Several decades worth of coverage of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee suggests she’s behaved badly on planes – and on automobiles – before this week’s incident. The latest airplane drama came this week when a United Airlines passenger said she was booted from her first class seat to accommodate the Texas Democrat, who shot back by saying the only reason the woman complained was because Jackson Lee is black. But previous reports show the House member, who was elected in 1994, has had a history of transportation drama, including berating flight attendants on first class flights and making her Congressional staff drive her one … Continue reading

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The United States doesn’t let anyone see its gold reserves. Even if the Treasury has the number of billions it claims, they are not tradable, warns Singapore’s BullionStar precious metals expert Ronan Manly. The US government claims to hold 8133.5 tonnes of physical gold in its official reserves. Fifty-eight percent is reportedly held in Fort Knox, Kentucky, 20 percent at West Point in New York State, 16 percent is said to be at the US Mint in Denver, Colorado and five percent is held at the NY Fed. “The entire story around the US gold reserves is opaque and secretive. … Continue reading

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Though it has to forever compete with The Searchers and High Noon, few Western films will ever have the impact of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, the final film in Sergio Leone’s “Dollars Trilogy” and the most famous Spaghetti Western (that is, films in the American Western style made by Italian directors) of all time. It catapulted Clint Eastwood to super-stardom, changed the way countless directors thought about the genre, and continues to influence film to this day. So, in celebration of the film’s 50th anniversary, here are a dozen facts about the legendary tale of gunslingers on the hunt for treasure. … Continue reading

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It’s a classic line from Monty Python’s Life of Brian – ‘What have the Romans ever done for us?’ Well now, alongside sanitation, education, irrigation and roads it seems they also created the first practical joke device. An incredible fourth-century Tanatalus bowl that soaked unsuspecting dinner party guests in wine could have been the earliest prankster device. The find, which is the first known example of a ‘greedy cup’, could even have been enjoyed by Roman emperors. ‘This is the earliest example of a physical practical joke, certainly for the Romans,’ said Dr Richard Hobbs, curator of Roman Britain at the … Continue reading

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[Note: this post of mine is temporarily located in the ‘guest section’ because of the current fundraiser. Once the fundraiser is over, I will place it back in the correct section.  This analysis was written for the Unz Review.  The Saker] If the first months of 2017 were a time of great hopes following the historical defeat of Hillary Clinton, the year is ending in a sombre, almost menacing manner.  Not only has the swamp easily, quickly and totally drowned Trump, but the AngloZionist Empire is reeling from its humiliating defeat in Syria and the Neocons are now treating our entire … Continue reading

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It’s no secret that the Trump administration has a strong distaste for Iran. Iran is one of the only issues on which the U.S. president has remained relatively consistent. Trump berated the country both before and after taking office. However, Trump’s anti-Iran strategy goes against the better judgment of even the most anti-Iranian advisors in his staff who don’t want to see the U.S. isolated on the world stage. Fortunately for Trump, however, he is not alone in his bid to isolate and demonize Iran at all costs. On December 12, Trump’s ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, gave a grandiose speech demonizing Iran that … Continue reading

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A mother went blind in one eye and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis just weeks after getting the flu shot, she has claimed. Jennifer Whitney, from Mukilteo, Washington, had the vaccine due to the insistence of her boss – despite being concerned about any side effects. However, the same boss was forced to ‘let her go’ because she ended up taking too much time off to cope with the repercussions of the shot. Tests revealed she had developed multiple sclerosis, which has no cure, and she was left blind for ten months as well as unable to have another child. … Continue reading

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Understanding today’s political trends has become a challenging undertaking. Invoking Freudian psychology will strike some as not the most promising method. But Howard Schwartz has written a book of considerable importance and depth, where he endeavors—convincingly and without psychobabble—to explain the roots of “political correctness” in terms of how we connect at a young age with our respective parents and what happens when this development is altered, arrested, distorted, and manipulated in various ways. It must be acknowledged at the start that psychoanalyzing one’s political opponents and attributing their beliefs to psychological disorders can become a nasty little game with … Continue reading

