When a website forces you to use numbers, symbols, and a certain amount of characters in your password, it can be frustrating, but those strength requirements are there for a reason. Without them, many users will enter a password that’s easy to remember and, by extension, is easy for hackers to guess. There are several ways to keep your online identity secure, but before you do anything else, make sure you’re not using any passwords from the list below. SplashData compiled this data by analyzing millions of accounts—mostly from users in western Europe and North America—that were compromised in the … Continue reading

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NEW YORK—If you’re having a gay wedding, and your cake has been baked by a man who thinks gay marriage is an abomination against God, do not eat the cake. I’m surprised I have to tell you this. People like myself are in no danger at all because we learned years ago to never eat the wedding cake. Quick digression for all men who hate weddings as much as I do: Volunteer to park the cars. It’s less boring than the reception, it makes you late for everything (“Sorry, I was parking the latecomers”), and the family thinks you’re a selfless … Continue reading

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions has instructed Justice Department prosecutors to ask FBI agents about a past criminal investigation into a business transaction that put 20 per cent of America’s uranium mining capacity in the hands of the Russian government. Renewed interest in what has become known as the Uranium One deal threatens to embroil Bill and Hillary Clinton, whose personal fortunes and family foundation were enriched by people tied to the transaction. An assistant attorney general told Congress in November that the DOJ would consider whether appointing a new special counsel was warranted in the case. President Trump has sought to use … Continue reading

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Christmas is less than a week away and that means the time is right for a list of seven concealed carry handguns for last minute shoppers. Some of the handguns on the list are revolvers, others semiautomatics, but all are concealable and demonstrably popular for self-defense. Ruger LCP II—The Ruger LCP II is an updated version of the extremely popular LCP. The pistol is chambered in .380 with a grip that is slightly wider than the original LCP. The wider grip was added to diminish recoil. The grip of the LCP II is textured to help keep the gun steady … Continue reading

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Oh cheese. So delicious, but so forbidden if you want to keep your heart healthy. Well, not anymore! If you’re a lover of cheese like I am, then I have some great news for you. Daily consumption of cheese (40 grams or 1.41 ounces) may cut your risk of heart disease and stroke, according to research findings. If that doesn’t have you asking your friend to pass the cheddar, then I don’t know what will. The study examined 15 studies that looked at the effects of cheese on cardiovascular disease. Cheese has often been frowned upon, as it can raise cholesterol levels, … Continue reading

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Scientists at Rutgers University recently discovered the large mass of boiling hot rock that stretches across Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire. And it is believed it will eventually lead to a volcanic eruption as the magma nears the surface. Vadim Levin, a professor at Rutgers’ Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said: “The upwelling we detected is like a hot air balloon, and we infer that something is rising up through the deeper part of our planet under New England. “It is a very large and relatively stable region, but we found an irregular pattern with rather abrupt changes in it. … Continue reading

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*Before you start reading, it’s important to mention that we’ve published multiple articles as to why this vaccine is a concern, filled with evidence and science. Click here to read those. Gardasil 9, the latest human papilloma virus vaccine, will be given to all Australian 12- and 13-year-old students beginning in 2018. The announcement that Gardasil 9 would replace the quadrivalent Gardasil was made by the Prime Minister at the North Bondi Surf Club. That Malcolm Turnbull was involved in the ceremony surprised me, but clearly it illustrates the strong support the government has for the practice of vaccination. The spectacle is worth examining, firstly for … Continue reading

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Gun stores have a difficult job. While it sounds like a heck of an awesome way to make a living, surrounded by firearms, but that’s before you take into account the reams of paperwork required by the federal government just to be legal. One screw up can have some nasty ramifications on your livelihood and possibly your freedom. To make matters worse, however, is that the same federal government can screw your business over just by not doing anything. This past weekend was supposed to be one of the most profitable for Scott Roe, the owner of Spillway Sportsman off Highway … Continue reading

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Former Senate leader Harry Reid (D-NV) proudly claims to have slipped $22 million into the Pentagon’s “black” budget a decade ago to fund a secret Pentagon department to keep an eye on the UFO Menace. The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, the former DoD agency started by the Senate majority leader, released video of a UFO said to have been filmed in 2004 by F-18 pilots sent to track a mysterious paramecium-shaped dot. Reid says he launched the Pentagon office without needing to tell any fellow members of Congress other than the octogenarian Lions of the Senate Daniel Inouye (D-HI) and Ted Stevens (R-AK), … Continue reading

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From the American Geophysical Union and the “but we’ll still find a way to blame CO2, just you wait” department. It seems this is a frustrating day for climate-ice researchers, earlier, it was found that ice cores used to determine ancient CO2 levels are likely contaminated by microbes, and they altered the gas mixture balance. Algae growth reduces reflectivity, enhances Greenland ice sheet melting WASHINGTON D.C. — New research shows algae growing on the Greenland ice sheet, the Earth’s second-largest ice sheet, significantly reduce the surface reflectivity of the ice sheet’s bare ice area and contribute more to its melting than … Continue reading

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Hillary Clinton’s image has declined since June and is now the worst Gallup has measured for her to date. Her favorable rating has fallen five percentage points since June to a new low of 36%, while her unfavorable rating has hit a new high of 61%. Clinton’s prior low favorable rating was 38% in late August/early September 2016 during the presidential campaign. She also registered a 38% favorable rating (with a 40% unfavorable rating) in April 1992, when she was much less well-known. Time to buy old US gold coins The current results are based on a … Continue reading

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1984 is a thrilling classic novel by George Orwell that brings readers into a dystopian society where citizens know “Big brother is watching you.” (Orwell 2) The book follows Winston Smith as he secretly denounces the all-powerful government, Big Brother, and decides to live a daring life of scandals and secrets. As expected, Big Brother catches Winston, and tortures him ruthlessly until he is a shell of his former self. Although the storyline itself is exhilarating enough to make readers want to turn the next page, it’s really the larger message that makes this read so worthwhile: extreme political philosophies, … Continue reading

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At age 17, Aristotle enrolled in the Platonic Academy. He would stay there for 20 years. Founded by the father of Western philosophy, the Greek philosopher Plato, Aristotle was the most promising student around. He asked many questions and answered even more. The exact time of his departure from the Academy is disputed, but it’s said that he left soon after Plato died due to his dislike of the direction that it subsequently took. In the years following, he would even go on to argue against many of his late teacher’s core ideas. It’s impossible to say how much Aristotle … Continue reading

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Oslo, Norway — Norway is the latest country to move toward decriminalizing drugs and promoting addiction treatment rather than punishing addicts. This week, a majority of members of the Norwegian parliament directed the national government to reform its policies. “The majority in the parliament has asked the government to prepare for reform,” a spokesperson for the Storting, the Norwegian legislature, told Newsweek. “It has started a political process,” he said, still cautioning that “it’s just the starting point.” Despite some headlines’ claims that drugs have already been decriminalized, there is no legislation yet. Nicolas Wilkinson, the SV (Socialist Left) party’s health spokesman in the Storting, said … Continue reading

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The statement comes in the wake of a media report, saying that the US is planning to spend approximately $214 million on upgrading and building military structures and installations on its air bases in Eastern Europe, Norway and Iceland as part of a “deterrence” initiative against Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on the United States to withdraw nuclear weapons from European territory. “Russia returned all its nuclear weapons to its national territory. We believe that the same should have been done by the American side a long time ago,” Mikhail Ulyanov, director of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control at the Russian Foreign Ministry, told … Continue reading

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