Eric Schmidt, chief executive of Google parent company Alphabet, was appointed chairman of a Department of Defense program in 2016 that was established by former President Barack Obama’s administration. A staunch supporter of the Democratic Party and critic of President Donald Trump, Schmidt still continues to lead the Defense Innovation Board (DIB), even well after the new administration took over in January. This begs the question: should Schmidt’s history of partisan advocacy and condemnation of Trump be a worrisome prospect for the current White House? Regardless of the answer, Trump’s retention of Schmidt may be emblematic of more than political … Continue reading

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This is the time of year that Big Media seeks to appease its biggest advertisers, Big Pharma, by helping to spread fear and panic about this year’s “flu epidemic.” They commonly quote sensationalized statistics, suggesting that you will die or become very ill unless you vaccinate. However, conveniently enough, even the Lung Association admits that the vast majority of these deaths associated with the flu are not from this illness at all but from pneumonia.1 This merging of statistics is rare in medicine or science, except when the economics of Big Pharma (or another big industry) are involved, as their … Continue reading

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Long-time rumors about presidential candidate Nixon conspiring to delay the ending of the Vietnam War were recently confirmed. A year ago, historian and journalist John A Farrell wrote in the New York Times: fA newfound cache of notes left by H. R. Haldeman, [Nixon’s] closest aide, shows that Nixon directed his campaign’s efforts to scuttle the peace talks [President Johnson’s 1968 peace initiative to bring the war in Vietnam to an early conclusion], which he feared could give his opponent, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, an edge in the 1968 election. On Oct. 22, 1968, he ordered Haldeman to “monkey wrench” the initiative. … Continue reading

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Nuclear testing is rare today, but at its peak it wasn’t unusual for 100 bombs to be detonated in a single year. Many of those explosions were captured on tape, and today the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is working to restore the rare footage and share it with the public. As Paleofuture reports, 62 newly declassified test films have just been released as part of the project. The clips, once considered sensitive government material, are now available on YouTube for anyone to see. They date from the 1940s to the early 1960s and depict atmospheric explosions, a practice that ended in 1962. The U.S. signed a nuclear test … Continue reading

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Ron Paul appeared on CNBC to warn viewers that cryptocurrencies had become an asset that rivals the bubble he sees in stocks… “I think it’s going to continue to do exactly what it’s doing. It’s going higher and it’s going lower,” he said Tuesday on CNBC’s ‘Futures Now’. The Duran recommends using WP Engine >> “We can look at what’s happening now, which to me is a climactic end of QEs.” CNBC reports that Pauls sees the cryptocurrency craze as a side effect of central banks doing several rounds of quantitative easing to cope with the last financial crisis. “I look at the problems we face. … Continue reading

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It’s sinking is the worst recorded maritime disaster in history. 9000 people perished. It is the naval disaster that dwarfs the Titanic but is rarely mentioned despite being the largest maritime catastrophe in history. In 1945 almost 10,000 men, women and children were killed on board cruise liner the MV Wilhelm Gustloff as they fled the advancing Russian Army. The ship set sail from Gdynia, then Gotenhafen, in occupied Poland and was bound for Kiel in northern Germany, but was attacked by a Russian submarine in the Baltic Sea in January 1945. It sank in less than 40 minutes, causing the deaths … Continue reading

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Venezuelan children are STARVING to death as food must now be delivered under armed guardAll of the various economic models employed by dictators, thugs, and autocratic rulers worldwide have produced nothing but misery, hardship, and death, yet far too many American Millennials are supportive and even fascinated by them. They are, in no particular order, communism, Marxism, and socialism. Communism, as practiced by the Soviet Union, was ultimately responsible for its demise. Marxism, as practiced by Cuba, transformed over decades what was once a thriving Caribbean hotspot into an impoverished, decrepit nightmare. And socialism, as its being practiced in Venezuela, … Continue reading

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Originally published by U.S.A. – We’re living in it. The simple fact is bad guns are few and far between. Accurate guns are available on the cheap and the cost of optics has plunged. I credit new modern manufacturing techniques, but also a growing market for guns. That growing market means more room for innovation and profits that allow gun manufacturers to improve and expand. The recently signed tax bill will do nothing but help with expansion and innovation. 20 years ago a buddy of mine ordered a brand new Weatherby in 7mm. In 1990’s dollars he spent $2 grand … Continue reading

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A federal judge in Las Vegas on Wednesday declared a mistrial in the case against rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons, and a fourth man who took part in the 2014 confrontation with the federal government. U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro cited the government’s failure to turn over documents that could help the defendants on over a dozen conspiracy and assault charges brought against them as cause to bring the trial to a halt. “The court does regrettably believe a mistrial in this case is the most suitable and only remedy,” said Navarro, as reported by The Oregonian. Navarro had warned more than a … Continue reading

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Not long ago, a study was published suggesting that Apple deliberately sabotages its old products. The study was performed by student Laura Trucco at Harvard University. By reviewing worldwide searches for “iPhone slow,” she found that this phrase was searched more, by a significant amount, whenever a new iPhone was about to be launched. Trucco then compared her results to the findings of other searchers for Apple’s competitors’ phones,  such as “Samsung Galaxy slow,” and found that the phrase was not searched for more around the time that a new Samsung phone model was released. The number of Google searches for … Continue reading

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Will robots one day destroy us? It’s a question that increasingly preoccupies many of our most brilliant scientists and tech entrepreneurs. For developments in artificial intelligence (AI) — machines programmed to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence — are poised to reshape our workplace and leisure time dramatically. This year, a leading Oxford academic, Professor Michael Wooldridge, warned MPs that AI could go ‘rogue’, that machines might become so complex that the engineers who create them will no longer understand them or be able to predict how they function. Yes, it’s a concern, but a ‘historic’ new development makes … Continue reading

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Review by William Sullivan: We as a nation forget what we do right. We forget that it is the 50 states that make the nation and not just what happens in DC. There is not one factory in DC, nor a farm field, let alone an oil well, or a shipyard or anything else that makes America the great experiment that it is. The 50 states are what makes America great and that forgotten piece of paper we know as The Constitution. If DC were to fall off the earth I doubt “we the people” would notice the loss of “they … Continue reading

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American consumers, particularly parents, should be asking some hard questions about why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) apparently have no interest in improving vaccine safety. In the face of snowballing vaccine scandals—from fudged safety trials that use other vaccines as placebos, to persistent use of neurotoxic aluminum adjuvants, to the accelerated rollout of unproven vaccines that may be causing more problems than they solve—these and other vaccine advocacy organizations are not only turning a blind eye but are actively circling the wagons while beefing up public relations (PR) intended to stifle discussion. These PR efforts are on revealing … Continue reading

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There is a mass exodus from Illinois. According to the US Census Bureau, the Prairie State lost a net 33,700 residents in fiscal year 2017. More people bailed out of Illinois than any other state in the US. And based on calculations the folks over at ZeroHedge worked out, the exodus was even worse than the Census Bureau numbers indicate. Of course, the net population loss masks the true gross outflow of Illinois residents as it doesn’t account for natural births/deaths. Assuming that Illinois has the same natural population growth as the US as a whole (0.7%) implies that the state lost a … Continue reading

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