Delta Air Lines Seoul-to-Detroit trip. Ticket prices quickly soared after nostalgic travelers sought to be aboard the final US-bound commercial flight. This marks the last time the 747 will be used on a commercial flight with an American … Continue reading

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On the first working day of 2018, hopeful South Korean officials scrambled to respond to the olive branch extended yesterday by Kim Jong-un. In his customary New Year’s address, the North Korean leader said he wanted North and South to “immediately” meet. At a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Minister of Unification Cho Myoung-gyon proposed a high-level meeting with North Korean officials at the truce village of Panmunjeom in the De-Militarized Zone on Jan 9. It was not clear who be involved the delegation, but a ministry official clarified after the press  briefing: “I would presume ministerial level.” The agenda remains open, but it … Continue reading

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When it comes to men’s health, there is much talk regarding testosterone levels. As testosterone levels drop, many changes can occur in men, and some even call this “manopause” because these changes affect men similar to how drops in estrogen affect women in menopause. Low testosterone can reduce libido, increase weight gain, cause low energy, hair loss, changes in mood, and loss of bone. On the other hand, as new research outlines, there may be a benefit to low testosterone and it involves men’s cancer risk. Low testosterone linked to low prostate cancer risk The study was carried out by researchers at … Continue reading

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