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A Mercedez-Benz supercar built for Adolf Hitler will go up for auction in the US eight decades after it was parked in the tyrant’s garage. The German 770 Grosser, which became known as the Super Mercedes, was used by the Führer during victory parades such as the conquering of France, Greece and Yugoslavia and to entertain guests such as Italian fascist dictator Mussolini. Built with bulletproof glass and armor-plated side panels, Hitler personally ordered the 7.7liter beast – serial number 189744 – which he took delivery of in July 1939 in Berlin. After the Nazis were obliterated, the US Army seized the vehicle in 1945 … Continue reading

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As we’ve reported, the US government is spending money like a drunken sailor. But nobody really seems to care. Since Nov. 8, the US national debt has risen $1 trillion. Meanwhile, the Russell 2000 (a small-cap stock market index) has risen by 30%. Former Reagan budget director David Stockman said this makes no sense in a rational world, and he thinks the FY 2019 is going to sink the casino. In a rational world operating with honest financial markets those two results would not be found in even remotely the same zip code; and especially not in month #102 of a tired economic expansion and … Continue reading

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On November 4, 1979, the US embassy in Iran was overtaken by Iranian students supportive of the Iranian Revolution. Over 50 American citizens were taken hostage. The whole of the United States, and indeed the world, looked on, fearing how the situation would end, given the instability in the country since the abdication of the shah and the subsequent return of the one-time exiled Ayatollah Khomeini over ten months earlier. By the end of 1980, things were looking more promising, and shortly after the newly elected US president, Ronald Reagan, had taken the oath of office in Washington, DC, on January … Continue reading

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The new Steven Spielberg historical drama The Post is a celebration of how Democrats turn lemons into lemonade via their control of the media. A prequel to the 1976 Watergate movie All the President’s Men, the new movie recounts how the Democratic Washington Post used an embarrassing 1971 Democratic scandal—Daniel Ellsberg’s leaking of the Pentagon Papers, the LBJ administration’s secret history of its own incompetence and insincerity in Vietnam—to take its first tentative steps toward eventually teaming up with the Deep State (in the person of J. Edgar Hoover loyalist Mark “Deep Throat” Felt) to overthrow the elected Republican president three years later. Spielberg rushed The Post into production just last … Continue reading

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Apple has been accused of being ‘racist’ after a Chinese boy realised he could unlock his mum’s iPhone X using the facial recognition software. A husband bought his wife the new smartphone, but she was then shocked to discover it could be unlocked by the couple’s son. It seems the family, who live in the city of Shanghai are not the only Chinese users who have been able to open each other’s phones. Increasingly iPhone users in China – a country of more than a billion people – are concerned about their iPhone X’s security and privacy features. The father, identified only by his … Continue reading

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This is the time of year that Big Media seeks to appease its biggest advertisers, Big Pharma, by helping to spread fear and panic about this year’s “flu epidemic.” They commonly quote sensationalized statistics, suggesting that you will die or become very ill unless you vaccinate. However, conveniently enough, even the Lung Association admits that the vast majority of these deaths associated with the flu are not from this illness at all but from pneumonia.1 This merging of statistics is rare in medicine or science, except when the economics of Big Pharma (or another big industry) are involved, as their … Continue reading

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Long-time rumors about presidential candidate Nixon conspiring to delay the ending of the Vietnam War were recently confirmed. A year ago, historian and journalist John A Farrell wrote in the New York Times: fA newfound cache of notes left by H. R. Haldeman, [Nixon’s] closest aide, shows that Nixon directed his campaign’s efforts to scuttle the peace talks [President Johnson’s 1968 peace initiative to bring the war in Vietnam to an early conclusion], which he feared could give his opponent, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, an edge in the 1968 election. On Oct. 22, 1968, he ordered Haldeman to “monkey wrench” the initiative. … Continue reading

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